


      英 [ɪgˈnɔ:(r)]

      美 [ɪɡˈnɔr, -ˈnor]


      形容词: ignorable 名词: ignorer 过去式: ignored 过去分词: ignored 现在分词: ignoring 第三人称单数: ignores


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  •       不顾,忽视,不理会,忽略,忽略不计 ,无视,漠视
  •       【律】驳回(起诉书)
  •       抹煞(建议)
  •       睥睨
  •       不去管,不考虑
  •       不去注意,没有注意
  •       没有谈到,只字不提
  •       对...装聋作哑,满不在乎,毫不在乎,全然不顾,不屑一顾
  •       对…不予理会,佯装未见,不予理睬


  •       vt. 不顾,不理,忽视 take no notice of; refuse to pay attention to


      1. be ignorant of or in the dark about

      2. give little or no attention to

      e.g. Disregard the errors

      Synonym: neglectdisregard

      3. bar from attention or consideration

      e.g. She dismissed his advances

      Synonym: dismissdisregardbrush asidebrush offdiscountpush aside

      4. refuse to acknowledge

      e.g. She cut him dead at the meeting

      Synonym: disregardsnubcut

      5. fail to notice

      1. 不顾;不理;忽视
      If you ignore someone or something, you pay no attention to them.

      e.g. She said her husband ignored her...
      e.g. The government had ignored his views on the subject...

      2. 忽略;忽视
      If you say that an argument or theory ignores an important aspect of a situation, you are criticizing it because it fails to consider that aspect or to take it into account.


      e.g. Such arguments ignore the question of where ultimate responsibility lay.


      1. 不理睬:然后根据游戏需要决定该对象对下列敌方目标是采取攻击(Attacek)、防御 ( Defend) 、 避让 (Evade)还是不理睬(Ignore)如果选择的是友方目标,则指定该对象保护(Protect) 所选友方目标如果选择的是敌方目标,则指定该对象的目标(Target)是所选敌方目标

  •       情景对话

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      A:May I help you?

      B:Yes, today is my first day. Do you know where the photocopier is?

      A:Of course. I’ll show you. My name is Kevin. What’s your name?

      B:Emily. Nice to meet you.

      A:Likewise. So, what department are you working in?

      B:I’m working in Admissions. How about you?


      A:I’m the sales manager.

      B:How long have you been working here?

      A:About 6 years now.

      B:You must like it then.

      A:Yes, it’s a good company to work for. The staff is friendly and the benefits are great.

      B:What do you think about the boss?


      A:He’s alright.

      B:Is he really strict?

      A:No, he’s quite the opposite. He’s the most laid-back boss I’ve ever had.


      B:I heard that sometimes he loses his tempter easily.

      A:Sometimes, but usually forgets about it later.


      B:Has he ever yelled at you?

      A:Plenty of times. You just have to learn to ignore it.

      B:Thanks for the help. I’m going to make these photocopies now.


      A:What do you do when people ask you for money?

      B:I rarely give people money.


      A:Why not?

      B:I never know what they’re going to use it for.

      A:What do you think they use it for?

      B:Some beggars have to give their money to someone else, some people actually need it, and some people use it to buy alcohol.

      A:So do you just ignore them?

      B:No, I try to treat them nicely. If I have food, I give it to them.


      A:What if they’re not hungry?

      B:I think that if they’re begging for money, they must be hungry.

      A:I guess. Do you ever feel bad for not giving them money?

      B:Sometimes I do. What do you do?

      A:I always give the money.

      B:How much do you give them?

      A:A few dollars.

      B:That’s a lot of money. Do they ever say thank you?

      A:Some people do.

      B:Do you think they need the money?

      A:I’m not one to judge.

      B:What if they’re using it for alcohol?

      A:Then so what. If I give them money, it’s theirs. They can use it how they like.

      B:It’s difficult situation, isn’t it?


      A:It sure is.


  •       I was deeply hurt by the way she just ignored me.
  •       They ignore our warning.
  •       The government would be unwise to ignore the growing dissatisfaction with its economic policies.
  •       I can't ignore his rudeness any longer.
  •       We have some differences; we do not ignore them, but neither do we exaggerate them.
  •       He ignores the circumstance that he made the same mistake as his rival.
  • 1
  •       He who ignores outsiders is naturally ignored himself.

      用作动词 (v.)

  •       Others..desirous to be taught by me, the little that I know, and they ignore.

    出自:R. Boyle