right away


      英 [rait əˈwei]

      美 [raɪt əˈwe]

      立刻; 马上


  •       英英释义

  •       网络解释


      1. without delay or hesitation
      with no time intervening

      e.g. he answered immediately
      found an answer straightaway
      an official accused of dishonesty should be suspended forthwith
      Come here now!

      Synonym: immediatelyinstantlystraightawaystraight offdirectlynowat onceforthwithlike a shot

      2. at once (usually modifies an undesirable occurrence)

      e.g. he promptly forgot the address

      Synonym: promptly


      1. 立即,马上:be hospitalized 住院 | rightaway 立即,马上 | Related Expressions 相关句子


      2. 立刻,马上:ride over 骑马而来 | rightaway 立刻,马上 | ring off 挂断电话;停止讲话

      3. 马上:234 Really sensational! 真精彩! | 235 Rightaway! 马上! | 236 Right now! 马上要!

      4. 立刻:once in a while偶尔 | rightaway立刻 | side effect副作用

  •       情景对话


      A:What is your best price on this item ?

      B:$24.95 per hundred pieces

      right away的反义词

      A:That will be fine with us .

      B:Fine . I‘ll start the paperwork for your order rightaway .


      right away的翻译

      A:Hello, how can I help you, sir?

      B:I want to take out a loan for school. What kind of interest rates do you offer?

      right away的近义词

      A:Do you qualify for any of the federal loan programs?

      right away在线翻译

      B:Yes, but I need to borrow some more money.

      A:Well, in that case, we can offer you a private educational loan.

      right away是什么意思

      B:What’s the interest rate?

      A:It’s 7.2%, fixed-rate loan.

      B:How do I go about taking it out?

      right away的意思

      A:Just fill out this application. We can let you know rightaway if you qualify.

      B:All right. Thank you.

  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      Some children listen to you right away.(有的孩子马上就听你讲话。)

      Don't get up right away.(不要立刻就爬起来。)

      As soon as the crew gets back from lunch, we can put your narration on it right away.(工作人员吃过午饭一回来,我们就能马上把你的解说加在上面。)

      Then I'll have to talk to him right away.(那么我得马上和他谈谈。)

      I'll disappear right away.(我会立即消失。)

      They recognized right away she is an angle.(他们会马上意识到她是天使。)

      They became friends right away.(他们立刻变成了好朋友。)

      I need the answer right away.(我马上就需要答案。)

      When the estate agent showed us this house, we knew we wanted it right away.(当房地产经纪人带我们看这所房子时,我们就知道要立刻买下它。)

      Should the game stop right away?(游戏应该马上停止吗?)

      right away是什么意思 right away在线翻译 right away什么意思 right away的意思 right away的翻译 right away的解释 right away的发音 right away的同义词
