


      英 [teə(r)]

      美 [ter ]




      名词: tearer 过去式: tore 过去分词: torn 现在分词: tearing 第三人称单数: tears


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  •       眼泪,泪,泪珠
  •       裂缝,撕裂处,扯破的洞,绽线的地方
  •       撕,扯,撕裂
  •       激怒
  •       狂奔
  •       狂闹,闹饮
  •       滴
  •       水珠,露珠
  •       玻璃珠,树脂珠
  •       珍珠


  •       流泪,含泪
  •       拉掉,拉破,撕掉,撕开,撕,扯,(被)撕裂,,扯掉,扯开
  •       狂奔,飞跑,猛冲,飞奔,疾驰
  •       使精神不安,折磨,使烦恼
  •       划破,刺破,刺伤,抓破,(被)撕破,(被)扯破,戳破
  •       夺去,抢去
  •       撕毁,撕裂,猛然撕掉
  •       (使)分裂,裂开
  •       拔掉
  •       赶快


  •       [C]眼泪,泪水 drops of salty liquid that flows from the eyes, especially because of pain or sadness


  •       vt. & vi. 撕,扯; (使)分裂 pull apart or into pieces by force, especially so as to leave irregular edges
  •       vt. & vi. 刮伤; 扯伤 scratch badly; wound by tearing
  •       vt. 使烦恼; 使痛苦 cause great pain to; make miserable; distress
  •       vi. 飞奔 move excitedly with great speed


  •       [C]破洞,裂口 a torn place in cloth, paper, etc.



      1. the act of tearing

      e.g. he took the manuscript in both hands and gave it a mighty tear

      2. an occasion for excessive eating or drinking

      e.g. they went on a bust that lasted three days

      Synonym: bustbingebout

      3. a drop of the clear salty saline solution secreted by the lacrimal glands

      e.g. his story brought tears to her eyes

      Synonym: teardrop

      4. an opening made forcibly as by pulling apart

      e.g. there was a rip in his pants
      she had snags in her stockings

      Synonym: riprentsnagsplit


      1. fill with tears or shed tears

      e.g. Her eyes were tearing

      2. strip of feathers

      e.g. pull a chicken
      pluck the capon

      Synonym: pluckpulldeplumedeplumatedisplume

      3. to separate or be separated by force

      e.g. planks were in danger of being torn from the crossbars

      4. separate or cause to separate abruptly

      e.g. The rope snapped
      tear the paper

      Synonym: rupturesnapbust

      5. move quickly and violently

      e.g. The car tore down the street
      He came charging into my office

      Synonym: shootshoot downchargebuck


      1. 眼泪;泪水;泪珠
      Tears are the drops of salty liquid that come out of your eyes when you are crying.

      e.g. Her eyes filled with tears...
      e.g. I just broke down and wept with tears of joy...

      2. 哭泣
      You can use tears in expressions such as in tears ,burst into tears, and close to tears to indicate that someone is crying or is almost crying.

      e.g. He was in floods of tears on the phone...
      e.g. She burst into tears and ran from the kitchen...

      3. see also: crocodile tears;sweat;and tears
      blood -> see blood


      1. 撕开;扯坏;扯破
      If you tear paper, cloth, or another material, or if it tears, you pull it into two pieces or you pull it so that a hole appears in it.

      e.g. She very nearly tore my overcoat...
      e.g. Mary Ann tore the edge off her napkin...

      2. (纸、布等的)破洞,窟窿
      A tear in paper, cloth, or another material is a hole that has been made in it.

      e.g. I peered through a tear in the van's curtains.

      3. 撕裂,撕开,划破(皮肉)
      If something tears your flesh or skin, it cuts it badly.

      e.g. Canine teeth are for piercing and killing prey, and tearing flesh...
      e.g. He had stumbled down and torn the skin from his knees.

      4. (使)(肌肉、韧带)拉伤,撕裂
      If you tear one of your muscles or ligaments, or if it tears, you injure it by accidentally moving it in the wrong way.

      e.g. He tore a muscle in his right thigh...
      e.g. If the muscle is stretched again it could even tear.

      5. 撕掉;扯去;拔掉
      To tear something from somewhere means to remove it roughly and violently.

      e.g. She tore the windscreen wipers from his car...
      e.g. He tore down the girl's photograph, and crumpled it into a ball.

      6. (人、动物)撕扯,撕咬
      If a person or animal tears at something, they pull it violently and try to break it into pieces.

      e.g. Female fans fought their way past bodyguards and tore at his clothes.

      7. (常指失控或危险地)奔,冲,闯
      If you tear somewhere, you move there very quickly, often in an uncontrolled or dangerous way.


      e.g. The door flew open and Miranda tore into the room...
      e.g. Without looking to left or to right, he tore off down the road.

      8. 使饱经创伤;使经受磨难
      If you say that a place is torn by particular events, you mean that unpleasant events which cause suffering and division among people are happening there.

      e.g. ...a country that has been torn by civil war and foreign invasion since its independence.

      ...the riot-torn areas of Los Angeles.

      9. see also: torn;wear and tear. to tear a strip off
      -> see strip
      to tear someone to pieces -> see piece
      to tear someone to shreds -> see shred

      相关词组:tear aparttear awaytear downtear intotear offtear up

      1. 撕裂:「嘻嘻嘻不愧是贝儿的女儿,马上就放松了. 我想想......接下来我想喝用阿萨姆的CTC(注:红茶的加工法之一,碾碎(Crush)、撕裂(Tear)、卷起(Curl)的缩写. )茶叶冲泡的温奶茶呢. 」

      2. 撕破:耳朵(ear)听(ting)到感人(touching)的故事就会百感交集,感觉耳朵犹如或被拉掉,或被撕破(tear)一样,受到触动. 于是要么伤心落泪,要么感激涕零,要么勃然大怒. 总之,眼泪(tear)止不住地掉下来. 人们注重穿戴(wear)无非是为了耳朵(ear)舒服,

  •       常用短语

  •       相关词组

  •       常用例句

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    擦掉眼泪 clear away the tears


    抑制眼泪 hold back; control tears

      1. in tears : 流着泪;

      2. tear off : 扯掉, 跑掉, 匆匆写成;


  •       The tears flowed down from her eyes.
  •       Her tears were fought back on such an occasion.
  •       She cried hot tears upon the books.
  •       The old man's tears were flowing freely.
  •       She came near to tears.
  •       When I told them my story the girls broke into tears.
  •       It was difficult for her to fight back her tears.
  •       When she learned the sad news, she found it hard to choke back her tears.
  •       The remark touched her to the quick and she gave way to tears.
  •       The sound of her sob fetched tears to the eyes.
  •       He brushed aside the tears with his sleeve.
  •       She turned round, and dashed away the tears with a corner of her handkerchief.
  •       I was truly moved by his tears.
  •       She cannot fool me with her crocodile's tears.
  •       His eyes filled with tears as he looked lovingly at her.
  •       Her eyes were flooded with tears.
  •       Her eyes were blinded with tears.
  •       She alternated between laughter and tears.
  •       This is English grammar without tears.


  •       I want cloth that won't tear.
  •       It seemed to be made of a thin sheet of some hard substance and it would not tear.


  •       Why did you tear the cloth when I'd advised you to cut it with scissors?
  •       I tore my coat this morning.
  •       The saw tore her hand.
  •       Political conflict has torn the nation.
  •       The child's misery tore my heart.
  •       He flew into a rage and tore my hair.
  • 1
  •       The clothes were torn and patched in a good many places.
  •       The reactionary ruling clique was torn by internal strife.
  •       The country had been torn by wars.
  •       In those years our mother land was torn by civil war.
  •       He was torn by rage.
  •       He is torn by jealousy.
  •       His heart was torn by anxiety.

      用作名词 (n.)


      用作动词 (v.)


      用作名词 (n.)

  •       He must not flote upon his watry bear..With-out the meed of som melodious tear.

  •       His pants were patched, never mind the tear in the seat.

    出自:A. Brink
  •       The hogs..scuffled over the snake, tore it apart.

    出自:J. Agee
  •       He had torn the letter into small bits.

    出自:Sloan Wilson
  •       The fumes were still so strong our eyes teared.

    出自:Jayne Phillips
  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解

  •       常见错误

  •       词源解说


  •       tear用作名词时,意思是“眼泪”,是可数名词,常用复数形式。
  •       in tears意为“流着泪”。


  •       tear的基本意思是“撕”“扯”,多指在外力作用下使东西裂开(留有粗糙的边缘)或离开其附着处。引申可表示“折磨”“奔跑”“快步走开”等。
  •       tear既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词作宾语,有时也可接由形容词、副词充当补足语的复合宾语。用作不及物动词时,主动形式含有被动意义。
  •       tear的过去分词torn可用作形容词,在句中作表语或定语。


  •       tear用作名词时意思是“破洞,裂口”,是可数名词。


  •       Tears come to eyes.
  •       Tears come into eyes.
  •       泪水涌上眼睛。
  •       v.(动词)

    tear, rip
  •       这两个词均可表示“撕裂”。其区别在于:tear意为撕成碎片,留有粗糙的边缘; rip意为用力撕扯,通常指在连接处撕扯。例如:
  •       He ripped the envelope open.他把信封撕开。
  •       n.(名词)

    tear, split
  •       这两个词都有“撕裂”的意思。其区别在于:tear多指外力作用下的撕裂; split既可指外力作用下的撕裂、分裂,也可指物体内部自动地分裂、裂开。例如:
  •       Split the pineapple before peeling it.先把菠萝切开,然后削皮。
  •       The furniture split open in the sunshine.家具在阳光下晒裂了。
  •       n.(名词)


            误 They poor girl burst into tear when she heard the bad news.

            正 They poor girl burst into tears when she heard the bad news.

            析 tear作“眼泪”解时,为可数名词,常用复数形式。



            误 I tore a letter to my family while waiting in the airport lounge.

            正 I tore off a letter to my family while waiting in the airport lounge.

            析 tear off表示“匆匆地做”,副词off不可省略。

    •       ☆ 直接源自古英语的tear,意为眼中的水。
    •       高考真题例句

          高考真题例句OG 1.tear

          When I handed him the gift card, saying he could use it for whatever his family might need, he burst into tears.

          当我递给他礼品卡, 告诉他可以用它兑换家里需要的任何东西时, 他突然哭了起来。


    •       近义词

    •       反义词

    •       临近词





          Don't you dare tear up her ticket.(你竟敢撕坏她的票。)

          Dinner's ready, if you can tear yourself away from the TV.(开饭了,别舍不得离开电视了。)

          Oh, I'll tear him!(哦,我要撕碎他!)

          Ann wiped a tear from her eye.(安擦去眼里的泪水。)

          If you tear the paper into four pieces, we can each have something to write on.(如果你把这张纸撕成四份,我们每个人就都有纸可写了。)

          I peered through a tear in the van's curtains.(我透过货车窗帘上的一个破洞偷偷窥视。)

          Brian began to tear blades of grass from between the bricks.(布赖恩开始从砖缝儿里拔草叶。)

          If we leave that poor Marionette in his hands, he may tear him to pieces!(如果我们把那个可怜的木偶留在他手里,他会把他撕成碎片的!)

          Benjamin Rogers, did you tear this book?(本杰明·罗杰斯,你把这本书撕了吗?)

          A tear traced a path down her cheek.(一滴眼泪沿着她的面颊流了下来。)

          tear是什么意思 tear在线翻译 tear什么意思 tear的意思 tear的翻译 tear的解释 tear的发音 tear的同义词
