


      英 [graʊnd]

      美 [ɡraʊnd]


      v.使停飞;困在家中;放在地上;使 ... 搁浅;打基础

      过去式: grounded 过去分词: grounded 现在分词: grounding 第三人称单数: grounds


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  •       场地,场所
  •       地,地面
  •       土地,土壤
  •       根据,理由
  •       范围
  •       渣滓,沉淀物
  •       地域,水域
  •       基础
  •       庭园
  •       阵地
  •       底子
  •       底,海底
  •       立场
  •       背景
  •       【电】地线;接地;接地装置
  •       地板
  •       【矿】脉石
  •       【橄榄球】跑动进攻打法


  •       【海】使搁浅,触海底,搁浅
  •       使停飞, 阻止…起飞
  •       罚(儿童)不准出门
  •       以某事物为基础,根据,基于,把...建立在牢固的基础上,把...基于,在...基础上树立
  •       【电】把...接地,使接地
  •       给...以基础训练,给...打基础,教给...基本知识
  •       依靠
  •       【空】着陆,落地
  •       把...放在地上,使落地
  •       放下(武器)
  •       给上底色,加底子
  •       【棒球】击地滚球,击出内场地滚球后在一垒被杀出局(常与out连用)


  •       动词grind的过去式和过去分词形式


  •       (食物)磨碎的,磨成粉的,碾碎的
  •       磨平的
  •       磨过的
  •       土地的,地面上的
  •       接近地面的
  •       生长在地里的


  •       [S]地面 solid surface of the earth
  •       [U]泥土,土地 soil; earth
  •       [C]场地 piece of land used for a particular purpose
  •       [C]地域,水域 large area of land or sea used for the stated purpose
  •       [C]建筑物四周的土地或花园; 庭园 land or gardens round a building, often enclosed with walls, hedges or fences
  •       [C]理由 reason


  •       vt. & vi. 搁浅; 停飞 touch the sea bottoms; (of aircraft, airmen) compel to stay on the ground
  •       vt. 使接地 earth
  •       vt. 将…放在地上 lay on the ground



      1. the first or preliminary coat of paint or size applied to a surface

      Synonym: flat coatprimerprimingprimer coatpriming coatundercoat

      2. (art) the surface (as a wall or canvas) prepared to take the paint for a painting

      3. a connection between an electrical device and a large conducting body, such as the earth (which is taken to be at zero voltage)

      Synonym: earth

      4. a relatively homogeneous percept extending back of the figure on which attention is focused

      5. the part of a scene (or picture) that lies behind objects in the foreground

      e.g. he posed her against a background of rolling hills

      Synonym: background

      6. a position to be won or defended in battle (or as if in battle)

      e.g. they gained ground step by step
      they fought to regain the lost ground

      7. a rational motive for a belief or action

      e.g. the reason that war was declared
      the grounds for their declaration

      Synonym: reason

      8. the solid part of the earth's surface

      e.g. the plane turned away from the sea and moved back over land
      the earth shook for several minutes
      he dropped the logs on the ground

      Synonym: landdry landearthsolid groundterra firma

      9. material in the top layer of the surface of the earth in which plants can grow (especially with reference to its quality or use)

      e.g. the land had never been plowed
      good agricultural soil

      Synonym: landsoil

      10. a relation that provides the foundation for something

      e.g. they were on a friendly footing
      he worked on an interim basis

      Synonym: footingbasis

      11. the loose soft material that makes up a large part of the land surface

      e.g. they dug into the earth outside the church

      Synonym: earth



      1. use as a basis for
      found on

      e.g. base a claim on some observation

      Synonym: establishbasefound

      2. instruct someone in the fundamentals of a subject

      3. connect to a ground

      e.g. ground the electrical connections for safety reasons

      4. fix firmly and stably

      e.g. anchor the lamppost in concrete

      Synonym: anchor

      5. cover with a primer
      apply a primer to

      Synonym: primeundercoat

      6. hit onto the ground

      7. hit a groundball

      e.g. he grounded to the second baseman

      8. throw to the ground in order to stop play and avoid being tackled behind the line of scrimmage

      9. place or put on the ground

      10. confine or restrict to the ground

      e.g. After the accident, they grounded the plane and the pilot

      11. hit or reach the ground

      Synonym: run aground

      12. bring to the ground

      e.g. the storm grounded the ship

      Synonym: strandrun aground

      1. 地;地面
      The ground is the surface of the earth.

      e.g. Forty or fifty women were sitting cross-legged on the ground...
      e.g. We slid down the roof and dropped to the ground.

      2. (相对于空中的)地面
      If you say that something takes place on the ground, you mean it takes place on the surface of the earth and not in the air.

      e.g. Coordinating airline traffic on the ground is as complicated as managing the traffic in the air.

      3. 土;土地;土壤
      The ground is the soil and rock on the earth's surface.

      e.g. The ground had eroded.
      e.g. ...the marshy ground of the river delta.

      4. (尤指建筑物极少或具有某种特性的)土地
      You can refer to land as ground, especially when it has very few buildings or when it is considered to be special in some way.


      e.g. ...a stretch of waste ground...
      e.g. This memorial stands on sacred ground.

      5. (有特定用途的)场地
      You can use ground to refer to an area of land, sea, or air which is used for a particular activity.

      e.g. ...Indian hunting grounds...
      e.g. The best fishing grounds are around the islands.

      6. 运动场,…场(美国英语中亦作grounds)
      A ground is an area of land which is specially designed and made for playing sport or for some other activity. In American English grounds is also used.


      e.g. ...the city's football ground.
      e.g. ...a parade ground.

      7. (大型或重要建筑周围的)场地,庭院,花园
      The grounds of a large or important building are the garden or area of land which surrounds it.

      e.g. ...the palace grounds.
      e.g. ...the grounds of the University.

      8. (适于方法、思想等发展的)地方
      You can use ground to refer to a place or situation in which particular methods or ideas can develop and be successful.

      e.g. The company has maintained its reputation as the developing ground for new techniques...
      e.g. Seattle is fertile ground for small businesses.

      9. 范围;领域;基础
      You can use ground in expressions such as on shaky ground and the same ground to refer to a particular subject, area of experience, or basis for an argument.

      e.g. Sensing she was on shaky ground, Marie changed the subject...
      e.g. The French are on solid ground when they argue that competitiveness is no reason for devaluation...

      10. 优势;有利条件
      Ground is used in expressions such as gain ground ,lose ground, and give ground in order to indicate that someone gets or loses an advantage.

      e.g. There are signs that the party is gaining ground in the latest polls...
      e.g. The US dollar lost more ground.

      11. 理由;根据
      If something is grounds for a feeling or action, it is a reason for it. If you do something on the grounds of a particular thing, that thing is the reason for your action.

      e.g. In the interview he gave some grounds for optimism...
      e.g. The court overturned that decision on the grounds that the Prosecution had withheld crucial evidence...

      12. 以…为根据;建立在…基础上
      If an argument, belief, or opinion is grounded in something, that thing is used to justify it.

      e.g. Her argument was grounded in fact...
      e.g. They believe the soul is immortal, grounding this belief on the Divine nature of the human spirit.

      13. 使不能起飞;使停飞
      If an aircraft or its passengers are grounded, they are made to stay on the ground and are not allowed to take off.

      e.g. The civil aviation minister ordered all the planes to be grounded...
      e.g. A hydrogen leak forced NASA to ground the space shuttle.

      14. 罚(儿童)不能出门;禁足
      When parents ground a child, they forbid them to go out and enjoy themselves for a period of time, as a punishment.


      e.g. Thompson grounded him for a month, and banned television.

      15. (使)搁浅
      If a ship or boat is grounded or if it grounds, it touches the bottom of the sea, lake, or river it is on, and is unable to move off.

      e.g. Residents have been told to stay away from the region where the ship was grounded...
      e.g. The boat finally grounded on a soft, underwater bank.

      16. 接地装置;地线
      The ground in an electric plug or piece of electrical equipment is the wire through which electricity passes into the ground and which makes the equipment safe.

      in BRIT, use 英国英语用 earth

      17. (肉等)切碎的,磨碎的
      Ground meat has been cut into very small pieces in a machine.


      e.g. ...ground beef.
      e.g. ...The sausages are made of coarsely ground pork.

      in BRIT, usually use 英国英语通常用 minced


      19. see also: grounding;home ground

      20. 开辟新领域;开创新方法
      If you break new ground, you do something completely different or you do something in a completely different way.


      e.g. Gellhorn may have broken new ground when she filed her first report on the Spanish Civil War.

      21. 烧为灰烬;夷为平地
      If you say that a town or building is burnt to the ground or is razed to the ground, you are emphasizing that it has been completely destroyed by fire.


      e.g. The town was razed to the ground after the French Revolution.

      22. 共同看法;相同的立场
      If two people or groups find common ground, they agree about something, especially when they do not agree about other things.

      23. 躲藏起来;潜伏起来
      If you go to ground, you hide somewhere where you cannot easily be found.

      e.g. Citizens of East Beirut went to ground in basements and shelters.

      24. 中间立场;中间观点
      The middle ground between two groups, ideas, or plans involves things which do not belong to either of these groups, ideas, or plans but have elements of each, often in a less extreme form.


      e.g. She seems to have found a middle ground in which mutual support, rather than complete dependency, is possible.

      25. 开始;起步
      If something such as a project gets off the ground, it begins or starts functioning.

      e.g. We help small companies to get off the ground.

      26. 在自己熟悉的领域里;在自己的地盘
      If you are on your own ground, you are in a place or situation in which you feel confident because you are very familiar with it.

      e.g. On her own ground she knows exactly what she's doing.

      27. 为…打下基础
      If you prepare the ground for a future event, course of action, or development, you make it easier for it to happen.

      e.g. ...a political initiative which would prepare the ground for war.

      28. 改变立场;改变观点
      If you shift your ground or change your ground, you change the basis on which you are arguing.

      29. 坚持主张;坚定立场
      If you stand your ground or hold your ground, you continue to support a particular argument or to have a particular opinion when other people are opposing you or trying to make you change your mind.


      e.g. The spectacle of Sakharov standing his ground and speaking his mind gave me hope.

      30. 坚守阵地;不退却
      If you stand your ground or hold your ground, you do not run away from a situation, but face it bravely.

      e.g. She had to force herself to stand her ground when she heard someone approaching.

      31. (工作、衣服等)完全适合
      If you say that something such as a job or piece of clothing suits someone down to the ground, you mean that it is completely suitable or right for them.

      32. 为数不多;数目少
      If people or things of a particular kind are thin on the ground, there are very few of them.

      e.g. Good managers are often thin on the ground.

      33. to have one's ear to the ground -> see ear

      1. 接地:在U1、U2、U3之后的U4、U5、U6称为einzel lens,作为聚焦离子之用;通常U4和U6接地(ground),而U5加有电压,这飞行时间镜组和聚焦镜的连接与支撑是由陶瓷棒(ceramic rod)所串接而成,而整个镜组则直接锁於一个不锈钢圆筒上,


      2. ground:gnd; 接地

  •       常用短语

  •       相关词组

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文


    地面之下,在地下 beneath the surface of the earth


    开辟新天地,开始新的事业 introduce or discover a new method, system, etc.; innovate


      1. get off the ground : 开始;

      2. fall to the ground : 失败;

      3. stand one's ground : 坚守阵地;

      4. from the ground up : 从头开始;

      5. run into the ground : 把...做过头;

      6. on delicate ground : 处境微妙;

      7. on one's own ground : 在行;

      8. go to the ground : 落空, 成为泡影, 被打败;

      9. raze to the ground : 夷为平地;

      10. go to ground : 逃入地穴; 转入地下;


  •       He slipped off the ladder and fell to the ground.
  •       The bird fell to the ground.
  •       The branch broke and fell to the ground.
  •       The dead man was lying flat on the ground.
  •       The aircraft hadn't enough power to get off the ground.
  •       The ground is dry.
  •       In winter the ground is too hard to dig.
  •       The builders broke ground for a new shopping centre.
  •       They own all the ground in front of you as far as the next hill.
  •       This is one of the world's best fishing grounds.
  •       The cheers of the fans echoed round the ground as the team appeared.
  •       They entered the grounds ahead of us.
  •       Now that you've seen the house,I'll show you the grounds.
  •       The house has large and pleasant grounds.
  •       The grounds around his house are beautiful.
  •       They managed to cover quite a lot of ground in a short programme.
  •       This graduate course covers the same ground as the undergraduate degree course in Educational Administration.
  •       It was absurd to try to cover so much ground in such a short lecture.
  •       You're on dangerous ground when you criticize his daughter.
  •       The curtains have white flowers on a blue ground.
  •       The ship touched ground a few yards from the shore.
  •       Their ship touched the ground.
  •       Throw out the coffee grounds.
  •       They had no ground to arrest him.
  •       We had sufficient grounds to sue.
  •       Her claim was disallowed on the grounds that she had not paid her premium.
  •       You have no grounds for complaint.
  •       If you continue to behave like this you will give them grounds for dismissing you.
  •       The grounds for his action was never clearly stated.
  •       There is no grounds for anxiety.
  •       Desertion is a ground for divorce.
  •       I had to retire on medical grounds of ill health.
  •       On what grounds do you make that accusation?
  •       They don't give me much ground for complaint.


  •       The ship has grounded.
  •       All the planes today have grounded.

      用作名词 (n.)


      用作动词 (v.)

  •       We praised God from the ground of the heart.

  •       A large part of altruism, grounded upon the fact that it is uncomfortable to have unhappy people about.

    出自:H. L. Mencken
  •       Culture itself is grounded in man's highly specific psycho-biological nature.

    出自:P. Fuller
  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解


  •       ground的基本意思是“地面”,指相对于天空而言的地球的表面; 也可指“泥土,土地”。ground也可指陆上或海上一片特殊的“地域,水域”,作“庭园,花园”解时常指建筑物周围的空地。ground还可以指做一件事情的原因,即“理由”。引申可指“内容”“背景”“渣滓”等。
  •       ground通常用作可数名词,作“场地,庭园”“理由”“渣滓”等解时常以复数形式出现,作“地面”解时一般只用单数形式。ground在作“土地,泥土”“范围,内容,话题”等解时可用作不可数名词,“一块地”说a piece of ground。
  •       ground作“理由,根据,原因”解时,有时用作复数,可接单数谓语,有时也可用作单数,有时甚至用作不可数名词。
  •       在作“庭园”解时, grounds前通常加介词in,而不加介词on。


  •       ground用作名词时的意思是“地面”,转化成动词意为“将…放在地上”,常指“搁浅,停飞”,即由于自然条件的影响或机械故障等原因而造成船只“搁浅”,飞机“停飞”。
  •       ground可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,后接名词或代词作宾语。可用于被动结构。
  •       ground接介词in可表示“在…(方面)打基础”; 接介词on可表示“根据…作出结论”“以…为基础”。


grounds, cause, excuse, reason
  •       这组词都有“理由,原因”的意思。其区别在于:cause指造成一种事实或现象的比较直接的“原因,根源,起因”,它表示的原因是指导致某种结果的客观条件、情况、事件、力量等; reason强调“推理”,指对于某个情况或看法从逻辑推理上引出结论的“理由”; excuse指为了避免责任而设法辩解过错或设法使之显得轻微,指找出的“理由,原因”或“借口”; grounds指一种有根据的“理由”,有时可译作“原因”。例如:
  •       Give your reason for changing the plan.把你改变计划的理由讲一下。
  •       He is always late, and always has an excuse.他总是迟到,而且总有借口。
  •       I have not much grounds for believing the information.我没有充分的依据去相信这个消息。
    •       中考真题例句

    •       考研真题例句

          中考真题例句OG 1.ground

          You can just pick it out of the ground or off a plant and put it into a basket!



          中考真题例句OG 2.ground

          It just takes a moment to stop and pick something up off the ground.



          中考真题例句OG 3.ground

          They even put their noses to the ground and scratched their heads.



          中考真题例句OG 1.ground

          Apple has lost large ground to Huawei in China.



          中考真题例句OG 2.ground

          Apple has lost large ground to the home brands in recent years.



          中考真题例句OG 3.ground

          There should be some middle ground between the two.



          中考真题例句OG 1.ground

          It goes into the ground.



          考研真题例句OG 1.ground

          Most ground surveys involve a lot of walking, looking for surface clues such as small fragments of pottery.



          考研真题例句OG 2.ground

          Ground surveys allow archaeologists to pinpoint the places where digs will be successful.



          考研真题例句OG 3.ground

          Archaeologists also may locate buried remains by using such technologies as ground radar, magnetic-field recording, and metal detectors.



          考研真题例句OG 1.ground

          Successive governments have permitted such increases on the grounds that the cost of investing in and running the rail network should be borne by those who use it.



          考研真题例句OG 2.ground

          But there are few places where clients have more grounds for complaint than America.



          考研真题例句OG 1.ground

          Negative attitudes toward obesity, grounded in health concerns, have stimulated a number of anti-obesity studies.



          考研真题例句OG 2.ground

          We quickly "thin slice" information reliably only after we ground such snap reactions in "thick sliced" long-term study.



          考研真题例句OG 1.ground

          Looking beyond the culture war logic of right or wrong means opening up the middle ground.



          考研真题例句OG 1.ground

          The start-ups represented a new wave of technology designed from the ground up for the smartphone world.



          考研真题例句OG 1.ground

          Their Olaf Street Study, a square of brick-strewn waste ground, is one of the few works here to embrace the commonplaceness.



    •       近义词

    •       反义词

    •       临近词





          The rain sank into the dry ground.(雨水渗进了干地里。)

          The ground was frozen solid.(地面冻得硬邦邦的。)

          She fell heavily to the ground.(她重重地摔倒在地。)

          He flung her to the ground.(他把她推倒在地。)

          The house burned to the ground.(房子被大火夷为平地。)

          Snow was lying thick on the ground.(厚厚的积雪覆盖着大地。)

          There was a child lying on the ground.(地上躺着一个小孩。)

          I crouched on the ground.(我蹲伏在地上。)

          The ground quaked as the bomb exploded.(炸弹爆炸时,地面都震动了。)

          The ground dropped sheer away at our feet.(在我们脚下,地势陡降。)

    •       上一篇home
    •       下一篇grass

          ground是什么意思 ground在线翻译 ground什么意思 ground的意思 ground的翻译 ground的解释 ground的发音 ground的同义词
