


      英 [ˈnegətɪv]

      美 [ˈnɛɡətɪv]




      副词: negatively 名词: negativeness 过去式: negatived 过去分词: negatived 现在分词: negativing 第三人称单数: negatives


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  •       否定的,否认的
  •       消极的,负面的
  •       反面的,相反的
  •       【数】负的
  •       【摄】底片的
  •       【医】阴性的
  •       拒绝的,反对的
  •       【电】负的
  •       【电】阴的, 阴极的
  •       【植】有反作用的
  •       【心】反抗性的


  •       否定
  •       阴极板
  •       【数】负数,负号
  •       【摄】底片
  •       否定的观点,否定言论,否定回答,否定命题
  •       拒绝
  •       【文】否定语
  •       【电】阴电
  •       消极性
  •       负量
  •       阴像
  •       反对者


  •       负地
  •       不是如此地
  •       否定地


  •       不
  •       不是如此


  •       否定,否认
  •       驳斥,不赞成,反驳
  •       反对,否决
  •       抵消,抵制,消除
  •       反证,证伪
  •       使无效
  •       使中和
  •       拒绝,推辞
  •       否定…的真实性
  •       中立


  •       拒绝的; 怀疑的; 不同意的 refusing; doubting; disapproving; saying or meaning“no”
  •       消极的,非建设性的 without any active, useful or helpful qualities
  •       无预期结果的 showing the lack of what was hoped for or expected
  •       负的; 阴性的 (of a number) less than zero; (of electricity) of the type that is carried by electrons


  •       [C]否定词语,否定的观点; 拒绝; 否认 a statement saying or meaning “no”; a refusal



      1. a piece of photographic film showing an image with light and shade or colors reversed

      2. a reply of denial

      e.g. he answered in the negative


      1. vote against
      refuse to endorse
      refuse to assent

      e.g. The President vetoed the bill

      Synonym: vetoblackball


      1. involving disadvantage or harm

      e.g. minus (or negative) factors

      Synonym: minus

      2. expressing or consisting of a negation or refusal or denial

      3. having a negative charge

      e.g. electrons are negative

      Synonym: electronegativenegatively charged

      4. designed or tending to discredit, especially without positive or helpful suggestions

      e.g. negative criticism

      Synonym: damaging

      5. having the quality of something harmful or unpleasant

      e.g. ran a negative campaign
      delinquents retarded by their negative outlook on life

      6. characterized by or displaying negation or denial or opposition or resistance
      having no positive features

      e.g. a negative outlook on life
      a colorless negative personality
      a negative evaluation
      a negative reaction to an advertising campaign

      7. less than zero

      e.g. a negative number

      8. reckoned in a direction opposite to that regarded as positive

      e.g. negative interest rates

      9. not indicating the presence of microorganisms or disease or a specific condition

      e.g. the HIV test was negative

      Synonym: disconfirming

      1. (事实、局势或经历)不悦的,沮丧的,有害的
      A fact, situation, or experience that is negative is unpleasant, depressing, or harmful.


      e.g. The news from overseas is overwhelmingly negative...
      e.g. All this had an extremely negative effect on the criminal justice system.

      This will negatively affect the result over the first half of the year.

      2. 消极的;悲观的
      If someone is negative or has a negative attitude, they consider only the bad aspects of a situation, rather than the good ones.

      e.g. When asked for your views about your current job, on no account must you be negative about it...
      e.g. Why does the media present such a negative view of this splendid city?

      A few weeks later he said that maybe he viewed all his relationships rather negatively.
      I loathe negativity. I can't stand people who moan.

      3. (回答或决定)否定的,表示否认的
      A negative reply or decision indicates the answer 'no'.

      e.g. Dr Velayati gave a vague but negative response...
      e.g. Upon a negative decision, the applicant loses the protection offered by Belgian law...

      60 percent of the sample answered negatively...
      Stein shook his head slowly, negatively.

      4. 否定词;否定语;否定表示
      A negative is a word, expression, or gesture that means 'no' or 'not'.

      e.g. In the past we have heard only negatives when it came to following a healthy diet.

      5. (语法中)否定句的,否定式的
      In grammar, a negative clause contains a word such as 'not', 'never', or 'no-one'.


      6. (医学检查或科学试验)呈阴性的,结果为否定的
      If a medical test or scientific test is negative, it shows no evidence of the medical condition or substance that you are looking for.


      e.g. So far 57 have taken the test and all have been negative.
      e.g. ...negative test results.

      7. HIV negative -> see HIV

      8. (摄影的)负片,底片
      In photography, a negative is an image that shows dark areas as light and light areas as dark. Negatives are made from a camera film, and are used to print photographs.


      9. 负的;负极的
      A negative charge or current has the same electrical charge as an electron.

      e.g. Stimulate the site of greatest pain with a small negative current.

      As these electrons are negatively charged they will attempt to repel each other.

      10. (数字、数量等)小于零的,负的
      A negative number, quantity, or measurement is less than zero.


      e.g. The weakest students can end up with a negative score.

      11. (指回答)否定的,否定地
      If an answer is in the negative, it is 'no' or means 'no'.

      e.g. The Council answered those questions in the negative...
      e.g. Seventy-nine voted in the affirmative, and none in the negative.

      12. 否定句的;否定式的
      If a sentence is in the negative, it contains a word such as 'not', 'never', or 'no-one'.

      e.g. 'I went' in the negative is 'I did not go'.
      I went (我去了)的否定式是 I did not go (我没去)。

      1. 底片:Photographic(摄影的)形容词也是他首创的,他第二次给英国学士院的报告又介绍底片(Negative)、相片(Positive)及其它摄影术语,年老时又创快照(Snapshot)新名词.

      2. negative的近义词

      2. negative:neg; 求补指令

  •       相关词组

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文

      1. in the negative : 否定地;


  •       He gave us a negative answer.
  •       I have a negative opinion of the value of this plan.
  •       You can't learn anything with negative attitude.
  •       We should try our best to make all negative factors become positive ones.
  •       I'm looking for a house, but with negative results so far.
  •       The chemical test gave a negative result.
  •       An electron has a negative charge, a proton has a positive charge.


  •       The answer was in the negative.
  •       The answer to my request was a strong negative.

      用作形容词 (adj.)


      用作名词 (n.)

  •       The effort to please becomes negativesthe avoidance..of pain.

    出自:J. Barzun
  •       He had been shackled by countless negative fears.

    出自:I. Wallace
  •       The negative attitude which erects a barrier against sympathy.

    出自:D. Francis
  •       I don't want to be negative, but I don't see how we could get away.

    出自:B. Moore
  •       词源解说

  •       ☆ 1400年左右进入英语,直接源自古法语的negatif;最初源自拉丁语的negativus。
  •       高考真题例句

  •       考研真题例句

      高考真题例句OG 1.negative

      Readers also tended to share articles that were exciting or funny, or that inspired negative feelings like anger or anxiety, but not articles that left them merely sad.

      读者也趋向于分享令人快乐和兴奋的文章, 或者是激发负面情绪的文章, 比如生气或者焦虑, 但是不愿意分享只让他们难过的文章。


      考研真题例句OG 1.negative

      Setting targets can and does have unforeseen negative consequences.



      考研真题例句OG 2.negative

      Negative consequences of new tech can be avoided.



      考研真题例句OG 3.negative

      Its negative effects on businesses are often overlooked.



  •       近义词

  •       反义词

  •       临近词





      Unfortunately, his idea of bold journalism was a hatchet job, portraying the staff in a negative light.(很遗憾,他所谓的大胆新闻报道是一种恶意攻击,对工作人员进行了负面的报道。)

      Not everyone is able to filter out that negative element.(不是所有人都能过滤掉那些负面元素。)

      Scientists have a fairly negative attitude to the theory.(科学家对这个理论的态度是相当消极的。)

      Call it the power of negative thinking.(这就是消极思维的力量。)

      It's really a simple numbers game with negative and positive numbers.(这其实是一种正负数的简单数字游戏。)

      The negative impacts of natural disasters can be seen everywhere.(自然灾害的负面影响随处可见。)

      Negative emotions focus our awareness.(负面情绪使我们的意识集中。)

      They received a negative reply.(他们得到一个否定的答复。)

      Last year, her diary was always full of negative reports.(去年,她的日记里总是充满了负面的报道。)

      Let's not finish on a negative note, though.(尽管如此,我们也不要以消极的方式结束。)

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      negative是什么意思 negative在线翻译 negative什么意思 negative的意思 negative的翻译 negative的解释 negative的发音 negative的同义词
