


      英 [ˈgrætɪtju:d]

      美 [ˈgrætɪtu:d]



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  •       感谢,谢意
  •       感激(之情)
  •       感恩(之情)
  •       礼物
  •       感恩(戴德)之心


  •       [U]感激,感谢 being grateful; thankfulness


      1. a feeling of thankfulness and appreciation

      e.g. he was overwhelmed with gratitude for their help

      1. 感恩之情;感谢
      Gratitude is the state of feeling grateful.


      e.g. ...a sense of gratitude...
      e.g. I wish to express my gratitude to Kathy Davis for her immense practical help.

      1. 感谢:高先生不会说英语,而我的传译员又不大,不过他找开字典,用手指按著感谢(Gratitude)那个字向我致意,我感动得眼泪夺眶而出. 在四川西部,黎明已临,新的日子开始了. 羌人是第一个把信上帝之心带到中国的民族. 现在,他们会向前走,

      2. 感恩:稍后当被问到别人都以为他没救了,他做何感想时,他只说了两个字:「感恩(gratitude). 」一个一辈子表明没有宗教信仰的人,却在横遭此祸后意识到上天的仁慈,史蒂芬.金说:「因为上帝的恩典,使他(货车司机)不必为我的死负责. 」加州大学戴维斯分校教授,

      3. 感谢的心情:两段令人拍案的乐章 - 花木兰雨夜易装踏上从军路的<>(Short Hair)和故宫前人们向花木兰施礼表达敬意时的<>(Gratitude)Jerry Goldsmith一生著作无数,涉猎的体裁广泛,从战争片 艺术片 动作片 科教片 运动类甚至动画片都在其创作范围内,

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      1. out of gratitude : 出于感激;


  •       Please accept my deepest gratitude.
  •       Her eyes were immediately filled with gratitude.
  •       He gave them lovely bookcase in gratitude for their kindness.
  •       I owe you a debt of gratitude for what you have done.
  •       She felt eternal gratitude to him for saving her life.
  •       She married him just out of gratitude that he helped her.

      用作名词 (n.)

  •       Express your gratitude By giving what you have to give.

    出自:N. Ezekiel
  •       Every living being had to be able to contribute something, gratitude for being alive.

    出自:B. Emecheta
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      Her arms tightened about his neck in gratitude.(她的双臂紧紧搂住他的脖子,充满感激。)

      Allow me to embrace you as a sign of my eternal gratitude.(请允许我拥抱你,以表达我永远的感激之情。)

      Traditionally, the new students give a pound of raisins to their elders as a token of gratitude for their guidance.(按照传统,新生会送给前辈们一磅葡萄干作为对他们指导的感谢。)

      I cherish for you the liveliest feeling of affection and gratitude.(我对你怀有最强烈的爱和感激之情。)

      Please tell me how to show my gratitude to you.(请告诉我,怎样才能表达我对你的感激之情。)

      Her tears of gratitude rolled down her face.(感激的泪珠沿着她的面颊滚下来。)

      Tell her she has been most bounteous and our gratitude is extreme.(告诉她,她是最慷慨的,我们万分感激。)

      Please convey my gratitude to your parents for their warm welcome and gracious hospitality.(请向你的父母传达我的感谢之情,感谢他们的热情欢迎与盛情款待。)

      I owe a debt of gratitude to all my family.(我很感激我的全家人。)

      Words can hardly express our gratitude to you.(我们对你的感激难以用语言表达。)

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