


      英 [ɪˈlu:ʒn]

      美 [ɪˈluʒən]


      形容词: illusional


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  •       错觉,错误的印象
  •       幻想,妄想,幻想的事物
  •       幻觉,幻影
  •       假象,幻象
  •       错误的信仰或观念
  •       透明面纱
  •       幻术
  •       误解
  •       非非之想
  •       无事实根据的意见


  •       [C]错觉,幻想,错误观念 a false idea, especially about oneself
  •       [C]假象 sth seen wrongly, not as it really is


      1. an illusory feat
      considered magical by naive observers

      Synonym: magic trickconjuring tricktrickmagiclegerdemainconjurationthaumaturgydeception

      2. the act of deluding
      deception by creating illusory ideas

      Synonym: delusionhead game

      3. something many people believe that is false

      e.g. they have the illusion that I am very wealthy

      Synonym: fantasyphantasyfancy

      4. an erroneous mental representation

      Synonym: semblance

      1. 幻想;错觉
      An illusion is a false idea or belief.

      e.g. Do not have any illusions that an industrial tribunal will right all employment wrongs...
      e.g. No one really has any illusions about winning the war.

      2. 假象;幻象
      An illusion is something that appears to exist or be a particular thing but does not actually exist or is in reality something else.

      e.g. Floor-to-ceiling windows can give the illusion of extra height...
      e.g. This eerie calm is an illusion.


      1. 错觉:(2)错觉 ) 当你的知觉系统欺骗你用被证明是错误的方式体验一个刺激图形时,你就在感受错觉 错觉 (illusion). . 具有相同的感觉系统生理基础和对环境的类似经验, 许多人在相同知觉情形下会有类似 的错觉, 这不同于幻觉.

  •       常用短语

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    有错觉,误以为 believe wrongly


  •       The sun appears to go around the Earth, but this is an illusion.
  •       The illusions of youth fade with maturity.
  •       He cherished the illusion that she loved him, but he was wrong.
  •       The mirrors all around the walls give an illusion of greater space.

      用作名词 (n.)

  •       The current notion that token integration will satisfy his an illusion.

    出自:New York Times
  •       Each of us had married an illusion, she as well as I.

    出自:Y. Menuhin
  •       词义讲解

  •       词源解说


illusion, mirage
  •       这两个词都指“幻觉,幻想”。illusion指出现在脑海里的错觉; 而mirage多指根本不能实现的想法,更常指海市蜃楼。
    •       ☆ 14世纪中期进入英语,直接源自拉丁语的illusio,意为欺骗,幻想。
    •       近义词

    •       反义词

    •       临近词





          I call this the staircase illusion, and actually when the staircase illusion abruptly ended, he froze, and this is called freezing of gait.(我把这种称为阶梯假象,实际上,当阶梯假象突然结束了,他就会停住了,这叫做步态冻结。)

          Beware of the chartist's illusion.(警惕图表制作者创造的幻觉。)

          It was mostly illusion.(这些大部分都是幻想。)

          When I encountered Dorothy Day, I had no illusion of wanting to be her. I only wanted to be a part of that energy.(当我遇到了DorothyDay时,我没有幻想成为她。我只是想成为那种力量的一部分。)

          Floor-to-ceiling windows can look stunning, giving the illusion of extra height.(从地板直抵天花板的窗户看上去非常漂亮,有增加高度的假象。)

          Mostly this is an illusion.(很大程度上,这是一个错觉。)

          But that is based on an illusion.(但那都是建立在假象上的。)

          When driving in a car on a hot summer day, you may see what looks like shimmering water on the road, which, as science tells us, is really just a mirage, an illusion caused by the heating of the air.(在炎热的夏天开车时,你可能会在路上看到闪闪发光的水,但科学告诉我们,这其实只是海市蜃楼,是空气加热造成的幻觉。)

          At the moment when the two trains gave the illusion of being stationary, a blind in one of the carriages flew up with a snap.(正当两列火车给人一种静止不动的错觉时,其中一节车厢的一个百叶窗啪的一声飞了起来。)

          Was the Celtic Tiger all an illusion?(凯尔特虎是一种全然的幻觉?)

          illusion是什么意思 illusion在线翻译 illusion什么意思 illusion的意思 illusion的翻译 illusion的解释 illusion的发音 illusion的同义词
