




      过去式: lined 过去分词: lined 现在分词: lining 第三人称单数: lines

  •       详情解释

  •       双解释义

  •       英英释义


  •       路线,方针
  •       界线,界限
  •       排,列,行
  •       皱纹
  •       线,线条
  •       台词
  •       行业
  •       方法,方式
  •       战线
  •       种类
  •       航线
  •       边线
  •       铁路线
  •       家族
  •       线路
  •       消息;迹象;情况
  •       【纺织业】梳成麻,长纤维,长麻
  •       【电视】扫描线
  •       【音乐】乐谱线
  •       【保险业】保险种类;保险费数额


  •       排成一行,沿…形成行
  •       划线于,用线标示
  •       使有线条
  •       做衬里,给装衬里
  •       形成一层
  •       发财,中饱私囊
  •       站队,排队(等候)
  •       使站成一队,使排列成一行
  •       组织(活动),安排(活动)
  •       使…(与相关的另一物)排齐,使…对齐
  •       填
  •       使起皱纹,使布满纹络
  •       交尾
  •       画轮廓
  •       使(击出的球)直飞


  •       [C]线条 a long thin mark
  •       [C]条纹,皱纹 a long thin mark in the skin
  •       [C]线路,电话线 a very long wire for telephones or electricity
  •       [C]线,绳 piece of string, rope, or wire
  •       [C]排,行 all the words that are beside each other on a page
  •       [C](行进)路线,航线,铁路线 what a train moves along
  •       [C]行业,专长 an area of interest, activity or work
  •       [C]方针,路线 an officially stated set of ideas, methods


  •       vt. 用线标出,画线于 mark sth with lines
  •       vt. 使成一行 form a line along sth
  •       vt. 排队,排齐 stand or be in rows along a street, etc.


  •       a formation of people or things one beside another;

          "the line of soldiers advanced with their bayonets fixed"
          "they were arrayed in line of battle"
          "the cast stood in line for the curtain call"

  •       a mark that is long relative to its width;

          "He drew a line on the chart"

  •       a formation of people or things one behind another;

          "the line stretched clear around the corner"
          "you must wait in a long line at the checkout counter"

  •       a length (straight or curved) without breadth or thickness; the trace of a moving point
  •       text consisting of a row of words written across a page or computer screen;

          "the letter consisted of three short lines"
          "there are six lines in every stanza"

  •       a single frequency (or very narrow band) of radiation in a spectrum
  •       a fortified position (especially one marking the most forward position of troops);

          "they attacked the enemy's line"

  •       a course of reasoning aimed at demonstrating a truth or falsehood; the methodical process of logical reasoning;

          "I can't follow your line of reasoning"

  •       a conductor for transmitting electrical or optical signals or electric power
  •       a connected series of events or actions or developments;

          "the government took a firm course"
          "historians can only point out those lines for which evidence is available"

  •       a spatial location defined by a real or imaginary unidimensional extent
  •       a slight depression in the smoothness of a surface;

          "his face has many lines"
          "ironing gets rid of most wrinkles"

  •       a pipe used to transport liquids or gases;

          "a pipeline runs from the wells to the seaport"

  •       the road consisting of railroad track and roadbed
  •       a telephone connection
  •       acting in conformity;

          "in line with"
          "he got out of line"
          "toe the line"

  •       the descendants of one individual;

          "his entire lineage has been warriors"

  •       something (as a cord or rope) that is long and thin and flexible;

          "a washing line"

  •       the principal activity in your life that you do to earn money;

          "he's not in my line of business"

  •       in games or sports; a mark indicating positions or bounds of the playing area
  •       (often plural) a means of communication or access;

          "it must go through official channels"
          "lines of communication were set up between the two firms"

  •       a particular kind of product or merchandise;

          "a nice line of shoes"

  •       a commercial organization serving as a common carrier
  •       space for one line of print (one column wide and 1/14 inch deep) used to measure advertising
  •       the maximum credit that a customer is allowed
  •       a succession of notes forming a distinctive sequence;

          "she was humming an air from Beethoven"

  •       persuasive but insincere talk that is usually intended to deceive or impress;

          "`let me show you my etchings' is a rather worn line"
          "he has a smooth line but I didn't fall for it"
          "that salesman must have practiced his fast line of talk"

  •       a short personal letter;

          "drop me a line when you get there"

  •       a conceptual separation or distinction;

          "there is a narrow line between sanity and insanity"

  •       mechanical system in a factory whereby an article is conveyed through sites at which successive operations are performed on it


  •       be in line with; form a line along;

          "trees line the riverbank"

  •       cover the interior of;

          "line the gloves"
          "line a chimney"

  •       make a mark or lines on a surface;

          "draw a line"
          "trace the outline of a figure in the sand"

  •       mark with lines;

          "sorrow had lined his face"

  •       fill plentifully;

          "line one's pockets"

  •       reinforce with fabric;

          "lined books are more enduring"

  •       常用短语

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文


    短信 short letters


    成一直线 forming a straight line with sth


  •       She put the wet clothes on the line to dry.
  •       I felt a quick pull on my fishing line.
  •       Line engaged!
  •       I'm sorry, the line is engaged.
  •       I'm sorry, sir, the line is busy—would you like to call back later?
  •       Our firm has twenty lines.
  •       The lines went down in the storm.
  •       Powerful electric current is carried by high-tension transmission lines to distant places.
  •       The storm destroyed the power lines.
  •       The railway line follows the river for several miles.
  •       Passengers are not allowed to cross the lines.
  •       Draw a straight line from A to B.
  •       Divide this line into 20 equal parts.
  •       The broad lines on the map correspond to the roads.
  •       She drew a wavy line under the word.
  •       With his finger, he traced the curving line of the road on the map.
  •       The ball crossed the line.
  •       The British runner was first to cross the finishing line, but was later disqualified.
  •       He was parachuted behind enemy lines.
  •       Our forces pierced through the enemy's lines.
  •       He led us in carrying out the Party's line.
  •       You are arguing along the same old lines.
  •       My line is selling.
  •       Mary tried several lines of work, but at last found herself as a teacher.
  •       His letter is so full of implications that one has to read between the lines.
  •       Read between the lines, and you'll find out what's at the back of his mind.
  •       If you read between the lines, you will find out the letter is really a request for money.
  •       There are a lot of lines on his forehead.
  •       Laugh lines appeared around her eyes when she was in her twenties.
  •       What line do you expect to take?
  •       There's a very fine line between genius and madness.
  •       A line of coats hung on the wall.
  •       Children, get into a line.
  •       There is a line of young trees on each side of the street.
  •       There are two lines of tables in the classroom.


  •       You can line blank paper for writing.
  •       Line the pages for the graph both horizontally and vertically.
  •       The crowds lined the street.
  •       Thousands of people lined the streets to welcome the visiting delegation.
  •       High buildings line the street.
  •       Trees lined the river bank.
  •       Wrinkles lined her face.
  •       Old age lined his face.
  •       Strong cloth lined the trunk.

      用作名词 (n.)


      用作动词 (v.)

  •       In the bow, with the neat coiled spirals of lines.

    出自:I. Shaw
  •       His coat, once lined with fox, turned dry and bald.

    出自:S. Bellow
  •       And poplar that with silver lines his leaf.

  •       All the pictures fairest lin'd Are but black to Rosalinde.

    出自:As You Like It,Shakespeare
  •       Here is a way plainly lined out to cheat the Rats and Mice.

    出自:A. Yarranton
  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解

  •       常见错误

  •       词源解说


  •       line的基本意思是“线,线条”,指在物体表面上留下的长的痕迹,可以是直的,也可以是弯的;可指具体的线,也可指抽象的线。具体的线如电话线、绳子、铁路线等;抽象的线如行业、专长、方针、路线等。
  •       line作“行”解时是单位词,其后常可接“of+ n. ”, of后的名词如是不可数名词表示复数意义时, line用复数形式;of后的名词如是可数名词,用于复数意义时,line和该名词均用复数形式。
  •       line还可作“赤道”解,其前须加定冠词the。
  •       “a line of+ n. ”作主语时,谓语动词的数由line决定,而不依其后的名词。


  •       line的基本意思是“用线表示,画线于”,引申可指“排成一行”“排队,排齐”。line还可作“给…加衬里”解,作此解时,常与介词with连用。
  •       line可用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。可用于被动结构。


in line, in one's line
  •       这两个短语的区别在于:in line意思是“排成一行”;in one's line意思是“是某人的职业〔特长〕”。
  •       n.(名词)


            误 A long line of coloured flags were seen moving toward the gate.

            正 A long line of coloured flags was seen moving toward the gate.

            析 a line of+ n. 作主语时,谓语动词的数由line决定,而不依其后的名词。



            误 Vegetable and fruit stands lined on both sides of the street.

            正 Vegetable and fruit stands lined both sides of the street.

            正 The street was lined on both sides with vegetable and fruit stands.

            析 line作“沿…排列”解时为及物动词,可直接接宾语,无须加介词on。

    •       ☆ 直接源自古英语的line;最初源自古法语的ligne,意为绳。
    •       近义词

    •       临近词



          line是什么意思 line在线翻译 line什么意思 line的意思 line的翻译 line的解释 line的发音 line的同义词