


      英 [ˈrʌbə(r)]

      美 [ˈrʌbɚ]





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  •       橡胶,合成橡胶
  •       按摩师
  •       粗锉
  •       砥石
  •       橡皮套鞋
  •       橡皮擦子,橡皮
  •       橡胶制品
  •       三局胜负制
  •       擦的人, 摩擦者
  •       擦的工具,黑板擦
  •       【棒】投手板
  •       避孕套
  •       障碍,麻烦
  •       多轮决胜负的比赛


  •       橡胶制成的
  •       制造橡胶的
  •       橡胶的
  •       橡皮的


  •       伸长脖子望,扭转脖子看
  •       用橡胶制造
  •       给...涂上橡胶,涂橡胶于...
  •       好奇地看
  •       包以橡皮


  •       [U]橡胶,合成橡胶 tough elastic substance made from the milky juice of certain tropical plants, or synthetically
  •       [C]橡皮 piece of this or some other substance for rubbing out pencil or ink marks
  •       [C]黑板擦 piece of material for rubbing out chalk marks on a blackboard
  •       [P]橡胶套鞋 waterproof rubber coverings worn over the shoes; galoshes


      1. a waterproof overshoe that protects shoes from water or snow

      Synonym: arcticgaloshgoloshgumshoe

      2. contraceptive device consisting of a sheath of thin rubber or latex that is worn over the penis during intercourse

      Synonym: condomsafetysafeprophylactic

      3. an eraser made of rubber (or of a synthetic material with properties similar to rubber)
      commonly mounted at one end of a pencil

      Synonym: rubber eraserpencil eraser

      4. an elastic material obtained from the latex sap of trees (especially trees of the genera Hevea and Ficus) that can be vulcanized and finished into a variety of products

      Synonym: natural rubberIndia rubbergum elasticcaoutchouc

      5. any of various synthetic elastic materials whose properties resemble natural rubber

      Synonym: synthetic rubber


      1. coat or impregnate with rubber

      e.g. rubberize fabric for rain coats

      Synonym: rubberizerubberise


      1. returned for lack of funds

      e.g. a rubber check
      a no-good check

      Synonym: no-good

      1. 橡胶;合成橡胶
      Rubber is a strong, waterproof, elastic substance made from the juice of a tropical tree or produced chemically. It is used for making tyres, boots, and other products.


      e.g. ...the smell of burning rubber.

      2. 橡胶做的;橡胶制成的
      Rubber things are made of rubber.

      e.g. ...rubber gloves.
      e.g. ...a rubber ball.

      3. 橡皮擦
      A rubber is a small piece of rubber or other material that is used to remove mistakes that you have made while writing, drawing, or typing.

      in AM, use 美国英语用 eraser

      4. 避孕套
      A rubber is a condom.


      5. (桥牌或惠斯特牌的)一盘,一局
      In some card games, for example bridge or whist, a rubber is a match of three games.

      e.g. Let's have a few rubbers of bridge.

      1. 橡胶:(SILICONE)、丁苯橡胶(SBR)、丁丁基橡胶(IIR)、氢化丁腈胶(HNBR )顺丁橡胶(BR)、晴橡胶/聚氯乙烯(NBR /PVC)、丙烯酸酯橡胶(ACM)等. 6) 橡胶(Rubber)主要产品种类:

      2. 天然橡胶:DTBHQ可用作天然橡胶(rubber)、合成橡胶(rubber)和乳胶de防老剂,能有效延缓硫化胶及未硫化胶de氧化老化及紫外光老化;可提高橡胶(rubber)制品de耐热性,耐油性及耐屈挠龟裂性;且容易分散,对硫化没有影响,不会污染橡胶(rubber)制品,

      3. 橡皮,橡胶:round-shapes 球形 | rubber 橡皮,橡胶 | rubber apron 橡皮围裙

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配


  •       Rubber will not let water through.
  •       The rubber is so tough that I can't cut it.
  •       Tough rubber is needed for tyres.
  •       Oil and grease will rot the rubber of the tyres.
  •       Motor tyres are made of rubber.
  •       Leather, rubber and wire are flexible.
  •       I need a pencil, a ruler and a rubber.
  •       I need a strong rubber to hold these papers together.
  •       The teacher is cleaning the blackboard with a board rubber.
  •       The rubber ball bounced from rock to rock.
  •       We wear rubbers on our feet when it rains.

      用作名词 (n.)

  •       词语用法

  •       词源解说


  •       rubber的基本意思是“橡胶”,也可指“合成橡胶”,是物质名词,不可数。
  •       rubber也可转变为个体名词而表示擦铅笔或墨水痕迹的“橡皮”,多用在英式英语里,在美国作eraser,是可数名词。
  •       rubber还可作“黑板擦”解,是可数名词。
  •       rubber的复数形式rubbers可作“橡胶套鞋”解。
  •       ☆ 1536年进入英语,直接源自该语的rub,意为擦。
  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      She tied her hair back with a rubber band.(她用一条橡皮筋把她的头发绑在后面。)

      There's a rubber duck in the bathtub.(浴缸里有一只橡皮鸭。)

      The smell of burning rubber filled the air.(空气中弥漫着橡胶燃烧的气味。)

      The rubber band can only bend so far before it swings back.(橡胶棒只能弯曲这么多,接下来就会反弹。)

      Put your ruler down. Put your rubber down.(放下你的格尺。放下你的橡皮。)

      The six survivors only lived through their ordeal because of the special rubber suits they were wearing.(6位幸存者因穿着特殊橡胶服度过了大难。)

      The little girl stretched her rubber band.(小女孩拉了拉她的橡皮筋。)

      Do you remember the rubber band on the back of that mask?(还记得面具后面的橡皮筋不?)

      Life is like a rubber band.(人生就像橡皮圈。)

      I like shoes with flexible rubber soles.(我喜欢有弹性橡胶底的鞋。)

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      rubber是什么意思 rubber在线翻译 rubber什么意思 rubber的意思 rubber的翻译 rubber的解释 rubber的发音 rubber的同义词
