


      n.[常复数] 裤子


  •       详情解释

  •       英英释义


  •       (常复数)裤子
  •       裤管


  •       裤子的
  •       女演男角的


  •       收受
  •       赚得
  •       揣走(假如某人揣走了一笔钱意思就是说通常在他不应当得到和拿到这笔钱的时候他接受了这笔钱)
  •       裤子的


  •       (usually in the plural) a garment extending from the waist to the knee or ankle, covering each leg separately;

          "he had a sharp crease in his trousers"

  •       a garment (or part of a garment) designed for or relating to trousers;

          "in his trouser's pocket"
          "he ripped his left trouser on the fence"

  •       经典引文

  •       The butler..trousered her five-pound note.

    出自:G. Mitchell
  •       The room being dark, Wood adroitly trousered the prism.

  •       近义词

  •       临近词


  •       trousered
  •       trouserings
  •       trousers
  •       troupe
  •       trouser press
  •       trousering
  •       trouser-suits
  •       trouser pocket
  •       trouser lining
  •       trouser suit
  •       trouser legs
  •       trouser-legs


      trouser是什么意思 trouser在线翻译 trouser什么意思 trouser的意思 trouser的翻译 trouser的解释 trouser的发音 trouser的同义词