


      英 [ˈri:dʒən]

      美 [ˈridʒən]




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  •       地区,地方,地域,区域,地带
  •       区,行政区,管辖区
  •       (艺术、科学等的)领域,范围
  •       (大气、海水等的)层
  •       (身体的)部位
  •       邻近
  •       界,境
  •       【解剖学,动物学】部,局部


  •       [C]地区,地带,区域 a particular fairly large area, especially of land, as a part of a country


      1. a part of an animal that has a special function or is supplied by a given artery or nerve

      e.g. in the abdominal region

      Synonym: area

      2. a knowledge domain that you are interested in or are communicating about

      e.g. it was a limited realm of discourse
      here we enter the region of opinion
      the realm of the occult

      Synonym: realm

      3. the extended spatial location of something

      e.g. the farming regions of France
      religions in all parts of the world
      regions of outer space

      Synonym: part

      4. a large indefinite location on the surface of the Earth

      e.g. penguins inhabit the polar regions

      5. the approximate amount of something (usually used prepositionally as in `in the region of')

      e.g. it was going to take in the region of two or three months to finish the job
      the price is in the neighborhood of $100

      Synonym: neighborhood

      1. 地区;地带;行政区域
      A region is a large area of land that is different from other areas of land, for example because it is one of the different parts of a country with its own customs and characteristics, or because it has a particular geographical feature.

      e.g. ...Barcelona, capital of the autonomous region of Catalonia.
      e.g. ...a remote mountain region.

      2. (首都以外的)各地区,外省
      The regions are the parts of a country that are not the capital city and its surrounding area.

      e.g. ...London and the regions...
      e.g. Tax incentives would be used to attract firms to the regions, away from the South-East.

      3. (身体的)部位,区域
      You can refer to a part of your body as a region.

      e.g. ...the pelvic region.
      e.g. ...the frontal region of the brain.

      4. (指数量)差不多,在…左右,大约
      You say in the region of to indicate that an amount that you are stating is approximate.


      e.g. The scheme will cost in the region of six million pounds.

      1. region的意思

      1. region:reg; 面域

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      1. in the region of : 在...左右;


  •       The warm region is crowded with birds.
  •       The paper is largely circulated in the rural regions.

      用作名词 (n.)

  •       A region of coal-pits and industrial towns.

    出自:J. Buchan
  •       One of the most backward regions of southern Italy.

    出自:G. Battiscombe
  •       词义讲解

  •       词源解说


region, area, district
  •       这三个词的共同意思是“地区”。其区别是:
  •       area指较大的地区时侧重其“面积”,不指行政上的地理单位; region所表示的“地区”,指有地理界限或具有某种特色,自成一个单位的地区,一般是较大的行政单位,如我国的自治区(autonomous region); district所指的“地区”范围比region小,如“城区和郊区”一般译为“urban and rural districts”,此时不能用region,一个城市所划分的不同地区,也叫做district,不能用region或area。例如:
  •       The area would become flooded after heavy rains.暴雨过后,这个地区将变为水灾区。
  •       They live in a mountainous region.他们住在山区。
  •       A person must vote in his or her own district.不论男女,在他们的所在地区都有选举权。
    •       ☆ 14世纪初期进入英语,直接源自盎格鲁法语的regioun;最初源自拉丁语的regionem,意为方向,界限。
    •       高考真题例句

    •       考研真题例句

          高考真题例句OG 1.region

          First celebrated 5 1970, the Day now includes events in more than 190 countries and regions(地区).

          第一次庆祝1970年, 这一天现在包括了190多个国家和地区的活动。


          考研真题例句OG 1.region

          We frequently hear of employers begging for workers, even at times and in regions where unemployment is high.



          考研真题例句OG 2.region

          Agricultural production in some regions will need to nearly double to keep pace.



          考研真题例句OG 3.region

          The Middle East excepted, Europe is the most monarch-infested region in the world, with 10 kingdoms (not counting Vatican City and Andorra).



          考研真题例句OG 1.region

          Specific brain regions that respond during direct gaze are being explored by other researches, using advanced methods of brain scanning.



    •       近义词

    •       临近词




          The region is too dry for plants to grow.(这地区干燥得草木不生。)

          This region is the home of many species of wild flower.(这个地区有很多种类的野花。)

          The earthquake sent tremors through the region.(这次地震的震感传遍了整个地区。)

          The wine from this region is rich and fruity.(这个地区产的葡萄酒浓郁醇香。)

          The region is glutted with hospitals.(该地区的医院供过于求。)

          The region has a very high population density.(这一地区人口密度很高。)

          They wanted a pretext for subduing the region by force.(他们需要一个用武力征服那个地区的托词。)

          The region has been declared a disaster area.(此区域已被宣布为灾区。)

          They undertook a fact-finding mission in the region.(他们承担了在该地区核查事实的工作。)

          We have a wealth of musical talent in this region.(我们在该地区有丰富的音乐人才。)

          region是什么意思 region在线翻译 region什么意思 region的意思 region的翻译 region的解释 region的发音 region的同义词
