


      英 [ˈsɪnɪkjʊə(r)]

      美 [ˈsɪnɪkjʊr]

      n.挂名职务;闲差事; 领干薪的牧师职位

      名词: sinecurism


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  •       闲职,挂名职位,挂名头衔
  •       领干薪的牧师职
  •       轻闲差使


  •       工作清闲的,有闲职的


      1. an office that involves minimal duties

      2. a benefice to which no spiritual or pastoral duties are attached

      1. (拿薪水却很少工作或担负责任的)闲职,挂名职位
      A sinecure is a job for which you receive payment but which does not involve much work or responsibility.

      e.g. She found him an exalted sinecure as a Fellow of the Library of Congress.
      e.g. ...a lucrative sinecure with a big law firm.

      1. 闲职:sine 无 | sinecure 闲职 | sinecurist 闲职人员

      2. sinecure的近义词

      2. 拿乾薪:悔過書 statement of repentance | 拿乾薪 sinecure | 晉升 promotion

      3. 挂名差事,闲职:simultaneous 同时的,同时存在的 | sinecure 挂名差事,闲职 | sinew 腱,力量,精力

      4. 闲差事,挂名的牧师职:secure,安全,保证,固定,获得 | sinecure,闲差事,挂名的牧师职 | butcher,肉商,小贩,屠夫/杀

  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      He even had a job, a sinecure, more highly-paid than his old job had been.(他甚至还有一个工作,一个挂名差使,比他原来的工作的待遇要好多了。)

      The head of the Federal Security Bureau, the KGB's successor, Nikolai Patrushev, has been pushed into a sinecure at the Security Council and replaced by a younger deputy.(联邦安全局-即KGB的接替部门-的领导NikolaiPatrushev被放置到安全委员会的一个闲职上,替代他的是一个年轻的副职。)

      His stable services were merely a sinecure, and consisted simply in a daily care and inspection.(他在马厩里的工作是个轻闲差使,每天只要去照料照料巡视一番。)

      This is hardly a [not a, no] sinecure.(这哪里是[不是]闲差事((很忙))。)

      She found him an exalted sinecure as a Fellow of the Library of Congress.(她给他找了一个级别很高的闲职:国会图书馆研究员。)

      There are uncomfortable lessons here. First, success is not a sinecure.(现在来总结一下诺基亚的教训:第一,成功不能靠吃老本。)

      sinecure是什么意思 sinecure在线翻译 sinecure什么意思 sinecure的意思 sinecure的翻译 sinecure的解释 sinecure的发音 sinecure的同义词
