


      英 [ˈtraʊzəz]

      美 [ˈtraʊzərz]



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  •       裤子
  •       长裤


  •       [P]裤子 an outer garment divided into 2 parts each fitting a leg, worn from the waist down

      The form trouser is used as a modifier. trouser 用作修饰词。

      1. 裤子
      Trousers are a piece of clothing that you wear over your body from the waist downwards, and that cover each leg separately.

      e.g. He was smartly dressed in a shirt, dark trousers and boots...
      e.g. Alexander rolled up his trouser legs.

      in AM, usually use 美国英语通常用 pants-trousered
      I smoothed his khaki-trousered leg.

      2. to wear the trousers -> see wear

      1. 裤子:最近更是会说了好几个英语单词,诸如:电视机(TV set)、铅笔(pencil)、裤子(trousers)、番茄(tomato)等,真的是给了妈妈小小的惊喜呀!让宝宝在和皮皮熊玩的过程中自然的学习,可比大人一本正经的灌输效果好很多,也会增加宝宝的兴趣. 看来,

      2. 西裤:西裤 西裤(trousers)主要指与西装上衣配套穿着的裤子. 由于西裤主要在 办公室 及社交场合穿着,所以在要求舒适自然的前提下,在造型上比较注意与形体的协调. 裁剪时放松量适中,给人以平和稳重的感觉. 西裤在生产工艺及造型上基本已国际化和规范化. 西短裤

      3. 长裤:被纳入该监控体系的5类敏感商品分别为:长裤(trousers)、衬衫(shirts)、毛衫(sweaters)、内衣(underwear)和泳衣(swimwear). 监控目标为进口数量、金额和单价(按10位海关编码及类别统计). 美方每月发布监控数据,

      4. 裤:西裤(trousers)主要指与西装上衣配套穿着的裤子. 由于西裤主要在办公室及社交场合穿着,所以在要求舒适自然的前提下,在造型上比较注意与形体的协调. 裁剪时放松量适中,给人以平和稳重的感觉. 西裤在生产工艺及造型上基本已国际化和规范化.

  •       情景对话

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文


      A:Hello, can I help you?

      B:Well, I'm looking for some winter clothes for my wife.

      A:Oh, it is the high time for your purchasing in our clothes shop. We are now having a pre-season sale on all our winter apparel.

      B:Really? What's that?


      A:Everything for winter is 20% off.

      B:I think my wife may favor the sweater in the shopwindow. And would you like to aid me to look for any skirts going with this sweater?


      A:Sure. We have both skirts and trousers that would go well with the sweater. Look to this section.

      B:I especially like this flowery skirt. My wife must be very elegant in them.

      A:You have a good taste. It is very much in style this year.

      B:But I don't think the green one fits her complexion. Do you have any of those skirts in light color or tan?

      A:Look on the rack to your right.

      B:Oh yes. I'll take this one. Can I pay with a traveler's check?


      A:It's OK.


  •       He wore a pair of black trousers.
  •       The two pairs of trousers are mine.
  •       He took a piece of chalk from his trouser pocket.

      用作名词 (n.)

  •       He was..holding up his trousers with both hands as he ran.

    出自:G. Orwell
  •       She wore a..smock over wide blue trousers.

    出自:J. Trollope
  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解


  •       表示裤子条数时用pair。
  •       trousers修饰其他名词作定语时用单数形式。


trousers, bloomers, jeans, pants
  •       这组词都可表示“裤子”。pants为pantaloons的缩略语,在英式英语中指男用内裤和女用外裤,在美式英语则指男、女外裤; trousers为“裤子”的统称,无男女老幼或职业之分,但专指外裤属英式英语,美式英语多用pants; bloomers指19世纪后半叶欧洲和美国妇女所穿的及膝的宽松短裤,曾为骑车人所喜爱,但现在只有中小学女学生穿; jeans指牛仔裤,原为工作裤,男、女、儿童在非正式场合都可以穿。
    •       中考真题例句

          中考真题例句OG 1.trousers

          The white trousers



          中考真题例句OG 2.trousers

          You will need a hat, long trousers and a thick sweater to keep you warm at night.



          中考真题例句OG 3.trousers

          On my mother’s birthday, I bought a pair of trousers for her.



    •       近义词

    •       临近词




          These trousers are a bit tight.(这条裤子有点紧。)

          When I was a fashion editor, I mostly wore white shirts and black or navy trousers.(当时尚编辑的时候,我大多数时间穿白衬衫和黑色或深蓝色裤子。)

          The seat of his grey trousers split.(他的那条灰色裤子的臀部裂开了。)

          Ben brushed smooth a wrinkle in his trousers.(本把他裤子上的一个皱褶刷平了。)

          The mud spotted his trousers.(污泥弄脏了他的裤子。)

          The trousers have double thickness knee panels for extra protection.(这条裤子上有双倍厚的护膝片以加强保护。)

          I stood up, brushing crumbs from my trousers.(我站起来,掸去裤子上的食物碎屑。)

          She has to go to the men's department to find trousers that fit at the waist.(她得去男装部找腰围合适的裤子。)

          He wore a leather jacket and dark trousers.(他穿着皮夹克和黑裤子。)

          A wool jacket complements the silk trousers and provides an interesting contrast in texture.(毛料上衣配真丝长裤,质地上的差异非常有趣。)

          trousers是什么意思 trousers在线翻译 trousers什么意思 trousers的意思 trousers的翻译 trousers的解释 trousers的发音 trousers的同义词
