


      英 [ˈlɪsn]

      美 [ˈlɪsən]



      名词: listener 过去式: listened 过去分词: listened 现在分词: listening 第三人称单数: listens


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  •       听(着),收听,谛听,倾听,聆听,留神听,注意听,听我说,倾耳静听,屏息静听,洗耳恭听
  •       听从,服从,遵从
  •       听上去,听起来
  •       理睬
  •       听信,听取
  •       窃听,偷听,监听


  •       倾听,听


  •       vi. 倾听;留心听 try to hear;pay attention
  •       vi. 听信,听从 take notice;hear or consider with thoughtful attention


      1. hear with intention

      e.g. Listen to the sound of this cello

      2. listen and pay attention

      e.g. Listen to your father
      We must hear the expert before we make a decision

      Synonym: heartake heed

      3. pay close attention to
      give heed to

      e.g. Heed the advice of the old men

      Synonym: heedmind

      1. (注意地)听
      If you listen to someone who is talking or to a sound, you give your attention to them or it.

      e.g. He spent his time listening to the radio...
      e.g. Sonia was not listening.

      One or two listeners had fallen asleep while the President was speaking.

      2. 留神听;留心听
      If you listen for a sound, you keep alert and are ready to hear it if it occurs.

      e.g. We listen for footsteps approaching...
      e.g. They're both asleep upstairs, but you don't mind listening just in case of trouble, do you?

      3. 听从;听信
      If you listen to someone, you do what they advise you to do, or you believe them.

      e.g. Anne, you need to listen to me this time...
      e.g. When I asked him to stop, he would not listen.

      4. 听着;听我说
      You say listen when you want someone to pay attention to you because you are going to say something important.

      e.g. Listen, I finish at one.

      5. 听我说
      You say listen up when you want someone to listen to what you are going to say.

      e.g. Okay, listen up, guys. We've got to talk a little about how you look.

      6. (尤用于生气时)给我听好了
      You say listen here when you are going to say something important to someone, especially when you are angry at what they have done or said.


      e.g. Listen here, young lady. Don't you call me that!

      Do not confuse listen and hear. If you want to say that someone is paying attention to something they can hear, you say that they are listening to it. He turned on the radio and listened to the news. Note that listen is not followed directly by an object. You must always say that you listen to something. However, listen can also be used on its own without an object. I was laughing too much to listen. You use hear to talk about sounds that you are aware of because they reach your ears. You often use can with hear. I can hear him yelling and swearing.
      不要混淆 listen 和 hear。listen to 表示注意听, 如:He turned on the radio and listened to the news(他打开收音机听新闻)。注意listen不能直接跟宾语,只能说listen to something。不过,listen亦可不带宾语单独使用,如:I was laughing too much to listen(我当时笑得太厉害了,根本没听)。hear 用来表示听见已经传到耳朵里的声音。它常与can连用,如:I can hear him yelling and swearing(我能听到他在大叫大骂)。

      相关词组:listen in

      1. 倾听:他们有着出众的偶像外貌、随口便能自在地唱出优美合声,并且在他们动人的歌词及音乐更是令人想起他们前辈团体摇滚麦克(Michael Learns To Rock)乍出道时,将流行音乐的魅力极致地展现出来的美好年代. C21 -<>(listen)


      2. 收听:LocalPort 本地端口号,作为TCP连接时的收听(listen)端口,一般应取和标准端口不冲突的值(可考虑取1000以上),如果取0,每次程序启动会自动随机分配一个端口.

  •       情景对话

  •       常用短语

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文

      Traffic Jam-(交通堵塞)

      B:Oh, damn. There’s another traffic jam on the highway.

      A:How can there be a traffic jam on a 16-lane highway every day?


      B:There are just too many people, and too many cars.


      A:I wonder if there was an accident.

      B:No, they just said it too many people were trying to get off at the Capitol exits.

      A:Well, let’s put on some music. We’re going to be stuck in this for a while.

      B:All right, what do you want to listen to?


      A:How about some Beatles?

      B:Yeah, all right.

      Two - word Verbs-(成语动词)

      A:Hi, Mary, how are you doing?

      B:Fine. What happended to you yesterday? I didn't see you in class.

      A:Oh, I overslept as usual. What went on anyway?

      B:We heard about two-word verbs.

      A:What's a two-word verb?

      B:Things like drop in, go over, get out, fill up. Listen to these two sentences: citation will run in the third race tomorrow; Mr.Lee will run in to see you tomorrow. Can you tell which run in is the two-word verb?
      像drop in, go over, get out, fill up这些词。听听下面这两句话:Citation will run in the third race tomorrow; Mr。Lee will run in to see you tomorrow。 这两句中都有run in,你能说出哪一个是成语动词吗?


      A:Now, what seems to be the trouble?

      B:It’s nothing serious. But I always have a headache, and I haven’t slept properly for several weeks. I’ve also lost appetite and my eyes are burning.

      A:Mm, you do look rather pale. Let me take your temperature. Would you put the thermometer under your arm. Please? Now, let me listen to your pulse. Mm, do you feel weak?

      B:Yes, I never seem to have any energy.

      A:I’ll give you a blood test. Would you roll up your sleeve? Just as I thought. You’re anemic. You’d better pay more attention to your diet. Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables and food high in protein. And don’t’ stay up late working. Try to get more rest.

      B:Thank you.


    把耳朵贴在…上听 keep one's ear near to sth in order to hear sth
    listen at sth

          He likes to listen at the keyhole of others.


          He listened at the door for a moment.



  •       He listened, but could hear nothing.
  •       She listened closely while he read.
  •       If you listen carefully, you can hear a funny sound in the engine.
  •       If you listen, you can hear the music.
  •       He listened with all his mind.
  •       “Now listen,Tom, there are some things I want to know,”said Tom's father.
  •       “Listen,Lina, we have no money,”said mother.
  •       Listen, mates, we must go faster.

      用作动词 (v.)

  •       She was often on the watch, and always on the listen.

    出自:G. Manville Fenn
  •       'Did you have a nice talk?' 'I had a long listen'.

    出自:P. Bair
  •       Listening the lordly music.

  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解

  •       词源解说


  •       listen的基本意思是“听,倾听”,强调听的动作。
  •       listen是不及物动词,常与介词to连用,还可作“听从,同意”解, to后面常接建议、劝告、请求、意见等名词。
  •       listen后接介词for表示“用心或等着听可能出现的声音”,如门铃、电话等或可能出现的情况,含有急切地期望并等候的意味;后接介词in表示“收听(无线电等),监听,窃听”;后接介词with表示“以某种方式听”。
  •       listen to表示“留心听,仔细听”,接名词、代词或疑问词引导的从句作宾语,还可接以不带to的动词不定式、现在分词充当补足语的复合宾语。
  •       listen可用于祈使句,意思是“听我说”,用来提醒对方注意,多用于口语。
  •       在俚语中, listen可表示“听上去,听起来”,这时多用作系动词,接形容词作表语。


listen, hear
  •       这两个词的共同意思是“听”。其区别是:
  •       1.hear强调听的结果——“听到”; listen强调听的动作——“倾听”,而不管是否“听到”。例如:
  •       I listen but heard nothing.我听了听,但什么都没听到。
  •       2.listen指有意识地听,而hear则不一定是有意地或注意地听。例如:
  •       If you listen, you can hear the music.如果你留心听,你就会听到音乐的。
  •       3.hear不用于进行体,而listen可用于进行体。例如:
  •       She is listening to music.她正在听音乐。
    •       ☆ 直接源自中古英语的listnen,意为听。
    •       中考真题例句

    •       考研真题例句

          中考真题例句OG 1.listen

          You can enjoy delicious food when listening to music.



          中考真题例句OG 2.listen

          You listen to music without head phones.



          中考真题例句OG 3.listen

          If we listen patiently, our parents will feel we care about them.



          中考真题例句OG 1.listen

          Perhaps they may listen to the advice of Dr.James Maas.

          也许他们会听取James Maas医生的建议。


          中考真题例句OG 2.listen

          Stan listened to his wife's advice to cut the beard off.



          考研真题例句OG 1.listen

          Slow down and listen.



          考研真题例句OG 2.listen

          Constant health scares just end up with one listening.



          考研真题例句OG 3.listen

          Raise objections and listen carefully to their replies.



    •       近义词

    •       临近词




          Why won't you listen to reason ?(你怎么就不听劝呢?)

          I listen to the radio on the way to work.(我在上班的路上听广播。)

          'Listen!' said Doyle suddenly.(“你听!”多伊尔突然说。)

          Listen to me, I haven't got much time.(听我说,我没有多少时间。)

          It's no good complaining—they never listen.(抱怨毫无用处—他们根本不听。)

          Don't act like a know-all. You listen to your mother.(不要那样自以为是。听你妈妈的话。)

          Listen! What's that noise? Can you hear it?(听!那是什么响声?你能听见吗?)

          Listen, I shall be thinking of you always.(听着,我会一直想着你。)

          I listen to music for relaxation.(我听音乐放松心情。)

          He's not so stupid as to listen to rumours.(他还没有笨到听信谣言份儿上。)

          listen是什么意思 listen在线翻译 listen什么意思 listen的意思 listen的翻译 listen的解释 listen的发音 listen的同义词
