

      英 [ʃi:ð]

      美 [ʃið]


      名词: sheather 过去式: sheathed 过去分词: sheathed 现在分词: sheathing 第三人称单数: sheathes


  •       英英释义

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      1. plunge or bury (a knife or sword) in flesh

      2. enclose with a sheath

      e.g. sheathe a sword

      3. cover with a protective sheathing

      e.g. sheathe her face

      1. 用…盖住;将…包起来
      If something is sheathed in a material or other covering, it is closely covered with it.

      e.g. The television was sheathed in a snug coverlet.
      e.g. ...her long legs, sheathed in sheer black tights.

      2. 将(刀)插入鞘中
      When someone sheathes a knife, they put it in its sheath.

      e.g. He sheathed the knife and strapped it to his shin.

      1. sheathe在线翻译

      1. 覆盖:sheathe 被盖 | sheathe 覆盖 | sheathe 复盖

      2. sheathe是什么意思

      2. 装鞘:sheathcurrent 表皮电流 表皮涡流 | sheathe 装鞘 | sheathed 装有护套的

      3. 覆盖,装鞘,包,套:sheath 外壳,复板,外套 | Sheathe 覆盖,装鞘,包,套 | Sheave 滑车轮,凸轮盘

      4. 插入鞘:sheathbill 南极海鸟 | sheathe 插入鞘 | sheathing 覆盖物

  •       经典引文

  •       Did Saul and Gideon..long to sheath their swords and turn their backs upon the strife?

    出自:W. Styron
  •       'Tis in my breast she sheaths her Dagger now.

  •       近义词

  •       反义词

  •       临近词





      To sheathe or cover a metal with a metal.(镀上用一种金属包住或覆盖另一种金属。)

      sheathe是什么意思 sheathe在线翻译 sheathe什么意思 sheathe的意思 sheathe的翻译 sheathe的解释 sheathe的发音 sheathe的同义词
