


      英 [ˈstɑ:ri]

      美 ['stɑ:rɪ]


      比较级: starrier 最高级: starriest 名词: starriness


  •       英英释义

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      1. abounding with or resembling stars

      e.g. a starry night
      starry illumination

      1. 布满星星的
      A starry night or sky is one in which a lot of stars are visible.

      e.g. She stared up at the starry sky.

      1. 月色如水天空是:转到清静无人的Balcony. | 月色如水天空是Starry, | 她温情把俺胸膛Rely.

      2. 繁星满天的:starry 繁星满天的 | silently 安静地,默默地 | emotion 感情


      3. 多星的:starriness 满天星斗 | starry 多星的 | starry-eyed 幻想的

      4. 明亮的:斜视眼的: sqiunt | 明亮的: starry | 水汪汪的: watery

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      B:And then the two of us will make an excuse and leave.



      B:And we won't come back.

      A:Yes, yes. It will be a romantic, starry evening with Mozart in the background...

      B:And the two of them will passionately kiss.

      A:Uhh, wishful thinking. We'll be lucky if they hold hands

  •       The Starrie Cope of Heav'n.

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      Can anglers catch starry flounder in the San Francisco Bay?(垂钓者能在旧金山湾钓到星比目鱼吗?)

      My starry-eyed mom then explained to me who this giant was.(接着我妈妈就给我解释了这个大人物是谁。)

      You needn’t have a clear view of the sky toexperience the starry night.(你不需要看清天空,就享有一个星空璀璨的夜晚。)

      Motion during the long exposure produced streaks in the starry background and the city lights on the darkened planet below.(在长时间曝光中的运动在星光熠熠的背景和下方变暗了的城市灯光上产生了条纹。)

      The sky was peach coloured in the east, deep blue and starry in the west.(东方的天空色泽桃红,西方的天空深蓝并星光灿烂。)

      Perhaps that is why we explore the starry skies, as if answering a primal calling to know ourselves and our true ancestral homes.(也许这就是我们探索星空的原因,就好像在回应一种原始的召唤,去了解我们自己和我们祖先真正的家园。)

      A clear starry night over the eastern end of the Mediterranean Sea.(地中海东部尽头星光闪闪的夜晚。)

      I'm not starry-eyed about Europe.(我对欧洲并不充满幻想。)

      She stared up at the starry sky.(她仰视繁星点点的夜空。)

      The arc of the southern Milky Way shone brightly on this starry night.(在这繁星闪耀的夜晚,南天银河弧明亮发光。)

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