


      英 [draɪ]

      美 [draɪ]



      副词: dryly 比较级: drier/dryer 最高级: driest/dryest 名词: dryness 名词复数: drys 过去式: dried 过去分词: dried 现在分词: drying 第三人称单数: dries


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  •       干的
  •       干燥的
  •       禁酒的,无酒的
  •       干旱的,干枯的
  •       口渴的
  •       无水分的
  •       枯燥乏味的
  •       干咳的
  •       干性的
  •       无黄油的
  •       无甜味的
  •       无泪的
  •       机敏的
  •       无奶的
  •       不形于色的, 不露声色的
  •       不动感情的,冷冰冰的


  •       变干,干透
  •       (把…)弄干,使干燥
  •       戒酒瘾
  •       (湖泊等)枯竭,干涸,干枯
  •       耗尽
  •       突然说不出话来,突然住口
  •       擦干(刚洗的碗碟),揩干
  •       风干,晒干
  •       干
  •       排干
  •       使(乳牛)停止产奶
  •       晾着


  •       信服柴契尔夫人的政治意识的保守政客
  •       禁酒主义者, 赞成禁酒的人,戒酒的人
  •       干燥(状态)
  •       干燥场
  •       干裂
  •       裂缝,隐形裂缝
  •       干季
  •       苔黄燥
  •       干燥的事物, 干物
  •       干
  •       干涸,干旱
  •       旱灾
  •       干旱地区
  •       干性皮肤


  •       干的,干燥的,无雨的 not wet; free from moisture; not raining
  •       缺水的,口渴的,使人口渴的 not supplying water; thirsty; causing thirst
  •       禁酒的 (of a country or region) where it is illegal to buy or sell alcoholic drink
  •       无趣味的,枯燥的,一本正经地表达出来的 uninteresting; dull; expressed seriously or undemonstratively


  •       vt. & vi. 变干,把…弄干 become or cause to become dry

      1. 干的;干燥的
      If something is dry, there is no water or moisture on it or in it.

      e.g. Clean the metal with a soft dry cloth...
      e.g. Pat it dry with a soft towel...

      ...the parched dryness of the air.

      2. (使)变干;弄干;擦干
      When something dries or when you dry it, it becomes dry.


      e.g. The washing might dry outside today, the sun's shining...
      e.g. Leave your hair to dry naturally whenever possible...

      3. (洗后)擦干(盘、杯、刀、锅等)
      When you dry the dishes after a meal, you wipe the water off the plates, cups, knives, pans, and other things when they have been washed, using a cloth.

      e.g. Mrs. Madrigal began drying dishes.

      4. (皮肤或头发)发干的,无水分的
      If you say that your skin or hair is dry, you mean that it is less oily than, or not as soft as, normal.

      e.g. Nothing looks worse than dry, cracked lips...
      e.g. Dry hair can be damaged by washing it too frequently...

      Dryness of the skin can also be caused by living in centrally heated homes and offices.

      5. 干旱的;雨量少的;无雨的
      If the weather or a period of time is dry, there is no rain or there is much less rain than average.

      e.g. Exceptionally dry weather over the past year had cut agricultural production...
      e.g. The spring had been unusually dry and we received only two tenths of an inch of rain during the entire month of June.
      春天异常干旱,我们在整个 6 月只有 0.2 英寸的降雨量。

      6. (地方或气候)少雨的,干燥的
      A dry place or climate is one that gets very little rainfall.


      e.g. It was one of the driest and dustiest places in Africa.
      e.g. ...a hot, dry climate where the sun is shining all the time.

      He was advised to spend time in the warmth and dryness of Italy.

      7. 干燥;少雨
      In the dry means in a place or at a time that is not damp, wet, or rainy.

      e.g. Such cars, however, do grip the road well, even in the dry.

      8. (通常指河流、湖泊或水井由于天热少雨而)干涸的
      If a river, lake, or well is dry, it is empty of water, usually because of hot weather and lack of rain.

      e.g. The aquifer which had once fed the wells was pronounced dry...
      e.g. The single-engine plane landed at a dry lake in western Arizona...

      9. (油井)枯竭的,不再产油的
      If an oil well is dry, it is no longer producing any oil.

      e.g. To harvest oil and gas profitably from the North Sea, it must focus on the exploitation of small reserves as the big wells run dry.

      10. 口渴的;干渴的
      If you are dry, you need to drink something.


      e.g. She was suddenly thirsty and dry.

      11. (因紧张、生病等)口干的,喉咙干的
      If your mouth or throat is dry, it has little or no saliva in it, and so feels very unpleasant, perhaps because you are tense or ill.


      e.g. His mouth was dry, he needed a drink...
      e.g. My throat was dry. I was at a loss for words.

      Symptoms included frequent dryness in the mouth.

      12. (咳嗽)无痰的,干咳的
      A dry cough is one that does not produce any mucus.

      13. (眼睛)无泪的
      If someone has dry eyes, there are no tears in their eyes; often used with negatives or in contexts where you are expressing surprise that they are not crying.


      e.g. There were few dry eyes in the house when I finished...
      e.g. She didn't wince and her eyes were dry. Talk about brave. She was unbelievable.

      14. 禁酒的
      If a country, state, or city is dry, it has laws or rules which forbid anyone to drink, sell, or buy alcoholic drink.

      e.g. Gujurat has been a totally dry state for the past thirty years.
      在过去的 30 年里古吉拉特一直是完全禁酒的一个州。

      15. (被)吸干的;(被)榨干的
      If you say that someone is sucking something dry or milking it dry, you are criticizing them for taking all the good things from it until there is nothing left.

      e.g. ...a shady rip-off industry that sucks its talent dry then discards it...
      e.g. He's just milking the company dry.

      16. (幽默)不露声色的,含蓄不露的,机敏的
      Dry humour is very amusing, but in a subtle and clever way.

      e.g. Fulton has retained his dry humour...
      e.g. Mr Brooke is renowned for his dry wit.

      'That is surprising.' — 'Hardly,' I said drily.
      ...a frank and drily witty woman.
      Her writing has a wry dryness.

      17. 冷淡的;淡然的;不动感情的;冷冰冰的
      If you describe a voice as dry, you mean that it is cold or dull, and does not express any emotions.

      e.g. When he crept back to his desk, he heard the dry voice of Father Laurence.

      'Possible,' I said drily, 'but not likely'.

      18. 枯燥乏味的;干巴巴的;无趣的
      If you describe something such as a book, play, or activity as dry, you mean that it is dull and uninteresting.

      e.g. ...dry, academic phrases.
      e.g. A lot of the work was very dry and boring in Westminster.

      19. (面包或吐司)不涂黄油和果酱的
      Dry bread or toast is plain and not covered with butter or jam.

      e.g. For breakfast, they had dry bread and tea.

      20. (酒)无甜味的,干的
      Dry sherry or wine does not have a sweet taste.

      e.g. ...a glass of chilled, dry white wine.

      21. high and dry -> see high
      home and dry -> see home

      ...a tuft or two of dried-up grass.

      22. (河流、湖泊或水井)干涸
      If a river, lake, or well dries up, it becomes empty of water, usually because of hot weather and a lack of rain.

      e.g. Reservoirs are drying up and farmers have begun to leave their land...
      e.g. The fountain is reputed never to dry up.

      ...a dried-up river bed.

      23. (供应)枯竭,停止,中断
      If a supply of something dries up, it stops.

      e.g. Investment could dry up and that could cause the economy to falter...
      e.g. Credit from foreign banks is drying up...

      24. 无话可说;突然住口
      If you dry up when you are speaking, you stop in the middle of what you were saying, because you cannot think what to say next.

      e.g. If you ask her what she's good at she will dry up after two minutes.

      25. -> see dry 3

      26. see also: dried-up;drying up

      相关词组:dry offdry outdry up

      1. 干性:此次EL 促销延长至3 月27 日),凡买32加币以上的产品都会免费赠送以下大礼包(见下图):新出的产品,泡沫超级丰富,大米大小就可以推开全脸了. 洗完后,脸上润润,不涂东西也不会干燥. 这款适合于干性(Dry)皮肤.

      2. 干燥:使用环境考量:产品使用在不同环境下,如乾燥 (Dry)、潮湿 (Damp)、户外 (Wet) 等场所,安规标准对於带电体的间距、塑胶外壳、测试、警示标语 (Marking) 等,会有不同的要求.

      3. 干的:药物(drugs)在荷兰文写成droog,意即乾的(dry),指用於医疗的物质. 昔日乾燥植物是医药最大来源,因此使用药物(drugs)这个名称. 中国康熙字典曰:「药,治病草. 」另外,相传神农氏亲尝百草,并分为上、中、下三品,此乃传统中药的来源.

      4. 干燥的:2 A 常识运用逻辑推理 尤其是在象沙漠一样的干燥的(dry)地区,更要控制而珍惜水,这与沙漠的遥远(distant),荒芜(deserted)和野性(wild)无关. 3 D 逻辑推理常识运用 即使在没有大面积的耕(farming)地农田需要灌溉的地方,

  •       常用短语

  •       相关词组

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文


    干极了 completely dry


    乏味极了 very boring


      1. dry up : 干涸, 住口;

      2. dry out : (使)戒酒(毒);


  •       They had some hot drinks to wash down their dry muffins.
  •       The hot dry earth drank up the rain.
  •       South Australia is dry climate.
  •       It was the driest summer in years.
  •       This winter is dry.
  •       A dry spell threatened the crops last year.
  •       They walked along a dry riverbed.
  •       He did not bother to hide anything but presented the dry facts to them.
  •       He gives the driest speeches I've ever listened to.
  •       A dry book is no interesting one.
  •       When I read the novel I skipped these dry passages of description.


  •       The paint on this door is not yet dry, be careful.
  •       The clothes are dry.
  •       She wiped the dish until it was dry.
  •       The pond is pumped dry.
  •       The leaves of this tree have become dry and withered.
  •       The paint on the bench is not dry yet; be careful!
  •       The machine automatically stops when it runs dry.
  •       The well has gone dry.
  •       This cow is dry.
  •       My mouth is dry.
  •       I'm so dry, let's stop here for a soda.
  •       I always feel dry in this hot weather doing this dry work in the sun.
  •       My throat was dry after the long trip.
  •       There are still some dry states in this country.
  •       That wine is too dry for my taste.
  •       The subject is as dry as sawdust.
  •       His sense of humour is very dry.
  •       She sat there looking dry and indifferent.

      用作形容词 (adj.)


      用作动词 (v.)

  •       You had no dry clothes to replace wet ones.

    出自:N. Gordimer
  •       With this dry wind the wheat seed..could not sprout.

    出自:P. S. Buck
  •       She dries her eyes and regains her composure.

    出自:E. O
  •       Make a fire in the kitchen and dry your things.

    出自:E. Hemingway
  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解

  •       词源解说


  •       dry用作形容词时的基本含义是表示“无论从特征还是从状态上都看不见水分的”,也可表示“水汽不足或缺少正常情况所必需的水分”,还可指“水源或其他液体枯竭”。引申可表示书、讲演、课题、教义等“枯燥的,乏味的”; 形容人的举止、言词时,意为“缺乏激情的”,也可指为表示镇静而压制感情; 还可用来形容奶牛等“没有奶的”,作家等“才情枯竭的”以及国家或地区“禁酒的”或个人“戒酒的”。


  •       dry用作动词时的基本含义是通过加热、蒸发、吸收、固化等各种方法或过程去掉水汽,使之变干。用于比喻可指资源或供应耗尽、枯竭。
  •       dry可用作不及物动词或及物动词。用作不及物动词时意为“变干”,常接at the fire, by heat, in the sun等介词短语表示“变干”的方法或途径。用作及物动词时主语可为人,也可为物或事物,接名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。


dry, dried
  •       这两个词的意思都是“干的”, dry是形容词,指本身是干的; 而dried是过去分词,指经过处理而变干。例如:
  •       dry clothes干衣服; dried vegetable干菜。再如:dry grass指草是“干的”状态,而dried grass指晒干的草(有“过程”的含义)。
  •       v.(动词)

    dry, bake
  •       这两个词的共同含义是“去掉水分而变干”。其区别是:
  •       dry含义广泛,可指任何脱水变干的过程(如蒸发、吸收、固化等)和方法(如加热、吸水等); 而bake仅指“在火上加热、脱水、变干并硬结成块”,即bake是dry的一种过程和方法。例如:
  •       The stream dried up during the hot summer.小溪在炎热的夏季干涸了。
  •       本句的dry不可换用bake。
  •       We dried our clothes in front of the fire.我们在火前烘干了我们的衣服。
  •       本句中的dry也不能换为bake,因为烘干的衣服并未硬结成块。
    •       ☆ 直接源自古英语的dryge,意为干的;最初源自古英语的drangr,意为干木。
    •       高考真题例句

          高考真题例句OG 1.dry

          No matter how attractive they look in the store, once I get them home they're unfailingly dry, hard, and tasteless.

          不管它们在店里看起来有多吸引人, 一旦我把它们带回家, 它们就会永远干枯、坚硬、无味。


    •       近义词

    •       反义词

    •       临近词





          Greenfly can literally suck a plant dry.(蚜虫的确能把一株植物吸干。)

          Dry wood makes a good blaze.(干木柴烧得旺。)

          I towelled myself dry.(我用毛巾把自己擦干。)

          Her throat felt dry and constricted.(她感到喉咙发干发紧。)

          The lake had been pumped dry.(湖水已被抽干。)

          The grass was dry and patchy.(草都干了,东一片西一片的。)

          The ground was dry and firm underfoot.(脚下踩的土地又干又硬。)

          The grapes were laid to dry on racks.(葡萄被摊放在架子上晾干。)

          The fish was overdone and very dry.(这鱼烧的时间太长,都干掉了。)

          The rain sank into the dry ground.(雨水渗进了干地里。)

    •       上一篇cold
    •       下一篇be

          dry是什么意思 dry在线翻译 dry什么意思 dry的意思 dry的翻译 dry的解释 dry的发音 dry的同义词
