


      英 [ˈhevi]

      美 [ˈhɛvi]


      比较级: heavier 最高级: heaviest 名词: heaviness 名词复数: heavies


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  •       重的,沉的,比重大的,难消化的
  •       沉重有力的,剧烈的,强烈的,(酒类)烈性的
  •       大量的,多的,浓密的,密集的
  •       超过一般程度的,过度的,大量耗用的
  •       不堪负担的,难以忍受的,苛刻的,暴虐的
  •       难办的,繁重的,费力的,繁忙的
  •       (路)泥泞难走的,陡峭的
  •       深沉的,深刻的,深奥的,擅长的
  •       沉沉下垂的,因疲惫而呆滞的,昏昏欲睡的
  •       沉痛的,忧郁的,令人沮丧的,感觉沉重的
  •       重大的,显要的,非常重要的
  •       严厉的,严肃的,庄重的,反派的
  •       多云的,阴沉的,低压的
  •       宽的,粗的,厚的
  •       笨重的,笨拙的,迟缓的,迟钝的
  •       (作品、风格等)乏味的,沉闷的
  •       重型的,大型的,装备重武器的
  •       怀孕的,临产的
  •       (马)患肺气肿的
  •       【语】有重音的,重读的


  •       沉重地
  •       大量地
  •       缓慢地
  •       吃力地,笨重地


  •       保镖
  •       较苦的啤酒
  •       重物,粗壮的人
  •       【戏】庄重角色
  •       巨浪
  •       显要人物,重要事物
  •       重量级拳击手或摔跤运动员
  •       强盗,恶棍


  •       重的 of a certain weight, especially of a weight that makes carrying, moving, etc. difficult
  •       力量、数量或程度异常大的 of unusual great force, amount, or degree
  •       繁重的 demanding great effort of the mind or great physical effort
  •       沉重的,沉闷的,忧郁的 feeling or causing sadness or disappointment
  •       迟钝的,(动作)艰难的 feeling or showing difficulty or slowness in moving
  •       严厉的,无情的 severe or unsympathetic
  •       (食物)难消化的 (of food) difficult to digest


      1. a serious (or tragic) role in a play

      2. an actor who plays villainous roles


      1. darkened by clouds

      e.g. a heavy sky

      Synonym: loweringsullenthreatening

      2. (used of soil) compact and fine-grained

      e.g. the clayey soil was heavy and easily saturated

      Synonym: clayeycloggy

      3. (of sleep) deep and complete

      e.g. a heavy sleep
      fell into a profound sleep
      a sound sleeper
      deep wakeless sleep

      Synonym: profoundsoundwakeless

      4. lacking lightness or liveliness

      e.g. heavy humor
      a leaden conversation

      Synonym: leaden

      5. characterized by effort to the point of exhaustion
      especially physical effort

      e.g. worked their arduous way up the mining valley
      a grueling campaign
      hard labor
      heavy work
      heavy going
      spent many laborious hours on the project
      set a punishing pace

      Synonym: arduousbackbreakinggruelinggruellinghardlaboriousoperosepunishingtoilsome

      6. requiring or showing effort

      e.g. heavy breathing
      the subject made for labored reading

      Synonym: laboredlaboured

      7. usually describes a large person who is fat but has a large frame to carry it

      Synonym: fleshyoverweight

      8. full of
      bearing great weight

      e.g. trees heavy with fruit
      vines weighed down with grapes

      Synonym: weighed down

      9. sharply inclined

      e.g. a heavy grade

      10. dense or inadequately leavened and hence likely to cause distress in the alimentary canal

      e.g. a heavy pudding

      11. of comparatively great physical weight or density

      e.g. a heavy load
      lead is a heavy metal
      heavy mahogany furniture

      12. large and powerful
      especially designed for heavy loads or rough work

      e.g. a heavy truck
      heavy machinery

      13. marked by great psychological weight
      weighted down especially with sadness or troubles or weariness

      e.g. a heavy heart
      a heavy schedule
      heavy news
      a heavy silence
      heavy eyelids

      14. unusually great in degree or quantity or number

      e.g. heavy taxes
      a heavy fine
      heavy casualties
      heavy losses
      heavy rain
      heavy traffic

      15. (physics, chemistry) being or containing an isotope with greater than average atomic mass or weight

      e.g. heavy hydrogen
      heavy water

      16. of great intensity or power or force

      e.g. a heavy blow
      the fighting was heavy
      heavy seas

      17. slow and laborious because of weight

      e.g. the heavy tread of tired troops
      moved with a lumbering sag-bellied trot
      ponderous prehistoric beasts
      a ponderous yawn

      Synonym: lumberingponderous

      18. of the military or industry
      using (or being) the heaviest and most powerful armaments or weapons or equipment

      e.g. heavy artillery
      heavy infantry
      a heavy cruiser
      heavy guns
      heavy industry involves large-scale production of basic products (such as steel) used by other industries

      19. of great gravity or crucial import
      requiring serious thought

      e.g. grave responsibilities
      faced a grave decision in a time of crisis
      a grievous fault
      heavy matters of state
      the weighty matters to be discussed at the peace conference

      Synonym: gravegrievousweighty

      20. given to excessive indulgence of bodily appetites especially for intoxicating liquors

      e.g. a hard drinker

      Synonym: intemperatehard

      21. full and loud and deep

      e.g. heavy sounds
      a herald chosen for his sonorous voice

      Synonym: sonorous

      22. made of fabric having considerable thickness

      e.g. a heavy coat

      23. of relatively large extent and density

      e.g. a heavy line

      24. permitting little if any light to pass through because of denseness of matter

      e.g. dense smoke
      heavy fog
      impenetrable gloom

      Synonym: denseimpenetrable

      25. (of an actor or role) being or playing the villain

      e.g. Iago is the heavy role in `Othello'


      1. slowly as if burdened by much weight

      e.g. time hung heavy on their hands

      Synonym: heavily

      1. 重的;沉的
      Something that is heavy weighs a lot.

      e.g. These scissors are awfully heavy...
      e.g. Gosh, that was a heavy bag!...

      ...a sensation of warmth and heaviness in the muscles.

      2. 有…重的
      You use heavy to ask or talk about how much someone or something weighs.


      e.g. How heavy are you?...
      e.g. Protons are nearly 2000 times as heavy as electrons.

      3. 大量的;重大的;严重的;强烈的;剧烈的
      Heavy means great in amount, degree, or intensity.

      e.g. Heavy fighting has been going on...
      e.g. The State fails to recognize the heavy responsibility that parents take on...

      It has been raining heavily all day.
      ...groups of riot police and heavily armed members of a special anti-robbery squad.
      ...the heaviness of the blood loss.

      4. 结实的;粗大的;厚重的
      Someone or something that is heavy is solid in appearance or structure, or is made of a thick material.

      e.g. We talk in her Belgrade flat, full of heavy old brown furniture...
      e.g. He was short and heavy...

      He was a big man of about forty, wide-shouldered and heavily built.

      5. (质地)黏重的
      A heavy substance is thick in texture.


      e.g. It is advisable to mix coarse grit into heavy soil to improve drainage.
      e.g. ...11 million gallons of heavy crude oil.

      6. (饭菜)量大的,难消化的
      A heavy meal is large in amount and often difficult to digest.

      e.g. He had been feeling drowsy, the effect of an unusually heavy meal.

      7. 充满…的;装满…的
      Something that is heavy with things is full of them or loaded with them.

      e.g. The air is heavy with moisture...
      e.g. She brought in a tray heavy with elegant sandwiches, scones and cakes.

      8. (呼吸)粗重的,深沉的
      If a person's breathing is heavy, it is very loud and deep.


      e.g. Her breathing became slow and heavy.

      She sank back on the pillow and closed her eyes, breathing heavily as if asleep.

      9. (动作)用力的,猛烈的
      A heavy movement or action is done with a lot of force or pressure.

      e.g. ...a heavy blow on the back of the skull...
      e.g. The plane made a heavy landing.

      I sat down heavily on the ground beside the road...
      A man stumbled heavily against the side of the car.

      10. (机器、武器等)重型的,大型的
      A heavy machine or piece of military equipment is very large and very powerful.

      e.g. ...government militia backed by tanks and heavy artillery.
      e.g. ...armoured personnel carriers and other heavy vehicles.

      11. 繁忙的;(日程)排满的
      If you describe a period of time or a schedule as heavy, you mean it involves a lot of work.

      e.g. It's been a heavy day and I'm tired...
      e.g. Hopefully, Max would be able to spend a few days with them, depending on his heavy schedule.

      12. 费力的;繁重的
      Heavy work requires a lot of strength or energy.

      e.g. The business is thriving and Philippa employs two full-timers for the heavy work.

      13. 耗费…多的;大量使用…的
      If you say that something is heavy on another thing, you mean that it uses a lot of that thing or too much of that thing.

      e.g. Tanks are heavy on fuel and destructive to roads.
      e.g. ...Linda, a platinum blonde, heavy on the lipstick.

      14. (空气、天气等)阴沉的,闷热的
      Air or weather that is heavy is unpleasantly still, hot, and damp.

      e.g. The outside air was heavy and moist and sultry.

      15. (表情)沉痛的,疲惫呆滞的,阴郁的
      If you describe a person's face as heavy, you mean that it looks sad, tired, or unfriendly.


      e.g. Many of them were policemen, with their heavy faces and cropped hair.

      16. (心情)沉重的,悲伤的
      If your heart is heavy, you are sad about something.

      e.g. Mr Maddison handed over his resignation letter with a heavy heart.

      17. (形势)棘手的,难应付的
      A situation that is heavy is serious and difficult to cope with.


      e.g. I don't want any more of that heavy stuff.

      18. (雇作保镖或打手的)彪形大汉
      A heavy is a large strong man who is employed to protect a person or place, often by using violence.


      e.g. They had employed heavies to evict shop squatters from neighbouring sites.

      19. to make heavy weather of something -> see weather
      a heavy hand -> see hand

      1. 重的:人也有长颈的,亚洲有一个国家叫缅甸(Burma),缅甸有一个地方,女人的脖子上套重的(heavy)黄铜(brass)项圈(collars),有的套到二十一圈(卷coils),要重到五十多磅(a total weight of 50 pounds or more)!

      2. 说不出的情话:在主演<>之后,莉芙泰莱又成功地在<>(Heavy) 中扮演了一名餐厅女服务生,影片曾在圣丹斯影展中大获好评. 莉芙泰莱后来又出演的著名影片包括:<>(Stealing Beauty) 、<>、<>(Armageddon)

      3. 笨重:Thunder)收集书页*掉落表如下:(未标明中级地城限制人数则为皆可)卡斯魔法师 伦达赛连地下城(Runda Middle) 戴羽毛帽的猫人法师Td5 雷翼魔 精灵之森(转生出来的边上)/阿尔贝地下城/G3最终 按照笨重(Heavy)翼魔来看翻译应为轻

      4. heavy:hy.; 重的

  •       情景对话

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      A Heavy Smoker-(瘾君子)

      A:You really should stop smoking, you know.

      B:I know. I know. I don’t smoke too much, though.


      A:How many cigarettes do you smoke a day?

      B:About a pack, more if I drink.

      A:Wow. You’re really a heavy smoker.

      B:No, I’m not. My father smoked two packs a day for forty years.

      A:He died of lung cancer, right?

      B:Yeah…you’re right. I really should stop smoking.



      A:Welcome to China. May I have a look at your customs declaration?

      B:Yes. Here you are.

      A:You go ahead with the formalities. I'll see to the heavy luggage.


      B:That's great. I'll come back right after the formalities.

      A:What type of visa have you got?

      B:I have a tourist visa.

      A:Would you mind opening your suitcase?

      B:Not at all. Check it, please.

      A:Would you please make a record of all your foreign currencies?

      B:OK. I'll do as you say.


      A:Have you filled in the baggage declaration?

      B:No. I really don't know how to go about it.

      A:Do you have anything to declare for customs?

      B:No. I have nothing to declare.

      A:How long are you going to stay here?


      B:About one month. I'm just sightseeing.

      A:Have you anything dutiable?


      B:No, these are only personal effects.Is that all for customs formalities?

      A:Yes, you are through with it. I hope you will enjoy your stay in China.


    高压手段,强硬措施 harsh or firm control or measure


  •       It was hard walking on the slippery ice in our heavy boots.
  •       He wondered if the floor could support the heavy piano.
  •       Gold is a heavy metal.
  •       We had a heavy rain last night.
  •       A heavy frost lay over the road, roofs and trees.
  •       She must have a heavy purse to have contributed such a large sum of money.
  •       I was held up by the heavy traffic.
  •       Industry is a heavy user of electric power.
  •       Sweet grass like a heavy green carpet grew along the edge of the river.
  •       Heavy lines on the map indicate main roads.
  •       He has a pair of animated eyes under heavy eyebrows.
  •       There came through the open door the heavy scent of the lilac.
  •       Rescue crews walked three miles from the end of the road into the heavy brush to carry the critically wounded men to an ambulance.
  •       Ade is a heavy smoker.
  •       The aggressors suffered heavy casualties.
  •       He is laden with heavy responsibility.
  •       I got a heavy date for this afternoon.
  •       He went to hospital because of heavy work.
  •       Moving that bed was heavy work.
  •       The report makes pretty heavy reading.
  •       I've had a heavy day.
  •       He went to meet her with a heavy heart.
  •       I must confess that this is a heavy blow.
  •       She wore a heavy look, because someone offended her.
  •       It's a heavy day.
  •       Soon after the heavy meal the child had a pain in the stomach.

      用作形容词 (adj.)

  •       There was a fire lit in my bedroom and a too heavy eiderdown.

    出自:Day Lewis
  •       Mrs. Warmington collapsed on top of her, a warm, dead weight, flaccid and heavy.

    出自:D. Bagley
  •       The heavy brown grocery bag was beginning to slip out of her arms.

    出自:R. Macdonald
  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解

  •       常见错误

  •       词源解说


  •       heavy的基本意思是“重的”,通常指某物体很重,引申可指人在精神上感觉沉重,即“沉重的,沉闷的,忧郁的”,也可指天气“阴沉的”。引申还有“力量、数量或程度异常大的”“繁重的”“笨重的,笨拙的”“严厉的,无情的”“难消化的”等意思。
  •       heavy在句中可用作定语、表语或宾语补足语。
  •       heavy的比较级是heavier,最高级是heaviest。


heavy, weighty
  •       这两个词的共同意思是“重的”。它们之间的区别是:
  •       1.用于具体意义:heavy指的是相对的重,而weighty指的是绝对的重。例如:
  •       The parcel is too heavy for me.那个包裹对我来说太重了。
  •       There is a weighty parcel.那儿有一个沉甸甸的包裹。
  •       2.用于引申义:heavy可指精神压力沉重,忍受不了; weighty指某事物是“有重大意义的”“有分量的”“很重要的”等。例如:
  •       He made a weighty speech.他的发言很有分量。
  •       He died for the people and his death is weightier than Mount Tai.他是为人民而死的,他的死重于泰山。
  •       adj.(形容词)


            误 The bag is heavy for me to carry.

            正 The bag is too heavy for me to carry.

            析 heavy作表语时只有在too修饰的情况下,其后才可接动词不定式。

    •       ☆ 直接源自古英语的hefig,意为重。
    •       中考真题例句

    •       考研真题例句

          中考真题例句OG 1.heavy

          She had just turned away when she heard a heavy fall and a few cries.



          中考真题例句OG 2.heavy

          The little girl felt her net growing heavy and was very happy.



          中考真题例句OG 3.heavy

          They are one of the world's heaviest animals, and their hearts are the biggest of any animals.



          中考真题例句OG 1.heavy

          Although the traffic was heavy, we got to the railway station on time.



          中考真题例句OG 2.heavy

          In the night sky, the clouds look dark and heavy.



          中考真题例句OG 3.heavy

          The beavers' dams slow down the speed of the river, especially after heavy rain.



          中考真题例句OG 1.heavy

          Sara was late for school because of the heavy rain.



          中考真题例句OG 2.heavy

          Artificial Intelligence (人工智能) has been used in many different fields to perform certain tasks, including education, heavy industry and toys and so on.



          中考真题例句OG 3.heavy

          Heavy Industry



          中考真题例句OG 1.heavy

          He felt like there was a heavy weight on his shoulders as he walked home alone.



          中考真题例句OG 2.heavy

          It is created to carry out the heavy building tasks.



          中考真题例句OG 3.heavy

          The government will take action to solve the problem of heavy extracurricular burdens (课外负担) on primary and middle school students.



          考研真题例句OG 1.heavy

          Democrats, Republicans, the Postal Service, the unions and the system's heaviest users have agreed on a plan to fix the system.



          考研真题例句OG 2.heavy

          Impose a heavier burden on immigrants.



          考研真题例句OG 1.heavy

          For example, heavier women are less likely to develop calcium deficiency than thin women.



    •       近义词

    •       反义词

    •       临近词





          I heard his heavy tread on the stairs.(我听到他在楼梯上的沉重脚步声。)

          She spoke with heavy irony.(她的话充满了讽刺。)

          Heavy fighting has been going on.(激战一直在进行。)

          What is the opposite of heavy?(重的反义词是什么?)

          I'm not a heavy drinker.(我不是贪杯之人。)

          The lamp has a heavy base.(这盏灯的底座很沉。)

          The discussion got a little heavy.(讨论变得有点严肃。)

          The air is heavy with moisture.(空气中充满了湿气。)

          These scissors are awfully heavy.(这些剪刀非常重。)

          Heavy trucks kept thundering past.(重型卡车不断地隆隆驶过。)

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          heavy是什么意思 heavy在线翻译 heavy什么意思 heavy的意思 heavy的翻译 heavy的解释 heavy的发音 heavy的同义词
