


      英 [mʌnθ]

      美 [mʌnθ]




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  •       一个月的时间
  •       月,月份
  •       [复]很长时间
  •       太阴月,农历月,朔望月
  •       太阳月,阳历月(太阳年的十二分之一,一年的十二个月之一)


  •       [C]月,月份 any of the 12 named divisions of the (western) year
  •       [C]一个月的时间 a period of about four weeks


      1. a time unit of approximately 30 days

      e.g. he was given a month to pay the bill

      2. one of the twelve divisions of the calendar year

      e.g. he paid the bill last month

      Synonym: calendar month

      1. 月;月份
      A month is one of the twelve periods of time that a year is divided into, for example January or February.


      e.g. The trial is due to begin next month.
      e.g. exhibition which opens this month at London's Design Museum...

      2. 一个月(的时间)
      A month is a period of about four weeks.

      e.g. She was here for a month...
      e.g. Over the next several months I met most of her family...

      1. 月份:或是您有专属使用的时间同步伺服器(NTP Server)於此输入正确小时(Hours), 分钟(Minutes), 秒(Seconds), 月份(Month), 日(Day) 与 (Year).有一些特殊应用软体其进出Internet 的服务端口号(Port Number)为非对称的,

      2. 现在月份:Year 现在年份 | Month 现在月份 | Day 现在天

      3. 将系列数转换为月:MINUTE 将系列数转换为分钟 | MONTH 将系列数转换为月 | NETWORKDAYS 返回两个日期之间的完整工作日数

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      A:I‘m sorry, but I have to cancel out luncheon appointment.


      B:I‘m sorry to hear that.


      A:I have pressing business to attend to .


      B:No problem. we‘ll make it later in the month .


      B:We‘d like a chance to bid on this business.

      A:We‘ll be taking quotations next month .

      B:Will you let us have the specifications ?


      A:Sure ,just drop in my office some time and pick them up .

      Voluntary work-(义工)

      B:Want to meet for lunch this Saturday?


      A:Sorry, I can’t. I’m busy.

      B:What are you doing?

      A:I always do volunteer work on the first Saturday of every month.

      B:What kind of volunteer work?


      A:I help out at the children’s hospital. I help plan activities.


      B:Oh, yeah?

      A:Yeah. It’s exciting. This month we’re doing crossword puzzles.

      1. month by month : 逐月;

      2. month after month : 一月又一月;


  •       February is the second month of the year.
  •       He will be back before the month is out.
  •       He was born in the month of December.
  •       The wholesale coffee price in March was a little higher than in the same month of last year.3
  •       How many days are there in a month?
  •       Sales are very satisfactory this month.
  •       We had an underground nuclear test last month.
  •       His book, A Guide to Poultry Keeping , is to be published next month.
  •       He called for a meeting next month.
  •       He came again the next month.
  •       I could meet the same people of the same pitch once a month.
  •       The year is divided into 12 months.
  •       The baby was two months premature.
  •       She has been pregnant for eight months.
  •       I'll finish the work in a month.
  •       We were in Japan the month we had the great flood.

      用作名词 (n.)
