


      英 [seɪv]

      美 [sev]



      形容词: savable 名词: saver 过去式: saved 过去分词: saved 现在分词: saving 第三人称单数: saves


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  •       积蓄, 储蓄,攒钱
  •       储存,保留,贮存,保存,收藏
  •       救,拯救
  •       节省,节约,省去
  •       救,挽救,救助
  •       维护,保全
  •       救(球)阻碍对方得(分)
  •       避免


  •       【足球等】救球(阻碍对方得分的动作)
  •       救援,救助
  •       文件的保存


  •       除了,除去,除...之外


  •       除...之外


  •       vt. 拯救,挽救 make or keep (safe from danger, loss, injury, etc.)
  •       vt. & vi. 储蓄,贮存 keep and not spend or use (as for later use)
  •       vt. & vi. 节省 relieve sb from the need of using


      1. (sports) the act of preventing the opposition from scoring

      e.g. the goalie made a brilliant save
      the relief pitcher got credit for a save


      1. make unnecessary an expenditure or effort

      e.g. This will save money
      I'll save you the trouble
      This will save you a lot of time

      Synonym: make unnecessary

      2. record data on a computer

      e.g. boot-up instructions are written on the hard disk

      Synonym: write

      3. to keep up and reserve for personal or special use

      e.g. She saved the old family photographs in a drawer

      Synonym: preserve

      4. accumulate money for future use

      e.g. He saves half his salary

      Synonym: lay asidesave up

      5. spend less
      buy at a reduced price

      6. retain rights to

      e.g. keep my job for me while I give birth
      keep my seat, please
      keep open the possibility of a merger

      Synonym: keep openhold openkeep

      7. spend sparingly, avoid the waste of

      e.g. This move will save money
      The less fortunate will have to economize now

      Synonym: economizeeconomise

      8. refrain from harming

      Synonym: spare

      9. save from ruin, destruction, or harm

      Synonym: salvagesalverelieve

      10. save from sins

      Synonym: deliverredeem

      11. bring into safety

      e.g. We pulled through most of the victims of the bomb attack

      Synonym: carry throughpull throughbring through

      1. 拯救;搭救;挽救;救助
      If you save someone or something, you help them to avoid harm or to escape from a dangerous or unpleasant situation.

      e.g. ...a final attempt to save 40,000 jobs in Britain's troubled aero industry...
      为保住陷入困境中的英国航空业的 4 万份工作所作的最后一次努力
      e.g. One man was still missing last night after the Belgian trawler Lucky capsized off the Dutch coast. Three other men were saved...
      昨晚比利时拖网渔船“幸运号”在荷兰海岸附近沉没后,仍有1人失踪,其余 3 人被救起。

      His boxing career was ended after two sight-saving operations.

      2. 储蓄;积攒;攒钱
      If you save, you gradually collect money by spending less than you get, usually in order to buy something that you want.

      e.g. The majority of people intend to save, but find that by the end of the month there is nothing left...
      e.g. Tim and Barbara are now saving for a house in the suburbs...

      3. 节省;节约
      If you save something such as time or money, you prevent the loss or waste of it.

      e.g. It saves time in the kitchen to have things you use a lot within reach...
      e.g. More cash will be saved by shutting studios and selling outside-broadcast vehicles...

      ...labor-saving devices.

      4. 保留;留下
      If you save something, you keep it because it will be needed later.

      e.g. Drain the beans thoroughly and save the stock for soup...
      e.g. Scraps of material were saved, cut up and pieced together for quilts.

      5. 免去;省去;使免受
      If someone or something saves you from an unpleasant action or experience, they change the situation so that you do not have to do it or experience it.

      e.g. The scanner will save risk and pain for patients...
      e.g. She was hoping that something might save her from having to make a decision...

      6. 保存;存盘
      If you save data in a computer, you give the computer an instruction to store the data on a tape or disk.


      e.g. Try to get into the habit of saving your work regularly...
      e.g. Import your scanned images from the scanner and save as a JPG file.
      从扫描仪导入扫描后的图像,并保存为 JPG 文件。

      7. 救(球)
      If a goalkeeper saves, or saves a shot, they succeed in preventing the ball from going into the goal.

      e.g. He saved one shot when the ball hit him on the head.

      8. 除…之外
      You can use save to introduce the only things, people, or ideas that your main statement does not apply to.

      e.g. There is almost no water at all in Mochudi save that brought up from bore holes.

      9. to save someone's bacon -> see bacon
      to save the day -> see day
      to save face -> see face

      相关词组:save up

      1. save的反义词

      1. 保存文件:其中有输入文件(Get),保存文件(Save)等. 如果你AutoCAD应用较熟练,则可用它画好三维立体图,用File>Convert>DXF>Read命令读取图形,然后还要进行曲面构造. 等你完成一幅图的曲面构造后,还要进行曲面分析,

      2. save:systematic alien verification entitlements; 相异系统验证权

      3. save:struggle against violent extremism; 反对暴力极端主义斗争

  •       情景对话

  •       常用短语

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      A:You should save (some/ a lot/ a little bit of) money on parking here.




      A:There are many free parking spaces. You can save money on parking there.

      B:All right.


      A:I will be home for Thanksgiving so save a little turkey for me.

      B:Save the dark meat for me.


    为…积蓄〔储存〕… put (sth such as money or supply) away until (a certain time or occasion) or for (sb or a purpose)
    save for wh-clause

          It is necessary to save for when you are ill or too old to work.


    save sth for sb/sth

          Are you saving the best wine for the party?


          I'm trying to save as much of my income as I can for my old age.


          The shopkeeper saved a pound of my special cheese for me, as I'm a regular customer.


          Please save my place for me while I make a telephone call.



  •       He has never saved.
  •       She saves in every way she can.

      用作动词 (v.)

  •       The keeper made a series of brilliant..saves.

  •       A great many lives were saved by..inoculation.

    出自:Medical Physical Journal
  •       'Do save mesdo hide me!' said Eliza.

    出自:H. B. Stowe
  •       A sudden effort was necessary to save me from falling.

    出自:J. Tyndall
  •       The same ambition can destroy or save.

  •       Dances to which all other girls save Clara seemed to be invited.

    出自:M. Drabble
  •       No ornaments in the room save a crucifix.

    出自:J. Archer
  •       词语用法

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  •       词源解说


  •       save的基本意思是采取措施把人或动物从险境中解救出来或使其“脱离危险,免受损失”,可指从危险、灾难、困难、错误中救起某人或拯救某人的性命,也可指人储存金钱、食物、节省时间(以备自救)等,有时还可指人“保全面子、名声”等。
  •       save作“救,拯救”解时,用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。
  •       save作“储蓄,储存”解时,可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。
  •       save作“节省”解时,可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词、动名词作宾语,还可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化为介词for的宾语。


save a day, save the day
  •       这两个短语的意思不同:save a day的意思是“省了一天的时间”, save the day的意思则是“反败为胜,转危为安”。试比较:
  •       We saved a day by taking a plane there.
  •       我们乘飞机去那里,因而节省了一天 的时间。
  •       The team was behind,but at the last minute Tom saved the day with a touchdown.
  •       这支球队一直落后,然而在最后时刻 汤姆一次底线得分而反败为胜。
  •       v.(动词)


            误 This machine will save a lot of trouble for you.

            正 This machine will save you a lot of trouble.

            析 save表示“使…省去”时可接双宾语,但间接宾语不能转化成介词for的宾语。

    •       ☆ 13世纪初期进入英语,直接源自古法语的sauver,意为使安全;最初源自古典拉丁语的salvus,意为安全。
    •       中考真题例句

    •       考研真题例句


          The doctors and nurses managed to save the lives of patients, though they didn't have enough medicine.




          The tree was so big and beautiful that even more and more people wanted to save that forest.




          There are many things you can do to save the earth.




          But during busy travel time, some parents take their children out of school early to save money on vacations.




          However, in 2006 the company stopped producing these robotic pets in order to save money.




          This can save some oil and produce less CO2.




          Children can choose to save their money or spend it using a card.




          They may help parents save their children's money.




          So he always saved money by repairing bikes to help them.




          But they should save their writing in time on the computer because it may stop working suddenly.




          Keeping family recipes is saving and honoring our tradition so that future generations can continue to make family ties stronger.




          You should save them and give them to your teacher, your family, or the police.




          Energy companies can use AI to help customers reduce their electricity bills, saving them money while helping the environment.




          That common-sense change enjoys wide public support and would save the USPS $2 billion per year.




          Taking a gap year to figure things out initially can help prevent stress and save money later on.




          It is not enough to say that the algorithms DeepMind develops will benefit patients and save lives.




          Software promises to save lives on the scale that drugs now can.




          The community mental health team saved my life.




          Legislation is moving through the House that would save USPS an estimated $28.6 billion over five years.




          Now most colleges, save for many selective campuses, allow all undergraduates, and even graduate students, to get their low grades forgiven.



    •       近义词

    •       反义词

    •       临近词





          Nothing but a miracle can save her now.(现在只有出现奇迹才能救活她。)

          Doctors were unable to save him.(医生未能把他救活。)

          We'll take a cab to save time.(我们坐出租车,好节省时间。)

          A new filter can save on energy bills.(一个新的过滤器能节省能源开支。)

          A nurse began to try to save his life.(一名护士开始设法抢救他。)

          There is no incentive for people to save fuel.(没有使人们节约燃料的鼓励办法。)

          He made a spectacular save.(他那扑救的动作令人叹为观止。)

          We should try to save water.(我们应设法节约用水。)

          She'd do anything to save her own hide.(她会不惜一切保住自己的性命。)

          They are fighting to save what is left of their business.(他们在拼命抢救他们仅余的业务。)

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          save是什么意思 save在线翻译 save什么意思 save的意思 save的翻译 save的解释 save的发音 save的同义词
