


      英 [step]

      美 [stɛp]



      过去式: stepped 过去分词: stepped 现在分词: stepping 第三人称单数: steps


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  •       梯级,台阶
  •       等级,升级
  •       步骤
  •       舞步
  •       脚步(声)
  •       一步,步伐
  •       措施,手段
  •       足迹
  •       短距离
  •       一步的距离
  •       踏板
  •       一阶段
  •       一个刻度
  •       【音】音阶
  •       步调


  •       步测,以步测量
  •       走,步行,迈步,行走,散步
  •       跳(舞)
  •       使成梯级
  •       进
  •       踩,踩住
  •       跨(步),踏(脚)
  •       踏(进),跨(入)
  •       临时顶替某人工作
  •       临时顶缺
  •       接替某人的工作
  •       赶快,开快点
  •       表现不好
  •       不守规矩
  •       越轨,出格
  •       跳出圈子看问题
  •       让位,退位
  •       主动站出来,自告奋勇
  •       授之以手
  •       居间调停
  •       举步
  •       轻快地走(常与along连用)
  •       跨过
  •       装上梯级,具体指(在斜坡上)凿出台阶
  •       把(桅杆)竖立在桅座上


  •       =solutions to employment problems 就业问题解决办法


  •       [C] 脚步,步 an act of moving by raising one foot and bringing it down somewhere else
  •       [C] 一步的距离,短距离 the distance covered in one step, a short distance
  •       [C] 楼梯,台阶 a flat narrow surface, especially one in a set of surfaces each higher than the one before, on which the foot is placed for climbing up and down; stair
  •       [C] 级别,等级; 阶段 a degree on a scale, or a stage in a process
  •       [C] 步骤,措施 an act, especially one of a set of actions, which should produce a certain result


  •       vi. & vt. 举步; 行走; 跨步 move and then put down the foot


      1. any maneuver made as part of progress toward a goal

      e.g. the situation called for strong measures
      the police took steps to reduce crime

      Synonym: measure

      2. the act of changing location by raising the foot and setting it down

      e.g. he walked with unsteady steps

      3. a sequence of foot movements that make up a particular dance

      e.g. he taught them the waltz step

      Synonym: dance step

      4. support consisting of a place to rest the foot while ascending or descending a stairway

      e.g. he paused on the bottom step

      Synonym: stair

      5. a solid block joined to the beams in which the heel of a ship's mast or capstan is fixed

      6. a mark of a foot or shoe on a surface

      e.g. the police made casts of the footprints in the soft earth outside the window

      Synonym: footprintfootmark

      7. a musical interval of two semitones

      Synonym: tonewhole tonewhole step

      8. the sound of a step of someone walking

      e.g. he heard footsteps on the porch

      Synonym: footfallfootstep

      9. the distance covered by a step

      e.g. he stepped off ten paces from the old tree and began to dig

      Synonym: footsteppacestride

      10. a short distance

      e.g. it's only a step to the drugstore

      Synonym: stone's throw

      11. relative position in a graded series

      e.g. always a step behind
      subtle gradations in color
      keep in step with the fashions

      Synonym: gradation



      1. move or proceed as if by steps into a new situation

      e.g. She stepped into a life of luxury
      he won't step into his father's footsteps

      2. measure (distances) by pacing

      e.g. step off ten yards

      Synonym: pace

      3. place (a ship's mast) in its step

      4. shift or move by taking a step

      e.g. step back

      5. put down or press the foot, place the foot

      e.g. For fools rush in where angels fear to tread
      step on the brake

      Synonym: tread

      6. walk a short distance to a specified place or in a specified manner

      e.g. step over to the blackboard

      7. move with one's feet in a specific manner

      e.g. step lively

      8. furnish with steps

      e.g. The architect wants to step the terrace

      9. treat badly

      e.g. This boss abuses his workers
      She is always stepping on others to get ahead

      Synonym: mistreatmaltreatabuseill-useill-treat

      10. cause (a computer) to execute a single command

      1. (脚)步;步子
      If you take a step, you lift your foot and put it down in a different place, for example when you are walking.

      e.g. I took a step towards him...
      e.g. She walked on a few steps...

      2. 踩;踏;跨步;迈步
      If you step on something or step in a particular direction, you put your foot on the thing or move your foot in that direction.

      e.g. This was the moment when Neil Armstrong became the first man to step on the Moon...
      e.g. She accidentally stepped on his foot on a crowded commuter train...

      3. 阶梯;台阶
      Steps are a series of surfaces at increasing or decreasing heights, on which you put your feet in order to walk up or down to a different level.


      e.g. This little room was along a passage and down some steps...
      e.g. A flight of stone steps leads to the terrace.

      4. (门前的)平台
      A step is a raised flat surface in front of a door.

      e.g. A little girl was sitting on the step of the end house...
      e.g. Leave empty milk bottles on the step.

      5. 步骤;措施
      A step is one of a series of actions that you take in order to achieve something.

      e.g. He greeted the agreement as the first step towards peace...
      e.g. She is not content with her present lot and wishes to take steps to improve it...

      6. 阶段;等级;进程
      A step in a process is one of a series of stages.


      e.g. The next step is to put the theory into practice...
      e.g. Aristotle took the scientific approach a step further.

      7. 舞步
      The steps of a dance are the sequences of foot movements which make it up.

      8. 步态;步姿;步伐
      Someone's step is the way they walk.

      e.g. He quickened his step...
      e.g. There was a real spring in her step.

      9. 同 stepladder
      Steps are the same as a stepladder .

      10. 比…领先一步;避开
      If you stay one step ahead of someone or something, you manage to achieve more than they do or avoid competition or danger from them.

      e.g. Successful travel is partly a matter of keeping one step ahead of the crowd...
      e.g. Businessmen cluster together to get ideas, tips, personal contacts anything to get a step ahead of the computer.

      11. 步伐整齐/步伐不整齐;合拍/不合拍
      If people who are walking or dancing are in step, they are moving their feet forward at exactly the same time as each other. If they are out of step, their feet are moving forward at different times.

      e.g. They were almost the same height and they moved perfectly in step...
      e.g. They jogged in silence a while, faces lowered, out of step...

      12. (想法、意见等)与…一致/与…不一致
      If people are in step with each other, their ideas or opinions are the same. If they are out of step with each other, their ideas or opinions are different.

      e.g. Moscow is anxious to stay in step with Washington...
      e.g. The British Government is once more out of step with world opinion.

      13. 快点;赶快
      If you tell someone to step on it, you are telling them to go faster or hurry up.

      e.g. We've only got thirty-five minutes so step on it.
      我们只有 35 分钟了,快点。

      14. 一步一步地;逐步地
      If you do something step by step, you do it by progressing gradually from one stage to the next.


      e.g. I am not rushing things and I'm taking it step by step...
      e.g. Follow our simple step-by-step instructions.

      15. 谨慎地行事(或说话)
      If someone tells you to watch your step, they are warning you to be careful about how you behave or what you say so that you do not get into trouble.

      相关词组:step asidestep backstep downstep instep outstep up

      1. 阶梯:每个阶梯(step)约长50公尺,阶梯与阶梯之间,间隔约50微秒(micro second),接著下一个阶梯产生. 阶梯先导一般的平均速率为1.5×105公尺/秒,约为光速的两千分之一. 若云底的高度是3公里,那麼阶梯先导从云到地面将花20毫秒的时间,

      2. step的翻译

      2. 级:从硅设计的角度讲,基本上线性曲线更为容易,但需要更多级(step)才能恰当地处理较小的光变化,特别是LED工作在低电流区域时. 同样地,指数曲线集成到硅芯片中会较复杂,但需要的调光级较少,因为曲线的低端部分就能够在低端电流区域提供非常平滑的变化.

      3. 台阶:般不用塊,如紙(張)、動物的皮膚(FON)等,但是樹皮又經常用塊. 3 段 階 階段 名詞,臺階(STEP)的單位

      4. step:service test and evaluation program; 服务试验和评估项目

      5. step

      5. step:standard tap exectltive program; 标准带执行程序

      6. step:selective traffic enforcement policy; 灵活执行交通法例政策

      7. step:secure tunneling establishment protocol; 可靠隧道效应确立协议

  •       情景对话

  •       常用短语

  •       相关词组

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文


      A:Do you have a reservation, sir?

      B:No, I am afraid we don’t.


      A:I’m sorry. The restaurant is full now. You have to wait for about half an hour. Would you care to have a drink at the lounge until a table is available?
      很抱歉,餐厅已经满座了。约要等30 分钟才会有空桌。你们介意在休息室喝点东西直至有空桌吗?


      B:No,thanks. We’ll come back later. May I reserve a table for two?


      A:Yes, of course. May I have your name, sir?

      B:Bruce. By the way. Can we have a table by the window?

      A:We’ll try to arrange it but I can’t guarantee, sir.

      B:That’s fine.

      A:Your table is ready, sir. Please step this way.


      A:: Madam, can I help you at all?

      B:I hope so. I’m shopping around for computer system with a view to purchasing several.

      A:May I ask who you are buying for?


      B:ABC company. My name is Dr. Wang.

      A:Ah, welcome to London, Dr. Wang. We’ve done quite a lot of business with your company in the past, I believe.

      B:That’s right.

      A:Would you like to step up here for a demonstration? We’ve made improvements since we last did business with you.

      B:Later on, perhaps. Right now I’d like to have a good look at your brochure.

      A:Certainly. Take as many as you need. Come back any time you’re ready.



    错误,失策 a wrong actionA false step can cost us millions of dollars.一步失策会使我们损失几百万美元。


    折梯 step-ladder

      1. step down : 走下, 辞职, 下台;

      2. step on it : 赶快, 加大油门;

      3. in step : 步调一致;

      4. step along : 走开;

      5. step by step : 逐步地;

      6. get one's step : 获得提升;

      7. step in : 走进, 干涉;

      8. step out of line : 行为与众不同, 行为出人意料;

      9. step aside : 避开;

      10. step up : 提高;

      11. step out : 以步测量;

      12. step off : 结婚, 死;

      13. watch one's step : 走路小心, 谨慎;

      14. out of step : 步调不一致;


  •       I won't venture a step farther.
  •       He received his prize with a proud step.
  •       With every step I took the load seemed to get heavier.
  •       Take two steps forward and two steps back.
  •       There were children's steps in the cement.
  •       The dance has some complicated steps.
  •       Bill darted out of bed as his father's step was heard on the stairs.
  •       It's only a step to the station.
  •       The water was deeper at every step.
  •       The park is only a short step away from our house.
  •       There is but one step between the ludicrous and the sublime.
  •       The hospital is only twenty steps away.
  •       He lives a good step down the road.
  •       A flight of steps leads up to the house.
  •       The ladder has a number of steps.
  •       May I borrow your steps?
  •       His present job is a step up from his previous one.
  •       When do you get your next step?
  •       A colonel is three steps above a captain.
  •       A step in temperature on the Fahrenheit scale is smaller than a step on the Centigrade scale.
  •       It is time to take a positive step to break the vicious circle.
  •       He will not warrant such a step.
  •       What's the next step in your plan?
  •       The first step will be to get a job in some office.
  •       We can miss the next few steps if you like.
  •       Take such steps as you think best.
  •       A touch of colour came into her cheeks and her step became more firm and confident.


  •       He stepped backward and fell over the cliff.
  •       When we passed his window, we stepped softly as usual.
  •       As soon as he stepped ashore, he found himself surrounded by friendly people.
  •       If you don't step lively, we shall miss the train.

      用作名词 (n.)


      用作动词 (v.)

  •       She walked in short quick steps.

    出自:A. Sillitoe
  •       Life is an act of faith, each step a venture into uncharted territory.

  •       A figure who might have stepped out of a Raeburn canvas.

    出自:J. Buchan
  •       Alice was drunk and she stepped carefully along the passage.

    出自:J. Carew
  •       I..caught him as he was stepping into a taxi.

    出自:L. Hellman
  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解

  •       常见错误

  •       词源解说


  •       step是可数名词,基本意思是“脚步,步”,指脚抬起来再放下,有时还可指“脚步声”,引申可表示“一步距离,短距离”,前面加short强调“短”,加good则表示“相当远”,其前加数词时可表示“…步的距离”,而作“短距离”解时,常用于单数形式。
  •       step还可作“台阶,楼梯”解,主要指室内的台阶或楼梯,有时还可指梯子,引申可表示“级别,等级; 阶段”,有时可指温度计的“度”。a flight of steps表示“一排台阶”。
  •       step还可作“步骤,措施”解,指一系列行动中的一步行动。
  •       step有时还可用于比喻,指抽象意义上的“步伐”,作此解时,是不可数名词。


  •       step用作名词时意思是“脚步”,转化为动词意思是“踩”“踏”“举步”“跨步”。
  •       step可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接表示脚踏之处的地点名词或代词作宾语。


in step, in steps
  •       这两个短语的区别是:in step中的step是单数形式,表示用同一步调行走,常译成“步调一致”; in steps中的step是复数形式,表示一步一步地行走或行动,常译成“逐渐地”。
  •       v.(动词)

    step, pace
  •       这两个名词均可表示“步”。其区别是:
  •       step指脚步提起来放下去,强调动作,有轻重、长短和优美与否之分; 而pace指身体向前移动强调距离,有快慢和从容与否之分。例如:
  •       He was so tired that he was unable to take another step.他累得一步也走不动了。
  •       A little boy's pace is smaller than a man's pace.小孩的一步比大人的一步小。
  •       n.(名词)


            误 We must take steps reducing pollution of the air.

            正 We must take steps to reduce pollution of the air.

            析 take steps后跟动词不定式,不跟动名词形式。


            误 Take care of your steps.It's slippery here.

            正 Watch your step.It's slippery here.

            析 当表示“走路小心”“小心行事”时,用watch one's step,不可用 take care of one's steps。

    •       ☆ 直接源自古英语的stepp,意为台阶。
    •       中考真题例句

    •       考研真题例句

          中考真题例句OG 1.step

          But those failures put him one step closer to success.



          中考真题例句OG 2.step

          However, everyone can avoid it by taking a few simple steps today!



          中考真题例句OG 3.step

          We'd better follow the seven-step hand-washing method to keep healthy.



          中考真题例句OG 1.step

          Giraffe's long legs mean they take big steps when they walk or run.



          中考真题例句OG 2.step

          Zebra stepped back and was leaving.



          中考真题例句OG 3.step

          The man stepping forward first would be praised.



          考研真题例句OG 1.step

          The first step, as Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee argue in The Second Machine Age, should be rethinking education and job training.

          正如Erik Brynjolfsson和Andrew McAfee在《第二次机械革命》一书中所言,第一步应该是重新思考教育和职业培训。


          考研真题例句OG 2.step

          The court's ruling is a step forward in the struggle against both corruption and official favoritism.



          考研真题例句OG 3.step

          Relying on ethical persuasion rather than law to address the misuse of body ideals may be the best step.



          考研真题例句OG 1.step

          You'd think this might fuel the efficiency mind-set, but in fact, Eberle notes, such ritualistic behaviour helps us "step outside time's flow" into "soul time."



          考研真题例句OG 2.step

          I've seen image upgrades be particularly helpful during transitions — when looking for a new job, stepping into a new or more public role.



    •       近义词

    •       临近词




          The agreement is a major step toward peace.(这项协议是走向和平的一大步。)

          Every step he took sent the pain shooting up his leg.(他每走一步,疼痛就顺腿窜上来。)

          I'll explain it to you step by step.(我来一步一步地给你解释。)

          She's 73, but hasn't lost that youthful, springy step.(她73岁了,但走起路来依旧矫健轻捷。)

          He took a step towards the door.(他朝门口迈了一步。)

          Washington would not take such a step without its allies' approval.(没有其同盟国的赞同,华盛顿不会迈出这样的一步。)

          We need a push to take the first step.(我们需要鼓励来迈出第一步。)

          He quickened his step.(他加快了步伐。)

          The closure of the factory is a retrograde step.(工厂的关闭是一大退步。)

          Her wet shoes squelched at every step.(她的鞋里进了水,走一步吧唧一声。)

    •       上一篇voice
    •       下一篇snail

          step是什么意思 step在线翻译 step什么意思 step的意思 step的翻译 step的解释 step的发音 step的同义词
