


      英 [ˈweðə(r)]

      美 [ˈhwɛðɚ, ˈwɛð-]



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  •       是否
  •       不管…还是…,无论
  •       (两者中的)任何一个,或者…


  •       (两者中的)哪一个的,(两者中的)任何一个的


  •       可能的选择


  •       哪一个
  •       任一个,任何一个


  •       是否 if...or not
  •       不管…(还是 …)a no matter if...(or)...

      1. (表示选择或怀疑)是否,是不是
      You use whether when you are talking about a choice or doubt between two or more alternatives.

      e.g. To this day, it's unclear whether he shot himself or was murdered...
      e.g. Whether it turns out to be a good idea or a bad idea, we'll find out...

      2. 无论;不管
      You use whether to say that something is true in any of the circumstances that you mention.


      e.g. This happens whether the children are in two-parent or one-parent families...
      e.g. Whether they say it aloud or not, most men expect their wives to be faithful.

      1. 是否:Hokheimer)在其<>(kritische Theorie)一书宇宙论褪色,这不仅已是一不可扭转的事实,也是一可接受(acceptable)的价值即它与传统大乘之间的差别不是落在是否(whether)关注公义上讲,对此其实并无根本分歧,

      2. whether什么意思

      2. 所引导的宾语从句放在主句之前时,只能用:He hasn't decided whether to have dinner with me.他还没决定是否和我共进晚餐... | (3)所引导的宾语从句放在主句之前时,只能用whether. | Whether it will rain or snow, we don't mind. 我们不在乎将要刮风还是下雨...


      3. 引导主语从句或表语从句时,一般用:Whether I won or lost, she didn't want to know.我是赢是输她不想知道. | (4)引导主语从句或表语从句时,一般用whether. | The most important was whether they had gone.最重要的是他们是不是已经走了.

      4. whether在线翻译

      4. 后接动词不定式时,只能用:They stopped to talk.他们停下来开始交谈. | (2)后接动词不定式时,只能用whether. | Adam didn't know whether to go or stay.亚当不知道是走还是留.

  •       常用例句

  •       经典引文


  •       Whether we can stay with my mother is another matter.
  •       She doesn't know whether to get married now or wait.
  •       She was in doubt whether she was right.
  •       I haven't settled the question of whether I'll go back home.
  •       Whether we go to your place or stay here,we'll still find something to eat.
  •       Whether would ye? gold or field?

  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解

  •       词源解说


  •       whether用作连词,意思是“是否,是不是”,可引导名词从句或动词不定式短语。
  •       whether还可引导让步状语从句,意思是“不管,无论”,从句中通常用一般现代时代替将来时。


whether, if
  •       这两个词的共同意思是“假使,如果”。
  •       1.if从句可以表示希望; 而whether从句单纯表示事实。
  •       2.if不能用在介词之后的间接疑问句中; 而whether可以。
  •       3.if不能用在“to+动词原形”的前面; 而whether可以。
  •       4.if不能引导主语、表语从句; 而whether可以。
    •       ☆ 直接源自古英语的hweer;最初源自原始日耳曼语的khwatharaz,意为两个当中的一个,是否。
    •       中考真题例句

    •       高考真题例句

    •       考研真题例句

          中考真题例句OG 1.whether

          Another system can detect whether someone is wearing eyeglasses.



          中考真题例句OG 2.whether

          One day, a film director came to him and asked whether he wanted to act in his movie.



          中考真题例句OG 3.whether

          This step reminds you to decide whether a word is important enough for you to learn now.



          中考真题例句OG 1.whether

          Whether I remind you or not, you're supposed to take your own work seriously.



          中考真题例句OG 2.whether

          It is important to have a friend to talk to, whether(不论) it is about a sad or happy subject.



          中考真题例句OG 3.whether

          Whether a celebrity is a role model or not, he should care about his behavior.



          高考真题例句OG 1.whether

          Thus,the keyboard can determine people's identities, and by extension, whether they should be given access to the computer it's connected to - regardless of whether someone gets the password right.



          高考真题例句OG 2.whether

          Experts say the way you design your home could play a role in whether you pack on the pounds or keep them off.

          专家表示, 你设计房子的方式可能会对你是否会发胖产生影响。


          高考真题例句OG 1.whether

          Whether you're looking at wallpaper or paint, the time, effort and relative expense put into it are significant.

          不管你是在看墙纸还是油漆, 花在上面的时间、精力和相关费用都是很重要的。


          考研真题例句OG 1.whether

          How do you decide whether it's worth speaking up?



          考研真题例句OG 2.whether

          Another nationwide concern is whether public funds from other agencies are going into construction in fire-prone districts.



          考研真题例句OG 3.whether

          Further trade deals raise questions about whether new shocks could hit manufacturing.



          考研真题例句OG 1.whether

          Whether you're a politician or a parent, it might be helpful to keep in mind that trying to maintain eye contact may backfire.



          考研真题例句OG 2.whether

          The growth of a class of professional actors was threatening to make the drama popular, whether it should be new or old.



          考研真题例句OG 3.whether

          There's always a constant fear of falling behind everyone else, whether that be toward graduate school, medical school or a lucrative career.



    •       近义词

    •       临近词




          The jury is out on whether or not this is true.(这是否属实尚无定论。)

          I'll leave you to verify whether these claims are true.(我让你来查核这些说法是否属实。)

          It makes no odds to me whether you go or stay.(你的去留与我无关。)

          It's questionable whether anything of substance has been achieved.(是否已取得任何实质性的进展值得质疑。)

          I'm not sure whether I should tell you this.(我拿不准该不该把这事告诉你。)

          The telephone rang. Catherine hesitated, debating whether to answer it.(电话响了。凯瑟琳迟疑着,考虑是否接听。)

          He seemed undecided whether to go or stay.(他似乎还没有决定去留。)

          She caught herself wondering whether she had made a mistake.(她发觉自己在怀疑是否犯了错误。)

          I'm going whether you like it or not.(不管你愿意不愿意,我都要走了。)

          It remains to be seen whether his project will fly.(他的计划能否成功尚需拭目以待。)

          whether是什么意思 whether在线翻译 whether什么意思 whether的意思 whether的翻译 whether的解释 whether的发音 whether的同义词
