


      英 [baɪˈɒlədʒi]

      美 [baɪˈɑ:lədʒi]


      名词: biologist



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  •       生物学
  •       (一个地区的)生物
  •       生活规律
  •       生理
  •       生态学
  •       生态
  •       生物的历史、法则等


  •       [U]生物学 the scientific study of living things


      1. the science that studies living organisms

      Synonym: biological science

      2. all the plant and animal life of a particular region

      Synonym: biota

      3. characteristic life processes and phenomena of living organisms

      e.g. the biology of viruses

      1. 生物学
      Biology is the science which is concerned with the study of living things.

      ...biologists studying the fruit fly.

      2. (生物的)生命机理
      The biology of a living thing is the way in which its body or cells behave.

      e.g. The biology of these diseases is terribly complicated.
      e.g. ...human biology.

      3. see also: molecular biology


      1. 生物:bionet 生物(biology)网络,是生物学家感兴趣的一组信息,提供biz 代表商务(business)信息组. 这是寻找新产品的好地方,Internet节点首次出现时,已获得网络新闻的邻近节点会自愿延伸给新节点一条新闻干路. 新的节点也会遵守这一默契,

      2. 生物课:一次,我上生物课(Biology)时,一位基督徒老师忽然有感而发地说:「虽然我学习时接触了进化论及其他生物学知识,但我仍然比较相信神创论,我也不知为何. 」不知怎的,我对这句印象深刻.

  •       常用例句

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  •       She has a degree in biology.

      用作名词 (n.)

  •       高考真题例句

      高考真题例句OG 1.biology

      "Young birds are often attracted to the warm road surface and get killed by the traffic, " biology student Hannah tells the broadcaster.

      生物学学生汉娜告诉广播员: "年幼的鸟经常被吸引到温暖的路面上, 然后被车辆撞死。"


      高考真题例句OG 2.biology

      He studied biology.



  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      Good morning and welcome to this lecture on hair which is a part of the human biology course.(早上好,欢迎参加关于头发的讲座,这是人类生物学课程的一部分。)

      I was so angry yesterday! My biology teacher did not even let me explain why I missed the field trip.(我昨天很生气!我的生物老师都不让我解释我错过了实地考察的原因。)

      Recent discoveries in molecular biology, however, have opened up prospects for a resolution of the debate.(然而,分子生物学的最新发现为解决这一争论开辟了前景。)

      Listen to part of a lecture in a Conservation Biology class.(请听保护生物课上的部分内容。)

      I'm doing physics, biology and chemistry.(我在学物理、生物和化学。)

      He is now learning anatomy, algebra, biology and geometry which are all science and math courses.(他现在正在学习解剖学、代数、生物学和几何学,这些都属于科学和数学课程。)

      We dissected a frog in biology class.(我们在生物课上解剖了一只青蛙。)

      This is one of the most exciting developments in biology in recent years.(这是近年来生物学上令人振奋的发展之一。)

      In biology this week, students will learn about the bones in humans.(在本周的生物课上,学生们将学习关于人类骨骼的知识。)

      Such discoveries are likely to have revolutionary consequences for biology, astronomy and philosophy.(这些发现很可能对生物学、天文学和哲学产生革命性的影响。)

      biology是什么意思 biology在线翻译 biology什么意思 biology的意思 biology的翻译 biology的解释 biology的发音 biology的同义词
