


      英 [bəʊld]

      美 [boʊld]


      副词: boldly 比较级: bolder 最高级: boldest 名词: boldness



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  •       放肆的
  •       厚颜无耻的
  •       大胆的,无畏的,英勇的
  •       冒失的,鲁莽的
  •       险峻的,陡峭的
  •       胆大妄为的
  •       【印刷】黑体的
  •       突出的


  •       大胆地,勇敢地


  •       【印刷】粗体,黑体


  •       勇敢的,无畏的 brave, confident, and adventurous; not afraid to take risks
  •       冒失的,不客气的 without respect or shame
  •       明显的 strongly marked; clearly formed
  •       粗体的,黑体的 in boldface



      1. a typeface with thick heavy lines

      Synonym: boldfacebold face


      1. fearless and daring

      e.g. bold settlers on some foreign shore
      a bold speech
      a bold adventure

      2. clear and distinct

      e.g. bold handwriting
      a figure carved in bold relief
      a bold design

      3. very steep
      having a prominent and almost vertical front

      e.g. a bluff headland
      where the bold chalk cliffs of England rise
      a sheer descent of rock

      Synonym: bluffsheer

      1. 大胆的;勇敢的;无畏的
      Someone who is bold is not afraid to do things which involve risk or danger.

      e.g. Amrita becomes a bold, daring rebel...
      e.g. In 1960 this was a bold move...

      You can and must act boldly and confidently.
      Don't forget the boldness of his economic programme.

      2. (在众人面前)大胆的,放肆的,莽撞的
      Someone who is bold is not shy or embarrassed in the company of other people.


      e.g. I don't feel I'm being bold, because it's always been natural for me to just speak out about whatever disturbs me.

      'You should do it,' the girl said, boldly.

      3. (色彩或图案)明亮的,醒目的
      A bold colour or pattern is very bright and noticeable.

      e.g. ...bold flowers in various shades of red, blue or white.
      e.g. ...bold, dramatic colours.

      The design is pretty startling and very boldly coloured.

      4. (线条)粗重的;(图案)清晰的
      Bold lines or designs are drawn in a clear, strong way.

      e.g. Each picture is shown in colour on one page and as a bold outline on the opposite page.

      5. (印刷字体)粗体字,黑体字
      Bold is print which is thicker and looks blacker than ordinary printed letters.

      1. bold的意思

      1. 粗体:0) [ 粗体 ](Bold) 图标:用于将被选中的文本变成粗体显示.(11) [ 斜体 ](Italic) 图标:用于将被选中的文本变成斜体显示.(12) [ 加下划线 ](Underline) 图标:用于将被选中的文本加上下划线.(13) [ 执行程序 ](Restart) 图标:这个图标的作用是从头开始执行程序.单击该图标,

      2. 黑体:各自以 'o'和 'c' 结尾.在 某些限制时 这些宏 可以 跨行 使用, 单行的引用宏 可以 嵌套在里面..Sy' 一般说来 symbolic 强调宏 无论在 象徵主义 角度, 还是 传统的英语里, 都是用 黑体 (bold) 显示.另外 还可以 指定 列表属性,

      3. 大胆的:种属中的个体可能感觉方面有不同的恐惧感,在高度多形生物(Polymorphism)种属的人中,一些人是天生胆小的(Timid),也有是如天生大胆的(Bold). 我们认识家庭宠物气质的差异,但由於观察资料的缺乏,较不知野性动物彼此的不同,然而,

      4. bold是什么意思

      4. bold:blood-oxygen level dependent; 血氧水平依赖

      5. bold:bibliographic on – line display; 文献目录在线显示

      6. bold

      6. bold:blood oxygenation level dependent; 血氧水平依赖性

  •       常用短语

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    冒昧,胆敢 dare


  •       The young man is a bold warrior.
  •       He is really a bold boy.
  •       The room was decorated in bold colors.
  •       Print it in bold type.

      用作形容词 (adj.)

  •       The bold design Pleas'd highly those infernal States.

  •       Nobody could be found bold enough to take their places.

    出自:R. Graves
  •       Though attered, he put on a bold front.

    出自:W. S. Maugham
  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解

  •       词源解说


  •       bold用于褒义可指人的行为“大胆的”,用于贬义则可指“厚颜无耻的”,有时还可指小孩子“调皮的”。
  •       bold作“冒失的”解时,常用于make so bold (as) to- v 结构。
  •       bold作“粗体的,黑体的”解时不用于比较等级。


bold, brave
  •       这两个词并不相同, brave含有富有勇气面对困难或危险的含义,而bold含有胆大、冒失、鲁莽的意味。例如:
  •       He was a brave man.
  •       他是一个勇敢的人。
  •       He was a bold man.
  •       他是一个胆大的人。
    •       ☆ 直接源自古英语的beald;最初源自原始日耳曼语的balthaz,意为勇敢的,自信,强大的。
    •       高考真题例句

          高考真题例句OG 1.bold

          He looked at me for a moment, and then wrote a sentence containing the best advice I've ever had: Be bold and brave — and mighty(强大的) forces will come to your aid.

          他看了我一会儿, 然后写了一句话, 其中包含了我听过的最好的建议: 无畏和勇敢, 强大的力量会帮助你的。


    •       近义词

    •       反义词

    •       临近词





          The bold stranger caught up the Prince in his arms, and was soon far away from danger and the multitude.(这个勇敢的陌生人把王子抱在怀里,很快就远离了危险和人群。)

          I'm inclined to think that that other bold claim, is probably mistaken as well.(我倾向于认为,其他大胆的主张也可能是错误的。)

          I don't feel I'm being bold, because it's always been natural for me to just speak out about whatever disturbs me.(我并不认为自己莽撞,因为无论什么事令我不安我就说出来,对我这一直以来是很自然的事。)

          Organizers collected a range of bold, sometimes zany, approaches to the threat of an increasingly inhospitable world.(组织者收集了一系列大胆,甚至有时是古怪的,通往越来越不宜居住世界的威胁的方法。)

          In 1960 this was a bold move.(在1960年,这是一个大胆的举动。)

          The first question requires a swathe of bold structural reforms to boost jobs and growth.(第一个问题要求一系列大胆的改革以促进就业和经济增长。)

          Unfortunately, his idea of bold journalism was a hatchet job, portraying the staff in a negative light.(很遗憾,他所谓的大胆新闻报道是一种恶意攻击,对工作人员进行了负面的报道。)

          Amrita becomes a bold, daring rebel.(阿莫瑞塔成了一位英勇无畏的反叛者。)

          Creating this sanctuary is a bold move that the people of Palau recognize as essential to our survival.(建立这个避难所是一个大胆的行动,而帕劳人民认为,这是我们生存的必要条件。)

          First, Neel's use of bold color.(首先,尼尔运用了大胆的颜色。)

    •       上一篇bomb
    •       下一篇boil

          bold是什么意思 bold在线翻译 bold什么意思 bold的意思 bold的翻译 bold的解释 bold的发音 bold的同义词
