


      英 [beɪð]

      美 [beð]


      名词: bather 过去式: bathed 过去分词: bathed 现在分词: bathing 第三人称单数: bathes


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  •       弄湿,把...浸入,把...浸泡在液体中,浸洗,浸于
  •       沐浴,使沐浴在(光线)里,日光浴
  •       沉浸,使沉浸其中
  •       游泳(消遣)
  •       充满于
  •       上药水
  •       笼罩,覆盖,撒满
  •       包覆(全身)
  •       涌上
  •       洗澡,给...洗澡
  •       冲刷,冲洗,冲凉
  •       用水清洗,洗
  •       使深受某种影响


  •       游泳
  •       洗澡,浴
  •       笼罩


  •       vt. & vi. 给…洗澡,游泳 go into a body of water or swimming pool for pleasure;go swimming
  •       vt. 冲洗; 浸 pour water or other liquid over; place in water or other liquid


  •       [S]游泳,洗海水澡 have a bathe


      1. the act of swimming

      e.g. the Englishman said he had a good bathe


      1. cleanse the entire body

      e.g. bathe daily

      2. clean one's body by immersion into water

      e.g. The child should bathe every day

      Synonym: bath

      3. suffuse with or as if with light

      e.g. The room was bathed in sunlight

      1. (在海、河、湖中)游泳,嬉水
      If you bathe in a sea, river, or lake, you swim, play, or wash yourself in it. Birds and animals can also bathe.

      e.g. The police have warned the city's inhabitants not to bathe in the polluted river.
      e.g. ...small ponds for the birds to bathe in.

      Nude bathing is not allowed.
      ...Britain's 440 designated bathing beaches.

      2. (在浴缸中)洗澡,沐浴
      When you bathe, you have a bath.

      e.g. At least 60% of us now bathe or shower once a day.

      3. 给(小孩)洗澡
      If you bathe someone, especially a child, you wash them in a bath.

      e.g. Back home, Shirley plays with, feeds and bathes the baby.

      4. (用液体)轻轻地清洗(某身体部位或伤口);将(某身体部位或伤口)浸泡(在液体中)
      If you bathe a part of your body or a wound, you wash it gently or soak it in a liquid.

      e.g. Bathe the infected area in a salt solution...
      e.g. She paused long enough to bathe her blistered feet.

      5. (光线)洒满,覆盖;使沐浴在(光线中)
      If a place is bathed in light, it is covered with light, especially a gentle, pleasant light.

      e.g. The arena was bathed in warm sunshine...
      e.g. I was led to a small room bathed in soft red light...

      6. see also: sunbathe

      1. 洗:bath 浴;浴器;镀液 | bathe 洗 | Bathian 巴通阶

      2. 沐浴:bathable 可沐浴的 | bathe 沐浴 | bathed 沐浴

      3. (洗澡,动词):This 这个 | Bathe 洗澡(动词) | Breath 呼吸(动词)

  •       常用短语

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    使(某物)浸泡在、沐浴在(水、光等)中 cover or fill (sth) with (sth, such as light, water, etc.)
    bathe in sth

          Is it safe to bathe in this river?


          Children were bathing in the sea.


          I bathed in the public baths nearby twice a week.


          He used to bathe in the river after supper.


    bathe in sth

          The doctor advised him to bathe in the sun's rays.


    bathe oneself/sth in sth

          The sick boy bathed himself in sunlight.


          He bathed himself in hot water.


          His face was bathed in tears.


          Her eyes were bathed in tears.


          He was bathed in sweat.


          He was bathed in blood.


          They were bathed in a festive atmosphere.


          The garden was bathed in moonlight.


          The shores of Italy were bathed in sunshine.


          The valley was bathed in sunlight.


          Tian An Men is bathed in morning sunshine.



  •       Some boys don't like to bathe regularly.
  •       Did you bathe today?
  •       The boys bathed, dressed and went downstairs for lunch.


  •       He bathes his eyes twice a day.
  •       Your eyes are very bad, you ought to bathe them.
  •       When you have sand in your eye, you should bathe it.
  •       The doctor told him to bathe his eyes with a very dilute solution of boric acid.
  •       The nurse bathed the wound.
  •       You should bathe a cut to make sure it is quite clean.
  •       The mother is bathing her baby's feet.
  •       Kneeling on the stones before the stranger she began to bathe and wash his feet.
  •       I always bathe my feet in hot water after a long hike.
  •       The Mediterranean Sea bathes the shores of Italy.
  • 1
  •       Has the patient been bathed?
  •       When the child is bathed, please put the soap back where you found it.

      用作动词 (v.)


      用作名词 (n.)

  •       The later martyr bathes his fingers in the flames.

    出自:F. W. Robertson
  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解

  •       词源解说


  •       bathe的基本意思是“泡在水里”。在美式英语中可作“洗澡”“游泳”解。作“自己洗澡,游泳”解时用作不及物动词; 作“给…洗澡”解时用作及物动词。常用于被动结构。
  •       bathe作“冲洗”解时用作及物动词,主要指用水或药水等液体冲洗眼睛或伤口等。表示“用…冲洗”时其后面可接介词with。
  •       bathe用于比喻,可表示“沐浴”“笼罩”在日〔月〕光下或水〔汗水〕中,这时多接介词in,常用于被动结构。


  •       bathe用作名词时是英国用语,它是相对于室内洗澡的到海、湖、河的室外“洗澡,游泳”。
  •       bathe通常用作单数形式,常与a连用。


bathe, bath
  •       1.作动词用时,以清洁为目的的洗澡用bath,以娱乐或治疗为目的的洗澡(游泳)用bathe。例如:
  •       One baths so as to get clean.
  •       人洗澡是为了清洁。
  •       I don't much care for bathing.
  •       我不大喜欢游泳。
  •       2.作名词用时, bath指室内浴, bathe指室外浴(如河、湖、海等)。例如:
  •       他正在隔壁洗澡。
  •       [误] He is having a bathe in the next door.
  •       [正] He is having a bath in the next door.
  •       3.美式英语中,名词只用bath,动词只用bathe。
  •       4.bathe可用于比喻义,而bath一般不用于比喻意义。
    •       ☆ 直接源自古英语的baian,意为水洗,洗涤。
    •       高考真题例句

          高考真题例句OG 1.bathe

          bathe the dog



    •       近义词

    •       临近词




          Let me bathe you, kid.(我给你洗澡吧,小伙子。)

          When you're bathing, just bathe.(当你洗澡的时候,就专注于洗澡。)

          Come, I'll bathe you.(来,我给你洗澡。)

          People use the canal water to drink, bathe, launder clothes and wash food.(当地居民在此处水域饮水,洗澡,洗涤衣物和清洗食物。)

          How often do you bathe your dog?(你多久帮狗狗洗一次澡?)

          I bathe every day.(我每天洗澡。)

          To bathe my hands and face in.(沐浴着我的脸和手。)

          They are not people you will have to nurture, bathe and dress.(他们也不须要你供养、洗澡、穿衣。)

          It also helps to bathe only in lukewarm water.(在温水里洗一下也很有效。)

          Bathe him with anti-fungal shampoo.(用抗真菌香波给他洗澡。)

          bathe是什么意思 bathe在线翻译 bathe什么意思 bathe的意思 bathe的翻译 bathe的解释 bathe的发音 bathe的同义词
