


      英 [ˌkɒmpəˈtɪʃn]

      美 [ˌkɑ:mpəˈtɪʃn]





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  •       竞争,角逐,争夺
  •       比赛,竞赛,赛会
  •       比赛对手,竞争者
  •       对抗,挑战
  •       【生】生存竞争
  •       竞相出现
  •       正式参加有组织的(体育)运动


  •       [C]比赛 event in which people compete; contest
  •       [U]竞争 competing; activity in which people compete


      1. the act of competing as for profit or a prize

      e.g. the teams were in fierce contention for first place

      Synonym: contentionrivalry

      2. an occasion on which a winner is selected from among two or more contestants

      Synonym: contest

      3. the contestant you hope to defeat

      e.g. he had respect for his rivals
      he wanted to know what the competition was doing

      Synonym: rivalchallengercompetitorcontender

      4. a business relation in which two parties compete to gain customers

      e.g. business competition can be fiendish at times

      1. 竞争;角逐
      Competition is a situation in which two or more people or groups are trying to get something which not everyone can have.

      e.g. There's been some fierce competition for the title...
      e.g. It was in these studios that young painters found the support and stimulating competition of peers.

      2. 竞争对手
      The competition is the person or people you are competing with.

      e.g. I have to change my approach, the competition is too good now.

      3. (商业)竞争
      Competition is an activity involving two or more firms, in which each firm tries to get people to buy its own goods in preference to the other firms' goods.

      e.g. The deal would have reduced competition in the commuter-aircraft market...
      e.g. The farmers have been seeking higher prices as better protection from foreign competition...

      4. 竞争产品(或商品)
      The competition is the goods that a rival organization is selling.


      e.g. The American aerospace industry has been challenged by some stiff competition.

      5. 比赛;竞赛
      A competition is an event in which many people take part in order to find out who is best at a particular activity.

      e.g. ...a surfing competition...
      e.g. The council has organised a series of events and competitions for school children in the area...


      1. 竞争 競爭:或一种生活于另一种体内,互相依赖,24、竞争:竞争(Competition)是指同种或异种的两个或更多个体间发生对于环境资源和空间的争夺而产生的一种生存斗争现象25、他感作用:他感作用(alleloparthy)就是一种植物通过向体外分泌代谢过程中的化学物质,

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文


  •       There will be a chess competition next week.
  •       There is keen competition between the two motorcar firms.
  •       She had a chance to see the competition before the interview.

      用作名词 (n.)

  •       Opening all objects of general competition.

    出自:J. S. Mill
  •       Ice-cream vans..playing different tunes in furious competition.

    出自:J. Raban
  •       词义讲解

  •       词源解说


competition, contest, emulation, race
  •       这组词的共同意思是“竞赛,竞争”。其区别在于:
  •       1.race可用在大选中的竞争。
  •       2.competition指在某项目或某次比赛中与对手所进行的“较量与竞争”,也可指“竞争的对手”。例如:
  •       Competition between business firms keeps prices down.商业公司之间的竞争使价格下降。
  •       At the Olympic Games our representatives were in competition with the best swimmers from all parts of the world.我们的代表队在奥运会上与世界各地的最佳游泳选手角逐。
  •       3.emulation意为“竞赛”,多指抽象的竞争,指在相互仿效的情况下,形成赶超局面,以努力取胜的竞争。例如:
  •       The workers in this factory work hard in emulation of the workers in other factories.这工厂的工人努力工作以赶超其他厂的工人。
  •       The young man worked hard in emulation of his famous father.这位年轻人努力工作,要迎头赶上他出名的父亲。
  •       4.contest多用于有评判委员会的“比赛”。例如:
  •       The newspaper is now running an enormous scenario contest.这家报纸正在举办大型电影剧本创作竞赛。
  •       He won the contest for the deputy leadership.他在副手竞争中获胜。
    •       ☆ 1608年进入英语,直接源自拉丁语的competitionem,意为协定,对立。
    •       中考真题例句

    •       考研真题例句

          中考真题例句OG 1.competition

          Join before 1st March and enter our summer photography competition.



          中考真题例句OG 2.competition

          Sam and his friend Bob, both 5, entered a painting competition.



          中考真题例句OG 3.competition

          The next world competition is in Sydney in December.

          下一届世界大赛将于 12 月在悉尼举行。


          中考真题例句OG 1.competition

          In some families, competition starts very young and it will continue until the kids get older, she says.



          中考真题例句OG 2.competition

          She aimed at a famous company, but the competition for such jobs was very strong.



          考研真题例句OG 1.competition

          It protects against unfair competition.



          考研真题例句OG 2.competition

          Competition law appears to be the only way to address these imbalances of power.



          考研真题例句OG 3.competition

          For factory owners, it all adds up to stiff competition for workers – and upward pressure on wages.



          考研真题例句OG 1.competition

          Your prospects would be almost as dismal if arguments were even just competitions — like, say, tennis games.



          考研真题例句OG 2.competition

          focuses on mass competition



    •       近义词

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    •       临近词





          He was on a real high after winning the competition.(他赢了那场比赛后高兴极了。)

          Competition winners will be notified by post.(将发信通知竞赛的优胜者。)

          Can she take the heat of this level of competition?(她承受得了这种水平的比赛的压力吗?)

          They had a competition to see who could throw the furthest.(他们举行了一场比赛,看谁投得最远。)

          Enter our competition and you could walk away with $10,000.(参加我们的竞赛,你就可以轻松赢得$10000。)

          Competition for jobs is acute.(求职竞争非常激烈。)

          There's been some fierce competition for the title.(已有一些为此头衔的激烈竞争。)

          Winning the competition was a wonderful boost for her morale.(赢得了那场比赛使她士气大振。)

          1 000 children entered the competition.(1000名孩子报名参加了比赛。)

          My teacher pushed me into entering the competition.(我的老师劝我参加比赛。)

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