


      英 [ki:]

      美 [ki]



      vt.键入;用钥匙锁上;为 ... 调音

      名词复数: keys 过去式: keyed 过去分词: keyed 现在分词: keying 第三人称单数: keys


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  •       钥匙
  •       答案,谜底
  •       (达到目的或解决问题的)方法,手段,关键,要诀
  •       题解,解释,逐字译本,密码本
  •       略语表,发音表,符号表,凡例
  •       (地理上的)要冲,门口,(对形势等的)控制权
  •       键
  •       【音】调,主音
  •       关键人物
  •       外形或用途类似钥匙的器具,扳手
  •       声调,基调,调子
  •       (感情、行动等的)激烈程度
  •       基本色调
  •       【植】翅果
  •       【篮】罚球区
  •       低岛,礁,暗礁,珊瑚礁
  •       (大麻等麻醉品的)一公斤


  •       主要的,关键性的,极重要的


  •       用键盘输入,键控,发报
  •       用钥匙锁上
  •       插上(栓、销子等)
  •       拴住
  •       【音】为...调音
  •       【建】用拱顶石装饰
  •       为(演说、文章等)定基调
  •       使(绘画等)具有特定色调
  •       使协调,使和谐,使适应
  •       使用(检索表)鉴定(生物标本)
  •       为...提供题解(答案、略语表等)
  •       用楔子绷紧担架帆布


  •       [C]钥匙 metal instrument shaped so that it will move the bolt of a lock
  •       [C]关键,要诀 thing that provides access, control or understanding
  •       [C]键 any of the set of levers that are pressed by the fingers to operate a typewriter, piano, etc.
  •       [C](乐曲的)调; 口吻,基调 set of related notes, based on a particular note, and forming the basis of a piece of music; general tone or style of sth
  •       [C]题解,答案 set of answers to exercise or problems
  •       [C]图例,略语表 explanation of the symbols used in a coded message or on a map, diagram, etc.


  •       vt. 用键盘输入 type in (data) using a keyboard
  •       vt. 调音 tighten or loosen the strings of a musical instrument so that the right notes are produced
  •       vt. 使某事物与他事物相似〔相适应〕 make sth similar to sth else; make sth suitable for sth else


      1. metal device shaped in such a way that when it is inserted into the appropriate lock the lock's mechanism can be rotated

      2. a lever (as in a keyboard) that actuates a mechanism when depressed

      3. the central building block at the top of an arch or vault

      Synonym: keystoneheadstone

      4. mechanical device used to wind another device that is driven by a spring (as a clock)

      Synonym: winder

      5. pitch of the voice

      e.g. he spoke in a low key

      6. something crucial for explaining

      e.g. the key to development is economic integration

      7. a generic term for any device whose possession entitles the holder to a means of access

      e.g. a safe-deposit box usually requires two keys to open it

      8. a list of words or phrases that explain symbols or abbreviations

      9. a list of answers to a test

      e.g. some students had stolen the key to the final exam

      10. any of 24 major or minor diatonic scales that provide the tonal framework for a piece of music

      Synonym: tonality

      11. (basketball) a space (including the foul line) in front of the basket at each end of a basketball court
      usually painted a different color from the rest of the court

      e.g. he hit a jump shot from the top of the key
      he dominates play in the paint

      Synonym: paint

      12. a coral reef off the southern coast of Florida

      Synonym: cayFlorida key

      13. a winged often one-seed indehiscent fruit as of the ash or elm or maple

      Synonym: samarakey fruit

      14. a kilogram of a narcotic drug

      e.g. they were carrying two keys of heroin


      1. harmonize with or adjust to

      e.g. key one's actions to the voters' prevailing attitude

      2. regulate the musical pitch of

      3. identify as in botany or biology, for example

      Synonym: identifydiscoverkey outdistinguishdescribename

      4. vandalize a car by scratching the sides with a key

      e.g. His new Mercedes was keyed last night in the parking lot

      5. provide with a key

      e.g. We were keyed after the locks were changed in the building


      1. serving as an essential component

      e.g. a cardinal rule
      the central cause of the problem
      an example that was fundamental to the argument
      computers are fundamental to modern industrial structure

      Synonym: cardinalcentralfundamentalprimal

      1. 钥匙
      A key is a specially shaped piece of metal that you place in a lock and turn in order to open or lock a door, or to start or stop the engine of a vehicle.


      e.g. They put the key in the door and entered...
      e.g. She reached for her coat and car keys.

      2. (计算机或打字机的)键
      The keys on a computer keyboard or typewriter are the buttons that you press in order to operate it.

      3. (钢琴或风琴的)键
      The keys of a piano or organ are the long narrow pieces of wood or plastic that you press in order to play it.

      4. (音乐的)调
      In music, a key is a scale of musical notes that starts on one specific note.

      e.g. ...the key of A minor.

      5. (地图、图解或科技书籍的)略语表,符号表,凡例
      The key on a map or diagram or in a technical book is a list of the symbols or abbreviations used and their meanings.


      e.g. You will find a key at the front of the book.

      6. 最重要的;关键的
      The key person or thing in a group is the most important one.


      e.g. He is expected to be the key witness at the trial...
      e.g. Education is likely to be a key issue in the next election.

      7. 关键;要诀
      The key to a desirable situation or result is the way in which it can be achieved.

      e.g. The key to success is to be ready from the start...
      e.g. Diet and relaxation are two important keys to good health.

      8. see also: master key
      under lock and key -> see lock

      相关词组:key in

      1. key的近义词

      1. 关键帧:熟悉后期特效特效软件After Effect的操作界面;掌握合成中基本的图层(layer)、通道(channel)、关键帧(key)等;熟悉After Effect软件的功能;理解电影、电视、动态图形制作、影视制作等各种项目的工作流程.

      2. key:k; 键

  •       常用短语

  •       相关词组

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文


    到达法定年龄 reach the age of majority


    解决问题的办法 aspect of a problem that, if dealt with, leads to a solution

      1. key up : 使激动;


  •       This lock has a special key.
  •       This bunch of keys is yours.
  •       He cried that he had found the key.
  •       I spent ten minutes searching through the drawer for the key, and it was in my bag all the time!
  •       He left his keys in his bed.
  •       I didn't miss the key until I got home and found it wasn't in my bag.
  •       Where is the key to the office?
  •       I lost the key to the door.
  •       Have you got the key to this door?
  •       He used his key to open the door.
  •       Transport has always been the master key of trade.
  •       The key to the whole affair was his jealousy.
  •       Education becomes the key to progress.
  •       Diligence is the key to success.
  •       Diet and exercise are the key to good health.
  •       The key to good health is to eat and sleep regularly.
  •       Gibraltar is the key to the Mediterranean.
  •       Her fingers touched the keys of the typewriter speedily and accurately.
  •       A key is the part of a piano that you touch to make music.
  •       Piano keys are either black or white.
  •       The instruments were tuned to the key of E.
  •       The letter was written in an angry key.
  •       Her speech was all in the same key.
  •       I don't know the key to the puzzle.
  •       He is a key man.
  •       Beijing University is one of the key universities in China.


  •       I have keyed this sentence three times, and it's still wrong!
  •       The company keyed its factories to produce more goods.
  •       The concert was a failure because the instruments were wrongly keyed.

      用作名词 (n.)


      用作动词 (v.)

  •       I tried the lock with one of my own keys, and managed to open the trunk.

    出自:A. S. Neill
  •       She has a key and lets herself in.

    出自:W. Wharton
  •       A..Mustang with the driver's window open and the key in the ignition.

    出自:J. Gores
  •       Lean young skyscrapers..key in with Rome's general virtuosity.

    出自:E. Bowen
  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解


  •       key是可数名词,基本意思是开房门、箱子等和上钟表发条等的“钥匙”,引申可表示解决事件或问题等的“关键,线索,秘诀,解法,答案”等,其前用定冠词,其后常接介词to〔of〕引起的短语作定语。
  •       key还可作音乐等的“调子,音调”解。引申可表示思想、文章、演说等的“调子,基调,口吻”。
  •       key也可作琴、打字机、计算机等的“键,按键”解,其后常接介词of引起的短语作定语。
  •       key还可作“要塞,要冲,咽喉”解,其后常接介词to引起的短语作定语。
  •       key还可用于另一个名词前作定语,用作形容词表示“极重要的,关键的”。


  •       key用作及物动词时,作“用键盘输入”“调整…的音调,定调子”解,后接名词或代词作宾语; 还可作“使与…适应〔适合〕”解,常与介词to连用。可用于被动结构。
  •       key up可表示“升高或调整(乐器的)音调”,还可表示“使激动,使紧张”“鼓舞”,后面常接介词about,for, to引起的短语作状语。


key of, key to
  •       key的后置定语可由of引起,也可由to引起,其区别是:
  •       1.作“钥匙”解时, of后接“房间,建筑物”等, to后接“门,锁”等
  •       2.作“关键”解时, of后接一般事物, to后接“成功”等结果名词
  •       3.作“…的键”解时,用of,作“通往…的要冲”“…的答案”解时,用to。总之,含有方向、结果等意味时接to,表示所属时用of。
    •       近义词

    •       临近词




          The key to success is preparation.(成功的关键是准备。)

          He could have taken a spare key.(他原本可以带上一把备用钥匙的。)

          Confidence is the key to success.(信心是成功的关键。)

          I saw you put the key in your pocket.(我见你把钥匙放进了口袋里。)

          He turned the key in the lock.(他转动钥匙开锁。)

          She turned the key and the lid sprang open.(她一拧钥匙,盖子啪地打开了。)

          They zeroed in on the key issues.(他们集中讨论了关键问题。)

          Housing is a key driver of the economy.(住房是拉动经济的主要因素。)

          She got the key stuck in the lock.(她把钥匙卡在锁里了。)

          She turned the key in the lock.(她转动锁眼里的钥匙。)

          key是什么意思 key在线翻译 key什么意思 key的意思 key的翻译 key的解释 key的发音 key的同义词
