


      英 [ˈhaʊswaɪf]

      美 [ˈhaʊsˌwaɪf]



      名词复数: housewives

      日语:主婦法语:ménagère德语:Hausfrau韩语:주부俄语:ama de casa


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  •       家庭主妇
  •       针线盒
  •       主妇
  •       家庭妇女
  •       做家务的妇女


  •       节省着用


  •       [C]家庭主妇 a woman who works at home for her family, cleaning etc., one who does not work outside the home


      1. a wife who manages a household while her husband earns the family income

      Synonym: homemakerlady of the housewoman of the house

      1. 家庭主妇;家庭妇女
      A housewife is a married woman who does not have a paid job, but instead looks after her home and children.


      e.g. ...a 42-year-old housewife from Brisbane.

      1. 主妇:亲手创办了得克萨斯国际短片电影节. 察卡里曾是2004年雅典奥运会开闭幕式创意团队的成员之一,担任视频导演和制作人. 正在筹拍她的下一部故事片--一部名为<>(Housewife)的爱情喜剧片,该影片将于2008年秋在美国开拍.

  •       常用例句

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  •       She became a housewife at the age of 25.

      用作名词 (n.)

  •       I must housewife the money.

  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      Housewife: Hello, Acme Plumbing?(家庭主妇:喂,Acme水暖部吗?)

      I hated the label 'housewife'.(我不喜欢“家庭主妇”这个称谓。)

      Married at nineteen, she was a traditional housewife and mother of four children.(她19岁就结婚了,是个传统的家庭主妇和4个孩子的母亲。)

      She was a typical housewife.(她是一名典型的家庭妇女。)

      When breakfast was over, the housewife told the King to wash up the dishes.(早餐后,主妇叫国王把盘子洗干净。)

      No,she is a housewife.(没有。她是家庭主妇。)

      The housewife pounded the dried bread into crumbs.(这位主妇把干面包捣成碎屑。)

      You're a housewife, aren't you?(你是家庭主妇吧?)

      Henric Ibsen, author of the play "A Doll's House", in which a pretty, helpless housewife abandons her husband and children to seek a more serious life, would surely have approved.(《玩偶之家》的作者亨利•易卜生肯定会赞同这一观点。在这部戏剧中,一位美丽无助的家庭主妇抛弃了丈夫和孩子,去追求更认真的生活。)

      The housewife plied us with cakes.(主妇再三让我们吃蛋糕。)

      housewife是什么意思 housewife在线翻译 housewife什么意思 housewife的意思 housewife的翻译 housewife的解释 housewife的发音 housewife的同义词
