


      英 [pres]

      美 [prɛs]



      过去式: pressed 过去分词: pressed 现在分词: pressing 第三人称单数: presses


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  •       压,按,挤,揿,扳
  •       强迫,迫切要求,逼迫
  •       紧迫
  •       榨出,压榨,榨取,绞榨
  •       催促,催逼
  •       敦促,劝说
  •       施加压力,用模子压制,熨平
  •       坚持,坚决进行
  •       压破,压碎
  •       紧抱,紧握
  •       强迫...服兵役
  •       奋勇前进,突进,赶上前
  •       迫使接受,把...强加于
  •       挤向前,奋力前进
  •       【举重】推举
  •       【篮球】紧逼,做紧逼动作
  •       【高尔夫】长挥击球过猛


  •       印刷机,印刷厂
  •       报刊;报业,新闻界;出版社;通讯社;记者们
  •       压,按,揿,挤;熨平,压平;紧握
  •       压榨机
  •       新闻舆论,报刊评论
  •       【史】强迫征募,抓壮丁
  •       拥挤,蜂拥向前;紧迫;繁忙
  •       (壁橱式的)衣柜,书柜
  •       【举重】推举
  •       【篮球】紧逼(动作)


  •       vt. 按,压 push firmly and steadily against
  •       vi. 紧迫 make quick action or attention
  •       vt. 逼迫,强迫 force or compel


  •       [S]压,按,挤 act of pushing steadily with sth held in the hand
  •       [C]印刷机 machine for printing
  •       [C]出版社,通讯社 business for printing books or periodicals
  •       [S]报刊,报界,新闻界 newspapers, periodicals and the news sections of radio and television

      1. 压;按;挤;推
      If you press something somewhere, you push it firmly against something else.

      e.g. He pressed his back against the door...
      e.g. They pressed the silver knife into the cake.

      2. 按,揿(按钮或开关)
      If you press a button or switch, you push it with your finger in order to make a machine or device work.

      e.g. Drago pressed a button and the door closed...
      e.g. There was no-one at the reception desk, so he pressed a bell for service.

      3. 用力按;用力挤压;用力踩
      If you press something or press down on it, you push hard against it with your foot or hand.


      e.g. The engine stalled. He pressed the accelerator hard...
      e.g. She stood up and leaned forward with her hands pressing down on the desk.

      4. 极力要求
      If you press for something, you try hard to persuade someone to give it to you or to agree to it.

      e.g. Police might now press for changes in the law...
      e.g. They had pressed for their children to be taught French.

      5. 催促;敦促;竭力劝说
      If you press someone, you try hard to persuade them to do something.

      e.g. Trade unions are pressing him to stand firm...
      e.g. Mr King seems certain to be pressed for further details...

      6. 坚持;强调
      If someone presses their claim, demand, or point, they state it in a very forceful way.


      e.g. The protest campaign has used mass strikes and demonstrations to press its demands...
      e.g. His officials have visited Washington to press their case for economic aid.

      7. 困扰;严重影响
      If an unpleasant feeling or worry presses on you, it affects you very much or you are always thinking about it.

      e.g. The weight of irrational guilt pressed on her...
      e.g. Right now, I've got other problems that are pressing on me.

      8. 硬给;强加于
      If you press something on someone, you give it to them and insist that they take it.


      e.g. All I had was money, which I pressed on her reluctant mother...
      e.g. Food and cigarettes were pressed on him.

      9. 熨烫;熨平
      If you press clothes, you iron them in order to get rid of the creases.

      e.g. Vera pressed his shirt...
      e.g. There's a couple of dresses to be pressed.

      10. 榨取,压榨,挤压(水果或蔬菜)
      If you press fruits or vegetables, you squeeze them or crush them, usually in order to extract the juice.

      e.g. The grapes are hand-picked and pressed...
      e.g. I pressed the juice of half a lemon into a glass of water.

      11. 报纸;报刊
      Newspapers are referred to as the press .

      e.g. Today the British press is full of articles on India's new prime minister...
      e.g. ...freedom of the Press...

      12. 新闻记者
      Journalists are referred to as the press .

      e.g. Christie looked relaxed and calm as he faced the press afterwards...
      e.g. A meeting was promised, but the Press was not admitted.

      13. 印刷机
      A press or a printing press is a machine used for printing things such as books and newspapers.

      e.g. ...the invention of the printing press...
      e.g. He was writing the book up to the moment the presses rolled.

      14. see also: pressed;pressing

      15. (尤指在报纸、电视或广播上)受到批评/得到好评
      If someone or something gets a bad press, they are criticized, especially in the newspapers, on television, or on radio. If they get a good press, they are praised.


      e.g. ...the bad press that career women consistently get in this country...
      e.g. Men get more bad press in her new novel.

      16. 控告;提起诉讼
      If you press charges against someone, you make an official accusation against them which has to be decided in a court of law.


      e.g. I could have pressed charges against him...
      e.g. Police have announced they will not be pressing charges.

      17. 付印;开印
      When a newspaper or magazine goes to press, it starts being printed.

      e.g. We check prices at the time of going to press...
      e.g. As this column went to press, I learnt that the man had died.

      18. 暂时使用;临时任用
      To press someone or something into service means to use them temporarily for a particular purpose.

      e.g. The local bar has been pressed into service as a school...
      e.g. Kenny had been pressed into service to guard the door.

      相关词组:press aheadpress on

      1. 按,压:手/指:按压(press)拇指与食指间较有肉质的那部分手掌;温柔地揉捏(squeeze)和拉伸(pull)每一根手指;然后再由肩膀缓慢安抚至指根. 然后,请被试翻身仰卧,按摩程序为:躯干:将手轻柔地放于太阳神经丛部位,

      2. 出版社:本文建立了一个图书资源的本体图,描述了图书有关的概念和属性,其中定义4类资源对象,分别是图书(book)、作者(author)、出版社(press)和编审(editor). 在资源对象的基础上,还定义了4种对象属性: 对象属性creat描述了作者与图书之间的写作关系,

      3. press

      3. 压:本油专供不锈钢板及一般碳钢板之深度压板 (Deep Forming) 、钢管折弯(Pipe Bending)、冲压 (Press) 、深抽成型(Deep Drawing)等作业使用之加工用油. 同时,由於不含活性硫,依作业负荷的严重度可加入不同比例之机油稀释,

      4. press:prediction residual error sum of squares; 计算预报残差平方和

      5. press:point resolved spectroscopy; 应用点解析频谱序列

      6. press:predicted residual error sum of squares; 和预测残差平方和


      7. press:point resolved selective spectroscopy; 点解析选择序列

  •       情景对话

  •       常用短语

  •       相关词组

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文

      Working Supplies-(工作设施)

      A:Do you have a free moment?

      B:Sure. What do you need?


      A:I’m having some trouble. How do you use this printer?


      B:Well, first you have to turn this switch on.


      A:Silly me.


      B:Now press this button.

      A:Oh, and it’s out of paper. Do you have any more?

      B:Just a second. I’ll go get some.



      A:Is this the bus that goes by the mall?

      B:No, it isn't. But you can transfer from this bus to bus number 24.

      A:Good. How much is the fare?

      B:It's seventy-five cents for adults and thirty cents for children under twelve.

      A:Will it cost for the transfer?

      B:Yes. When you get on the transfer bus, just show the bus driver this ticket stub.You will only have to pay another ten cents and a nickle for your child.
      要。当你上了转乘的公共汽车时,就把这张票根给司机看。 你只需另外再付10美分,而你的孩子只要再付5美分。

      A:That sounds pretty good.

      B:You can take a seat now. When you're ready to get off, remember to press the button near your seat.
      现在你找个座位坐下吧。 当你要下车时,记得按你座位旁的按钮。


      Promotional Activities-(促销活动)

      A:As you know, the FastTrek 2000 is due for release next month. I think we've finally worked the kinks out.
      正如你所知,FastTrek 2000 预定在下个月推出。我想我们已经解决了所有琐碎的问题。

      B:Great. That's vital. Quality is the focus of the ad campaign. The boards must work well if they're going to be the cash cow we want them to be.


      A:Let's go over our promotion plans again.

      B:OK. We have six major retailers running demonstrations at most branches. And our exhibition team is already on the road setting up for computer shows.

      A:Good. What about print and radio?

      B:We've taken out full-page ads for two large trade magazines. And more important, our press releases have been well received.

      A:Any larger ads?

      B:Yes. We're putting the same full-page ad in the Sunday edition of three major newspapers.


      A:Sounds perfect.


      B:But nothing ever works out as you want it. So I have a number of other tricks up my sleeve, as well.


    拥护在…周围 crowd around sb
    press about〔around,round〕 sb

          The children pressed about her and made a ring.


          Crowds pressed around her trying to get her autograph.


          The fans pressed round the rock band.


      1. press home : 强有力地实施(大力执行);

      2. press into service : 暂时征用;

      3. at press time : 在发稿时, 到发稿时为止;


  •       This dress pressed well.
  •       Time presses.
  •       The matter is pressing.
  •       We will let you know if anything presses.
  •       The men gave a loud cheer at these words and pressed ahead.
  •       Many people pressed forward to shake hands with him.
  •       We can either make camp now, or press ahead until dark and be that much nearer our objective.
  •       We must press ahead with our efforts to reach an agreement.
  •       They wanted us to press forward with the work.


  •       Press the button, then the machine will work.
  •       She has already pressed her skirt.
  •       Cage pressed her friend's arm tightly.
  •       It is no good pressing him at this time.
  •       The enemy army is pressing an attack.
  • 1
  •       Your trousers need to be pressed.
  •       She was pressed by hunger and cold.

      用作动词 (v.)


      用作名词 (n.)

  •       In the cattle-market she shrank from the press of men.

    出自:D. H. Lawrence
  •       So crowded that..two had fallen because of the press and been killed.

    出自:M. M. Kaye
  •       The press of vehicles in Central London caused considerable confusion on the streets.

    出自:K. Warren
  •       An English army..was levied by a general press throughout the kingdom.

    出自:D. Hume
  •       The Wind being on our broad side, prest her down very much.

    出自:W. Dampier
  •       He pressed his brow against the cold window pane.

    出自:H. Roth
  •       He pressed into her hand a packet of birth-control pills.

    出自:M. Flanagan
  •       The Constables and Churchwardens came to press you for a soldier.

    出自:J. Wesley
  •       He had been pressed out of an American ship.

    出自:F. Marryat
  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解

  •       常见错误

  •       词源解说


  •       press的基本意思是“按,压”住某物,即对某人或某物不断施加压力或推搡。引申可表示压制、强迫做某事或强求向某目标推进,也可表示时间“紧迫”,经济“拮据”。press用在军事用语中还可表示“发动进攻”。
  •       press既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语,还可接以形容词或动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。可用于被动结构。
  •       press用作不及物动词时,常与ahead, forward, for等词连用。


  •       press的基本意思是指“挤、压、按”动作,由“压”而引申指“印刷机”,进而引申指使用印刷机的“出版社,通讯社,新闻界”和印刷机的产品“报刊”。
  •       press作“报界,新闻界”解,用作主语时,其谓语动词既可用单数形式,也可用复数形式。
  •       press作“出版社,通讯社”“印刷机”等解时可用作可数名词。
  •       press作“压,按,挤”解时,只用作单数名词,通常与a连用。


press, pinch, squeeze
  •       这三个动词的共同意思是“挤,压”。其区别在于:
  •       1.press指力量来自于上方。例如:
  •       Press the button, then the machine will work.按下电钮,机器就能运转了。
  •       Press the button to ring the bell.按那个钮可以打铃。
  •       2.pinch指用手指捏、拧或夹。例如:
  •       The child was crying because somebody had pinched her.那孩子哭了,因为有人掐她。
  •       He pinched the boy's face playfully.他开玩笑地拧了这男孩的脸。
  •       3.squeeze指外在的力量作用于物体上,力量可来自各个方面,可用于比喻。例如:
  •       Squeeze the sponge so that all the water comes out.捏紧海绵,把水挤出来。
  •       This only gave them opportunity to squeeze profits.这只能为他们提供机会榨取利润。
  •       n.(名词)

  •       We pressed her to continue her story.
  •       We pressed her into continuing her story.
  •       我们催她把故事接着讲下去。
  •       The shoe presses my toe.
  •       My toe presses against the shoe.
  •       这只鞋挤脚。
  •       n.(名词)


            误 That big corporation tried to bribe press to sit on the story.

            正 That big corporation tried to bribe the press to sit on the story.


            误 Press pulled the plug on the Liberal candidate, and he lost the election.

            正 The press pulled the plug on the Liberal candidate, and he lost the election.

            析 press作“新闻界”解时,要与定冠词the连用。

    •       ☆ 14世纪初期进入英语,直接源自古法语的presser,意为挤压;最初源自拉丁语的pressare,意为按。
    •       高考真题例句


          The keyboard could offer a strong layer of security by analyzing things like the force of a user's typing and the time between key presses.

          通过分析用户打字的力度和按键之间的时间间隔, 键盘可以提供一层强大的保护层。


    •       近义词

    •       反义词

    •       临近词





          The press conference was a complete shambles.(记者招待会一片混乱。)

          The press began to lionize him enthusiastically.(媒体开始狂热地吹捧他。)

          He was censured for leaking information to the press.(他因泄漏消息给新闻界而受到谴责。)

          Which switch do I press to turn it off?(我按哪个开关就能把它关了?)

          Press reports have been grossly exaggerated.(新闻报道过于夸张。)

          He gave the bell another press.(他又按了一下铃。)

          They're holding a press briefing tomorrow.(他们明天将召开新闻发布会。)

          The stabbing was reported in the local press.(当地的新闻媒体报道了捅刺事件。)

          His comments were pounced upon by the press.(他的评论立即被新闻界揪住。)

          Recent reports in the press have been hotly denied.(新闻界最近的报道遭到了坚决否认。)

          press是什么意思 press在线翻译 press什么意思 press的意思 press的翻译 press的解释 press的发音 press的同义词
