


      英 [weɪ]

      美 [weɪ]

      v.衡量;称(重量);重达 ...

      名词: weigher 过去式: weighed 过去分词: weighed 现在分词: weighing 第三人称单数: weighs



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  •       考虑
  •       加过重负担于
  •       称起来
  •       量,衡量
  •       掂估
  •       量体重
  •       估量优劣
  •       比较考察
  •       可重视
  •       重要
  •       压,压下
  •       有分量
  •       有影响
  •       重压,把…压弯
  •       【海】起锚,启航
  •       掂估…的分量
  •       有…重量
  •       有分量,有重要性,有影响
  •       仔细考虑,权衡,斟酌


  •       称量
  •       衡量
  •       过秤
  •       重多少
  •       估量
  •       道路
  •       重量


  •       vt. & vi. 称…的重量,估量 measure (by means of a scale) how heavy sth is
  •       vi. 重达(多少) show a certain measure when put on a scale, etc.
  •       vt. 权衡; 考虑 compare the importance, value, etc. of (one thing and another)

      1. 有…重;重
      If someone or something weighs a particular amount, this amount is how heavy they are.

      e.g. It weighs nearly 27 kilos (about 65 pounds)...
      e.g. This little ball of gold weighs a quarter of an ounce...

      2. 称…的重量;称
      If you weigh something or someone, you measure how heavy they are.

      e.g. The scales can be used to weigh other items such as parcels.

      3. 认真考虑;权衡;斟酌
      If you weigh the facts about a situation, you consider them very carefully before you make a decision, especially by comparing the various facts involved.

      e.g. She weighed her options...
      e.g. He is weighing the possibility of filing criminal charges against the doctor...

      4. 斟酌(字句)
      If you weigh your words, you think very carefully before you say something.

      e.g. He said the words very slowly, as if weighing each one of them.

      5. 使烦恼;使忧虑
      If a problem weighs on you, it makes you worried or unhappy.

      e.g. The separation weighed on both of them...
      e.g. She knows how your brother's disappearance weighs upon you.

      6. 对…有(重大)影响
      Something that weighs heavily in a situation has a strong influence or important effect on it.

      e.g. Current economic hardships weigh heavily in young women's decisions to find salaried work...
      e.g. Human life weighed more with him than purity of policy...

weighed down
      I was too weighed down by guilt to eat the sweet.

      相关词组:weigh downweigh inweigh outweigh up


      1. 称重:在模型中,零部件(Widget)要经过称重(Weigh)、冲洗(Wash)、加工(Produce)和检测(inspect)四个工序的操作. 执行完每一步操作后,零部件通过兼有运输器和缓存器的输送链传递至下一步操作;经过检测以后零部件脱离模型;

      2. weigh的近义词

      2. 重:知识和信息的综合作用过程构成了另一种别样的控制模式:既有知识存储的容量、指向、权重(weigh)都是视人而殊的,接受信息流的途径、内容也各有不同,尤其是处于我们这个多元化的社会环境中,

      3. 权重:知识和信息的综合作用过程构成了另一种别样的控制模式:既有知识存储的容量、指向、权重(weigh)都是视人而殊的,接受信息流的途径、内容也各有不同,尤其是处于我们这个多元化的社会环境中,

  •       情景对话

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      A:I'd like to buy some stamps for this letter.

      B:Let me just weigh it first.

      A:How much will it be?

      B:Are you sending it by regular or by speed?

      A:Just the regular.

      B:That'll be four yuan.

      A:How long will it take for my mail to reach its destination?

      B:Just two days.


      B:Good day.

      A:Good day also to you.


      A:Would you please weigh this letter to see what the postage is?

      B:Do you want to send it by ordinary or registered mail?

      A:By ordinary air mail, please.

      B:Anything of value in it?

      A:A postal order for four hundred dollars.
      一张400 美元的邮政汇票。

      B:In that case, you’d better have it registered.

      A:Will I be informed when my friend gets the letter?

      B:Yes, when your friend gets it, he’ll sign a receipt, which will be sent to you by mail. Then you can be sure it’s been received.


      A:All right, I’ll have it registered, then.


    成为对某人不利的证据 be recorded as unfavourable to sb
    weigh sth against sth

          We must weigh one fact against the next to arrive at an answer.


          The quality of the product must be weighed against its cost.


    weigh against sb

          His testimony will weigh heavily against you.


          His frequent lateness will weigh against him when the new appointments are being decided.


      1. weigh in : 称重量, 参加;

      2. weigh out : 称出;

      3. weigh down : 压低, 过度忧虑;

      4. under weigh : 在进行中;

      5. weigh in with : 有把握地提出;


  •       When did you weigh last?

      用作动词 (v.)

  •       Hoisted his sail, his anchor weigh'd.

    出自:Sir W. Scott
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  •       weigh的基本意思是“称…的重量”,引申可表示“仔细考虑某事物的相对价值或重要性等”,即“权衡”“斟酌”。引申还可表示感伤、恐惧或忧虑的事给思想或精神带来压力,使人感到烦扰或悲痛。
  •       weigh既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词作宾语。可用于被动结构。
  •       weigh也可表示某物重达多少,接表示数量的名词性状语。
  •       weigh偶尔可用作系动词,接形容词作表语。


weigh, consider, contemplate, study
  •       这四个词都可表示“考虑”。contemplate指沉思默想,强调持久的、冷静的、注意力集中的思维,但不包含思维的目的、方法或结果; consider是一般用语,指某人在对具体事情作出决定之前进行更自觉、深度和广度更大、目的性更强的思索; study语气比consider更强些,指某人对某问题进行持久的、有目的的、慎重而细致的研究,根据此项所得的结果作出计划或采取某一行动; weigh指某人在作出决策前把一事物和别的事仔细进行比较,在心中权衡,考虑其利害和全局需要,再选择对其有利的东西。
    •       ☆ 直接源自古英语的wegan,意为称重。
    •       近义词

    •       临近词




          He should weigh around 16kg (35lb). But scooping him up from the floor costs his nursery teacher, a frail woman in a faded sari, little effort.(他的体重应该在16kg左右(35磅)。然而他的幼儿园老师,一位衣着陈旧莎丽的柔弱女子,却能不费吹灰之力把他提拎起来。)

          Don't let it weigh on your mind.(你不要因此背包袱。)

          You must weigh the benefits against the cost.(你一定要权衡利益与成本二者的得失。)

          They were never able to isolate enough Masurium to have a weigh-able sample to convince everyone of the discovery.(他们一直未能分离出足量的钨,形成可称量的样本从而说服人们这一发现。)

          How much do adult grey squirrels weigh at most?(成年灰松鼠的体重最多有多少?)

          I think that whatever problems Brazil's facing now—the same will be true for any country—you have to weigh up the pros and cons.(我认为,不管巴西现在面临什么问题——对任何国家来说都是如此——你都必须权衡利弊。)

          The real concern, then, is not that we weigh too much, but that we neither exercise enough nor eat well.(因此,真正令人担忧的不是我们体重过重,而是我们既没有进行足够的锻炼,也没有吃好。)

          For example, if you weigh 160 pounds, you should drink at least 80 ounces of water per day.(例如,如果你体重160磅,你应该每天至少喝80盎司的水。)

          Weigh this in your hand.(掂掂这有多重。)

          How much does the heavier boy weigh?(那个比较重的男孩多重?)

          weigh是什么意思 weigh在线翻译 weigh什么意思 weigh的意思 weigh的翻译 weigh的解释 weigh的发音 weigh的同义词
