


      英 [wɔ:l]

      美 [wɔl]



      形容词: wallless 过去式: walled 过去分词: walled 现在分词: walling 第三人称单数: walls


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  •       墙壁,墙,壁,像墙壁的东西,墙状物
  •       围墙,城墙
  •       内壁,外壁
  •       障壁
  •       屏障,壁垒
  •       土堤,堤防
  •       壁面,靠墙部分,沿墙
  •       器壁
  •       隔阂


  •       (用墙)围住,(用墙)堵塞,筑墙围住,筑墙堵塞,筑墙防御,用墙(把...)围住,用墙(把...)隔开
  •       演戏般转动(眼睛)
  •       把围到屏障等里面
  •       把…关在大墙后
  •       监禁,禁闭
  •       封死,堵住


  •       [C] 墙,壁,围墙 continuous upright solid structure of stone, brick, concrete, etc. used to enclose, divide or protect sth


  •       vt. 筑墙围住,用墙隔开 surround sth with a wall or walls


      1. an embankment built around a space for defensive purposes

      e.g. they stormed the ramparts of the city
      they blew the trumpet and the walls came tumbling down

      Synonym: rampartbulwark

      2. an architectural partition with a height and length greater than its thickness
      used to divide or enclose an area or to support another structure

      e.g. the south wall had a small window
      the walls were covered with pictures

      3. a masonry fence (as around an estate or garden)

      e.g. the wall followed the road
      he ducked behind the garden wall and waited

      4. a layer of material that encloses space

      e.g. the walls of the cylinder were perforated
      the container's walls were blue

      5. (anatomy) a layer (a lining or membrane) that encloses a structure

      e.g. stomach walls

      Synonym: paries

      6. anything that suggests a wall in structure or function or effect

      e.g. a wall of water
      a wall of smoke
      a wall of prejudice
      negotiations ran into a brick wall

      7. a vertical (or almost vertical) smooth rock face (as of a cave or mountain)

      8. a difficult or awkward situation

      e.g. his back was to the wall
      competition was pushing them to the wall


      1. surround with a wall in order to fortify

      Synonym: palisadefencefence insurround

      1. 墙;墙壁
      A wall is one of the vertical sides of a building or room.

      e.g. Kathryn leaned against the wall of the church...
      e.g. The bedroom walls would be painted light blue...

      ...a glass-walled elevator...
      Our bedroom was white-walled with yellow silk curtains.

      2. (石或砖砌成的)围墙,隔墙
      A wall is a long narrow vertical structure made of stone or brick that surrounds or divides an area of land.

      e.g. He sat on the wall in the sun...
      e.g. The well is surrounded by a wall only 12 inches high.

      3. (中空物体的)壁,内壁
      The wall of something that is hollow is its side.

      e.g. He ran his fingers along the inside walls of the box.

      4. 屏障;堆成墙的大量物品
      A wall of something is a large amount of it forming a high vertical barrier.

      e.g. She gazed at the wall of books...
      e.g. I was just hit by a wall of water.

      5. 障碍;隔阂;壁垒
      You can describe something as a wall of a particular kind when it acts as a barrier and prevents people from understanding something.

      e.g. The police say they met the usual wall of silence...
      e.g. Despite its prevalence, schizophrenia has existed behind a wall of secrecy for years.

      6. see also: cavity wall;dry-stone wall;fly-on-the-wall;hole-in-the-wall;off-the-wall;retaining wall;sea wall;stonewall;wall-to-wall

      7. 碰壁;徒劳
      If you say that you are banging your head against a wall, you are emphasizing that you are frustrated because someone is stopping you from making progress in something.

      e.g. I appealed for help but felt I was always banging my head against a wall...
      e.g. I wondered if I was banging my head against a brick wall.

      8. 处于困境(或绝境);走投无路
      If you have your back to the wall, you are in a very difficult situation and can see no way out of it.

      e.g. Their threat to hire replacement workers has the union with its back to the wall.

      9. (感到)十分沮丧(或紧张、焦虑)
      If you say that you are climbing the walls, you are emphasizing that you feel very frustrated, nervous, or anxious.

      e.g. Sitting at home would only have had him climbing the walls with frustration.

      10. 把…逼得发疯;逼得…受不了
      If you say that something or someone is driving you up the wall, you are emphasizing that they annoy and irritate you.

      e.g. The heat is driving me up the wall...
      e.g. I sang in the bath and drove my parents up the wall.

      11. 破产;(生意)失败
      If a person or company goes to the wall, they lose all their money and their business fails.

      e.g. Even quite big companies are going to the wall these days.

      12. fly on the wall -> see fly
      the writing is on the wall -> see writing

      相关词组:wall inwall offwall up


      1. 壁:建造花费:1300 视野:10 能否被占领:yes 建造时间:540(50秒) 生命:3500 能量占用:50 升级费用:1200 [防御建筑] [防御壁](Wall) 围墙是被动式的防御系统,设计的目的是用来阻止敌人步兵与车辆的前进.

      2. 兴建城墙:厩(Stable)BM兴建市场(Market)BN兴建市镇中心(Town Center)BP兴建寺庙(Temple)BS兴建仓库转运站(Storage Pit)BT兴建防卫塔(Tower)BW兴建城墙(Wall)BY兴建学院(Academy)3.部队生产(必须先用鼠标选择相关的建筑物)在游戏中,

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      B:(Excuse me/ Pardon me/ I beg your pardon), how do I get to Wall Street?

      A:Take the A train…

      Subways & Urban Railways-(地铁和市区铁路)

      B:Excuse me, how do I get to Wall Street?

      A:Take the A train south to the Liberty Ave. stop. You should be able to find it from there.
      坐往南开的A 列车到自由大街站。在那儿你就可以找到了。

      B:I’m sorry, but how do I know the subway train is going south?

      A:The southbound A trains say Brooklyn.
      往南开的A列地铁上写着 “布鲁克林”。

      B:O.K., so it’s this one?

      A:Yeah. Hey? What are you doing? Let the people off the train before you get on.

      B:Oh, sorry.

      A:Jeez. Tourists.



      A:The central Hotel, please. I have to be there by 6:00
      去中央旅馆,我必须在6 点钟赶到那儿。

      B:We shouldn’t have any trouble if the traffic isn’t too heavy. Is this your first trip here?


      A:Yes. I’ve never been here before.

      B:You haven’t seen the sights yet, have you?

      A:No, I’m open to suggestions.

      B:Why don’t you visit the Great Wall first?

      A:That’s a good idea.

      B:Here we are. That will be seven yuan and seventy cents.
      我们到了,车费是7 元7 角。

      A:Thanks a lot. Here’s ten yuan. Keep the change.
      非常感谢,这是10 元,不用找了。


    越狱 escape from prison


    被击破,生意做砸了 be defeated; fail in business


  •       During the Warring States period, more walls were put up to defend the borders of the different kingdoms.
  •       The wall cuts across our line of vision.
  •       My left hand brushed the wall and found the doorknob.
  •       The explosion caused the walls of the building to fall in.
  •       The ball struck the wall and bounded back to me.
  •       They glided along the wall until they were out of sight.
  •       These doors are made in pieces that can be folded away against the wall.
  •       They burst a hole through the wall.
  •       We had to break through the solid wall to reach the prisoners.
  •       The television was built flush into the wall.
  •       He boiled over when his wife drove their new car into the wall.
  •       The firemen broke down the wall in order to gain quick access to the building on fire.
  •       The ball bounded from the wall.
  •       The picture is attached to the wall by a nail.
  •       The office looked exactly the same as before, only some charts were added to the wall.
  •       The colour of the wall and the colour of the carpet will blend together.
  •       My grandmother used to clean her mats by beating them against the wall of the house.
  •       We were asked to clean down the walls when we left the house that we had been renting.
  •       He colored the walls green.
  •       The building was burnt out and only the walls remained.
  •       These cupboards are built into the walls.
  •       Our neighbours built their walls high.
  •       We had to brace the walls when we put the new roof on.
  •       The city was defended with walls.
  •       He fastened the calendar to a wall.
  •       Our garden is surrounded by a stone wall.
  •       The place was closed in by a wall.
  •       The Great Wall, is actually more than 6000 kilometres long,6—7 metres high and 4—5 metres wide.
  •       He who does not reach the Great Wall is not a true man.
  •       They banded the Berlin Wall in light and dark grey stone.
  •       Wall Street began to empty after midnight.
  •       I should hate to be confined within the four walls of an office all day.
  •       Very big waves dashed over the sea wall at the height of the storm.
  •       When I tried to probe into John's life,I came up against a brick wall.
  •       But she knew the signs of change, she could read the writing on the wall.
  •       Let's put it on the table and don't drive it to the wall.


  •       We're going to wall the garden.
  • 1
  •       The garden is walled.

      用作名词 (n.)


      用作动词 (v.)

  •       The Emperor Adrian..made a great wall of earth between England and Scotland.

    出自:R. Baker
  •       Others from the Wall defend With Dart and Jav'lin.

  •       This flesh which walls about our life.

    出自:Richard II,Shakespeare
  •       The House of Correction..is not walled, like other prisons.

  •       A shady..glade, partly walled by..masses of upreared rocks.

    出自:Z. Grey
  •       词语用法

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  •       词源解说


  •       wall的意思是“墙,壁,围墙”,是可数名词。
  •       in the wall表示“在墙的里面”; 而on the wall表示“在墙的表面”。
  •       the Great Wall(长城)是the Great Wall of China(中国长城)的简称。


  •       wall用作动词时意思是“用墙围住”,接名词或代词作宾语,可用于主动或被动结构。


wall, cage, coop, enclose, envelop, fence, pen
  •       这组词都可表示“包围”“装入”,其区别是:
  •       fence主要指用栅栏拦开或围起来; cage指关在笼子里,有侮辱意味; coop指被关进笼子般的狭小地方,也指受到更加严格的限制; enclose指设置界限或屏障把某人或某物围在其中,也指把某物装进密封的容器; envelop强调把某物体完全包起来或整个封起来; pen指监禁在狭窄的地方或施加令人不快的限制; wall指筑墙围住或关入围有墙壁的地方。例如:
  •       After the tiger was caught, it was caged.老虎被捉住后关进了笼子。
  •       He was cooped up in a tiny room.他被关进小房间。
  •       The little park was enclosed on all sides by tall apartment building.那个小公园的四周被高高的住宅楼围起来了。
  •       Smoke from the burning room enveloped the whole building.着火了的那个房间冒出的烟遮蔽了整座大楼。
  •       The shepherd has penned up the sheep in the two acre field.牧羊人把羊群围在那块两英亩的土地上。
  •       We are going to wall the garden.我们要用围墙把花园围起来。
  •       n.(名词)


            误 Have you seen the hole on the wall?

            正 Have you seen the hole in the wall?

            析 表示墙上有洞〔门〕时,要用in the wall,因为洞〔门〕都是在墙里面。如指在墙表面上,则用on the wall。

    •       ☆ 直接源自古英语的weall,意为城墙;最初源自拉丁语的vallum,意为墙。
    •       中考真题例句

    •       高考真题例句

    •       考研真题例句

          中考真题例句OG 1.wall

          On the wall were a hundred colored paper butterflies, each with a handwritten message on it from my students.



          中考真题例句OG 2.wall

          Some of the caves even have paintings on the walls.



          中考真题例句OG 3.wall

          We were told it is the longest wall in the world.



          高考真题例句OG 1.wall

          The large color decisions in your rooms concern the walls, ceilings, and floors.



          考研真题例句OG 1.wall

          Elaborate wall and ceiling stenciling and marquetry floors decorated the office of the Secretary.



          考研真题例句OG 2.wall

          Does that mean the writing is on the wall for all European royals, with their magnificent uniforms and majestic lifestyles?



          考研真题例句OG 3.wall

          Comprising artists Mark Boyle and Joan Hills and their children, they recreated random sections of the British landscape on gallery walls.



          考研真题例句OG 1.wall

          Many of the most celebrated national figures have participated in historical events that have taken place within the EEOB's granite walls.



          考研真题例句OG 1.wall

          The Wall Street Journal finds that "a substantial part" of executive pay is now tied to performance.



    •       近义词

    •       临近词




          He could easily vault the wall.(他可以轻而易举地跃过这堵墙。)

          They were pinioned against the wall.(他们被牢牢地靠墙绑着。)

          The wall collapsed under the strain.(墙壁因承受不了重压而坍塌了。)

          I sat squeezed up against the wall.(我被挤得紧贴着墙坐着。)

          She hammered the nail into the wall.(她把钉子钉到墙上。)

          The boys climbed over the wall.(那些男孩翻过了那堵墙。)

          He spray-painted his name on the wall.(他把自己的名字用喷漆喷在了墙上。)

          A shovel was leaning against the wall.(一把铁铲靠墙放着。)

          Why doesn't he just knock the wall down?(他为什么不索性把墙拆掉?)

          The bullet embedded itself in the wall.(子弹射进了墙里。)

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          wall是什么意思 wall在线翻译 wall什么意思 wall的意思 wall的翻译 wall的解释 wall的发音 wall的同义词
