


      英 [jɔ:z]

      美 [jərz]



  •       详情解释

  •       双解释义

  •       词典解释

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  •       你(们)的家属
  •       尊函,你(们)的来信
  •       用作信尾签名前之敬语
  •       你(们)的东西
  •       你(们)的责任


  •       你(们)的 of the person or people spoken to

      Yours is the second person possessive pronoun. Yours can refer to one or more people. yours是第二人称所有格代词。yours可指一人或多人。

      1. 你的,您的,你们的(东西)
      A speaker or writer uses yours to refer to something that belongs or relates to the person or people that they are talking or writing to.

      e.g. I'll take my coat upstairs. Shall I take yours, Roberta?...
      e.g. I believe Paul was a friend of yours...

      2. (用于书信结尾的签名前)你的/您的诚挚的/您的忠实的
      People write yours ,yours sincerely, or yours faithfully at the end of a letter before they sign their name.

      e.g. With best regards, Yours, George...
      e.g. Yours faithfully, Michael Moore, London Business School...


      1. 你(们)的:在这里你看不到任何正义与非正义之分,只有你们的(yours)和我们的(ours)之别. 这就是典型的美国政治实用主义. 昨日的利比亚总统卡扎菲反美,被称为邪恶独裁者,今天的卡扎菲不再反美,即被封为朋友兼榜样. 在中东,

      2. yours在线翻译

      2. 你的朋友:With undying love, 但愿友谊长存 | Yours, 你的朋友 | Yours ever, 你的莫逆之交

      3. 你的,你们的:your 你的,你们的 | yours 你的,你们的 | yourself 你自己

  •       常用例句

  •       经典引文


  •       This book is yours, not mine.
  •       This is my pen, and yours is on the table.
  •       Our school is not as big as yours.
  •       You said he was a friend of yours.
  •       I was..doubly uneasy;son my own account and yours.

  •       You should not meddle with them; they are not yours.

    出自:M. Edgeworth
  •       Speaking to a superior mind like yours.

    出自:J. Conrad
  •       It is our duty, yours and mine.

    出自:I. Murdoch
  •       词语用法


  •       yours是第二人称名词性物主代词,单复数同形,在句中可用作主语、介词的宾语,也可用作表语。
  •       yours可于of后构成双重所有格。
  •       yours首字母大写时常可用于信函结尾处。对陌生人要写Yours faithfully或Yours truly,意为“您忠实的…”; 对熟人可写Yours sincerely,意为“你真挚的…”; 对朋友则可写Yours ever,意为“你永远的…”,也可只写Yours,意为“你的…”。
  •       临近词



      Is this radio yours?(这收音机是你的吗?)

      The money's not yours, it's John's.(这钱不是你的,是约翰的。)

      Are these gloves all yours?(这些手套全部都是你的吗?)

      I love my country as you love yours.(我热爱我的国家,就像你热爱你的国家一样。)

      Which cards are yours?(哪些卡片是你的?)

      Is he a friend of yours ?(他是你的朋友吗?)

      They are not yours.(他们不是你的。)

      I'd like one the same as yours.(我要一个和你一样的。)

      "I hate to sound mercenary," Labane said, "but am I getting paid to be in this play of yours?"(“我不愿让自己听起来惟利是图,”拉班说:“但是参与你这出戏演出我会得到报酬吗?”)

      Is she a friend of yours?(她是你的朋友吗?)

      yours是什么意思 yours在线翻译 yours什么意思 yours的意思 yours的翻译 yours的解释 yours的发音 yours的同义词
