


      英 [dɪˈskʌs]

      美 [dɪˈskʌs]


      形容词: discussable 名词: discusser 过去式: discussed 过去分词: discussed 现在分词: discussing 第三人称单数: discusses


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  •       讨论,谈论,商量
  •       论述,详述
  •       品尝
  •       【律】先要求(主要债务人)清偿债务
  •       消除,驱散
  •       宣布,透露


  •       谈论,讨论 =discussion


  •       vt. & vi. 谈论,讨论; 商量,论述 talk or write about sth


      1. speak with others about (something)
      talk (something) over in detail
      have a discussion

      e.g. We discussed our household budget

      Synonym: hash outtalk over

      2. to consider or examine in speech or writing

      e.g. The author talks about the different aspects of this question
      The class discussed Dante's `Inferno'

      Synonym: discoursetalk about

      1. 讨论;谈论;商量
      If people discuss something, they talk about it, often in order to reach a decision.

      e.g. I will be discussing the situation with colleagues tomorrow...
      e.g. The cabinet met today to discuss how to respond to the ultimatum.

      2. 详细论述;阐述
      If you discuss something, you write or talk about it in detail.

      e.g. I will discuss the role of diet in cancer prevention in Chapter 7...
      e.g. Coming up after the news, Dan Schorr discusses the state of the presidential campaign.

      Note that discuss is never used as an intransitive verb. You cannot say, for example, 'They discussed', 'I discussed with him', or 'They discussed about politics'. Instead, you can say that you have a discussion with someone about something. I had a long discussion about all this with Stephen. You can also add an object and say that you discuss something with someone. If the discussion is less formal, you can simply use the verb talk. They come here and sit for hours talking about politics... We talked all night long.
      注意 discuss 从不用作不及物动词。例如,不能说 they discussed,I discussed with him 或者 They discussed about politics。但可以说 have a discussion with someone about something。如:I had a long discussion about all this with Stephen(我和斯蒂芬就这一切进行了一次长谈)。还可以在 discuss 和 with 之间加宾语,可说discuss something with someone。如果谈话不是很正式,用talk就可以了。如:They come here and sit for hours talking about politics(他们来这儿一坐几个小时谈论政治),We talked all night long(我们彻夜长谈)。

      1. 讨论, 论述:Deny 否认, 拒绝 | Discuss 讨论, 论述 | Dislike 讨厌, 不喜欢

      2. 商谈:discretion 慎重 | discuss 商谈 | discussion 讨论


      3. 讨论;议论:discrimination 歧视 | ▲discuss 讨论,议论 | ▲discussion 讨论,辩论

  •       情景对话

  •       常用短语

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文



      B:Congratulations ! your bid has won .

      A:When can you come around to discuss some details with us ?

      B:I‘ll be there next Monday at noon .

      A:I‘m glad to hear that .


      B:What leadership qualities did you develop as an administrative personnel?

      A:I feel that learning how to motivate people and to work together as a team will be the major goal of my leadership./I have refined my management style by using an open-door policy.

      B:How do you normally handle criticism?


      A:Silence is golden. Just don't say anything; otherwise the situation could become worse. I do, however, accept constructive criticism. /When we cool off, we will discuss it later.



      A:When is your lunch break?

      B:I usually have lunch around noon, but I’m tired up with this report right now.
      我通常在12 点左右吃午饭,但现在要赶一个报告,脱不开身。

      A:When do you think you’ll finish?

      B:My supervisor wants to have it on her desk by 1 pm.

      A:Do you want to go for lunch together at 1 pm?

      B:I don’t know. She might want to discuss it with me then.

      A:I see. Are you hungry?

      B:I’m starving! But I don’t think I’m going to have any opportunities to eat this afternoon.

      A:Do you want me to pick up a sandwich for you?

      B:That would be great! I could eat it at my desk while I’m working.

      A:What kind of sandwich would you like?

      B:I’m not picky. Anything will do. Here’s a five.
      我不挑剔,哪种都可以,这是5 美元。

      A:Don’t worry about it. I’ll get it. I’ll be back in 15 minutes or so.
      别担心,我会帮你买回来,我15 分钟左右回来。


      B:Thanks a million!

      A:Let’s do lunch tomorrow, though.

      B:OK, but tomorrow, it’ll be on me!


    与(某人)讨论(某题目) have usually long talk about (a subject), usually trying to reach agreement
    discuss with sb

          He squatted in the grass discussing with someone.


    discuss sb/sth with sb

          I've discussed the matter with my lawyer, and we have decided to settle the case out of court.


          You needn't discuss this matter with me.


          He is discussing questions with his men.


          I discussed the question with him the other day.


          I'll discuss the problem with him later.


          He is discussing business with that company.


          He discussed with you the work you have done.



  •       They are discussing freely.
  •       Let us go back to the subject we were discussing.

      用作动词 (v.)

  •       Art thou a gentleman? What is thy name? Discuss.

    出自:Henry V,Shakespeare
  •       词语用法

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  •       常见错误

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  •       discuss的基本意思是“谈论”,多指非正式地、友好地探讨或研究,尤指从正反两方面加以考虑,以交换内容或澄清问题。
  •       discuss有时也可作“(心中)琢磨”解。
  •       discuss多用作及物动词,可接名词、代词、带疑问词的动词不定式、动名词或wh-从句作宾语。偶尔也可用作不及物动词。
  •       discuss的现在进行时可表示按计划、安排或打算将要进行的动作,此时一般须与表示将来的时间状语连用或有特定的上下文。


discuss, talk over
  •       两者都有“讨论”的意思。其区别在于:discuss强调气氛通常是融洽的,目的是“达成共识”; talk over强调详尽透彻的过程。例如:
  •       We discussed holding the sports meet next week.我们讨论了下周开运动会的问题。
  •       I want to talk this over with you.这件事我要和你商量一下。
  •       v.(动词)


            误 We shall discuss about the problem soon.

            正 We shall discuss the problem soon.

            析 discuss主要用作及物动词,无需搭用about, concerning等介词。


            误 They will discuss to decorate the apartment .

            正 They will discuss how to decorate the apartment.

            析 discuss一般不直接跟不定式作宾语,但可跟带疑问词的动词不定式。


            误 We discussed if we should close the shop or not.

            正 We discussed whether we should close the shop or not.

            析 discuss后可跟whether从句,不能跟if从句。

    •       ☆ 14世纪中期进入英语,直接源自古典拉丁语的discuss,意为摔成碎片,困难;最初源自晚期拉丁和通俗拉丁语的discuss,意为讨论,调查。
    •       中考真题例句

    •       高考真题例句

          中考真题例句OG 1.discuss

          An important case will be discussed at this meeting.



          中考真题例句OG 2.discuss

          In class, you can discuss problems by working in groups.



          中考真题例句OG 3.discuss

          The more times they practice the speech, the more comfortable they are discussing the topic.



          高考真题例句OG 1.discuss

          They choose books to read and then meet to discuss them.

          他们选择要读的书, 然后聚在一起讨论。


    •       近义词

    •       临近词




          I'm not prepared to discuss this over the telephone.(我不准备通过电话来讨论这件事。)

          We're going to call a meeting and discuss how we can work with other groups.(我们打算开个会,讨论如何与其他团队协作。)

          It was clear that she wanted to discuss some private matter.(很明显她想讨论一些私事。)

          It's hardly the time to discuss it now.(现在还不是讨论的时候。)

          She asked them not to discuss the matter in her presence.(她要求他们不要当着她的面讨论这个问题。)

          This week he is to visit China to discuss the purchase of military supplies.(本周他将访问中国,讨论军用物资的采购。)

          We will discuss these three areas in depth.(我们将全面透彻地讨论这3个领域。)

          They will discuss how to bail the economy out of its slump.(他们将讨论如何使经济走出低谷。)

          Every year my father would call a family powwow to discuss where we were going on holiday.(每年我爸爸都会召集一次家庭会议,讨论我们去哪里度假。)

          They will discuss the possible renewal of diplomatic relations.(他们将讨论恢复外交关系的可能性。)

          discuss是什么意思 discuss在线翻译 discuss什么意思 discuss的意思 discuss的翻译 discuss的解释 discuss的发音 discuss的同义词
