


      英 [ˈædətɪv]

      美 [ˈædɪtɪv]






  •       双解释义

  •       英英释义

  •       词典解释

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  •       [C]附加物,添加物 a substance that is added in small amounts to sth, especially food, in order to improve it, give it colour, make it last longer, etc.


  •       添加的,增加的,附加的 involving addition
  •       累积的 having cumulated or having been cumulated


      1. something added to enhance food or gasoline or paint or medicine


      1. characterized or produced by addition

      e.g. an additive process

      2. designating or involving an equation whose terms are of the first degree

      Synonym: linear

      1. 添加物;添加剂
      An additive is a substance which is added in small amounts to foods or other things in order to improve them or to make them last longer.


      e.g. Strict safety tests are carried out on food additives.
      e.g. ...additive-free baby foods.

      1. 附加的:依据它的圣律,对外国地区的并吞涉及到要把与这个地区及其神相关的所有宗教律条都挪移到罗马城中--从逻辑上说,这当然是来自古典的附加的(additive)神感.

      2. 附加剂:这些蜡其实也广泛被用于不少巧克力和糖果的涂层(coating), 作附加剂(additive)之用. 换之言我们吃糖果时也吃了这些蜡. 下次你买美国进口的巧克力可细心看看它的成分, 你大有可能会发现这些蜡呢.在美国, 1920年代已开始把蜡加上蔬菜和水果,

      3. 添加物:是形成于一基材上并具有一记录层(recording layer). 记录层包括至少一种非对称花青染料(trimethine-cyanine dye)和一添加物(additive),其中该添加物使记录层对激光波长有较大的吸收率.

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配


  •       Food additives can cause allergies.
  •       It says on the packet that these crisps contain no additives.
  •       Colour is often an additive in foods.
  •       This margarine is full of additives—just look at the label!


  •       This is an additive ingredient.

      用作名词 (n.)

  •       词语用法


  •       additive的基本意思是“附加物; 添加物; 添加剂; 加成剂”,是可数名词,尤指食品添加剂。


  •       additive用作形容词时不用于比较等级。
  •       近义词

  •       反义词

  •       临近词





      Rule Sets are additive.(规则集是附加的。)

      When these dots are projected onto the total resources columns (top of figure), the results are additive.(当这些点映射到总资源列(图的顶部)上时,结果是附加的。)

      Because computer monitors have a very high density of pixels, they do not use "additive" color per say.(电脑显示器有着非常高的像素分辨率,因此它并不是逐点使用“加法”颜色的。)

      Milk is also sugar-free and additive-free with nutritionists recommending skimmed milk as the best choice before bed as it is the least fattening.(牛奶也不含糖,也不含添加剂,营养学家建议睡前最好选择脱脂牛奶,因为它最不容易发胖。)

      This additive capability also applies to portfolio management practices. Here is an illustration(此可加的能力还应用于项目组合管理实践中。)

      Generally, it is desirable for measures to be fully additive.(通常,全相加的测度是最理想的。)

      Some contain more than one additive.(有些含有不只一种添加剂。)

      But did you know it is also commonly used as a food additive?(但是你知道它也是常用的食品添加剂吗?)

      Note: There are three measure types: Non-additive, additive, and Semi-additive.(请注意,有三种度量类型:非附加式、附加式和半附加式。)

      The product description for any food or food additive shall not contain exaggerated or false advertising.(食品、食品添加剂的产品说明书,不得有夸大或者虚假的宣传内容。)

      additive是什么意思 additive在线翻译 additive什么意思 additive的意思 additive的翻译 additive的解释 additive的发音 additive的同义词
