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1. 砍;剁;劈;切
If you chopsomething, you cut it into pieces with strong downward movements of a knife or an axe.

e.g. Chop the butter into small pieces...
e.g. Chop the onions very finely...

2. (羊或猪的)排骨
A chopis a small piece of meat cut from the ribs of a sheep or pig.

e.g. ...grilled lamb chops.

3. 反复无常;不断变卦
When people chop and change, they keep changing their minds about what to do or how to act.


e.g. Don't ask me why they have chopped and changed so much.

4. 将被取消(或关闭);(人)将被解雇
If something is for the chopor is going to get the chop, it is going to be stopped or closed. If someone is for the chop, they are going to lose their job or position.

e.g. He won't say which programmes are for the chop...
e.g. I was both disappointed and amazed when I got the chopfrom the Wales team.

相关词组:chop downchop offchop up

1. 切击:不过这种防守式抽击不能用得太多,在多数情况下切击(chop)或削球(slice)是改变节奏和速度的更好办法. 作为一种变术,在你处于极端不利的情况下,这种高而慢的轻飘的抽击是我所知的最好防守. 挑高球(lob)所得到的效果完全不同,

2. chop的意思

2. 切:●16MB的采样内存(可扩展至272MB)--外加剪切(Chop),时长扩伸(Timestretch),标准化(Normalize)和波形编辑功能●专用的母带处理效果,混响和压缩,外加2个综合效果(MFX)处理器拥有了MC-909的录音棚品质效果,制作人已经具备了音轨编辑的一切,

3. 砍伐:谢逊说道:当年我帮义弟义妹他们在后山丛林中砍伐(chop)树木,然后才搬到海边造船(make). 山上滑不留步. 海中不时有几块小浮冰(fubing)正在向北飘流.

  • 常用短语

  • 相关词组

  • 常用例句

  • 词汇搭配

  • 经典引文

    砍倒 cause (especially a tree) to fall by chopping
    chop away

    I've been chopping away for half an hour but the tree is still standing.



1. get the chop : 被解雇, 突然止住;

2. chop and change : 变化无常;

3. chop in : 插嘴;

4. chop logic : 咬文嚼字;

5. chop away : 砍倒, 砍掉, 切去;

6. chop off : 砍掉;

7. chop back : 突然转向;

  • They're chopping wood in the forest.
  • I chopped a branch off the tree.
  • We had to chop a path through the forest.
  • Chop the onions then fry them in the oil.
  • He chopped me some wood.
用作动词 (v.)
~+名词 ~+形容词 ~+副词 ~+介词
用作名词 (n.)
动词+~ 名词+~
  • I'll hang you for going...You will, chops?

    出自:1 Henry IV,Shakespeare
  • They breake their bones, and chop them in pieces.

    出自:Bible (AV): Micah
  • I'll chop off your feet with these shears.

    出自:E. Crispin
  • 词语用法

  • 词义讲解

  • 词源解说

  • chop的基本意思是“砍,伐,劈”“劈开,砍出”,引申还可表示“切细,剁碎”。用作及物动词时,后接名词或代词作宾语,有时还可接双宾语; 用作不及物动词时,其后常接副词away。
chop, carve, cut, hew, slash, slit
  • 这组词的意思相近,其区别是:
  • cut表示“切,割,砍”,泛指用带刃的工具去切、割、砍等,常带有副词,说明切、割、砍的方式或目的; hew 表示“砍,劈”,指挥起刀斧等较重的工具用力砍,被砍的东西往往较大、较重且难以处理,也指将东西凿成需要的样子; chop表示“砍,斩”,指迅速有力地劈开,或用连续的动作将东西砍碎、砍断; carve表示“切,刻”,指用专门的工具刻东西,或用快刀在桌上切肉成片; slit表示“切,割”,多指纵长的切割,侧重切开或割裂; slash表示“砍,斩”,指纵长挥砍,口子又长又深。例如:
  • He hewed down an oak.他砍倒一棵橡树。
  • They hewed a canoe out of a tree trunk.他们把一根树干劈成一条独木舟。
  • He's chopping the firewood.他正在劈柴。
  • He carved the wood into the shape of a bird.他把木头雕成一只鸟。
  • They slit his throat.他们切开他的喉咙。
  • She slit the envelope open with a knife.她用刀把信封裁开。
  • Some vandals had slashed the seat covers on the train.一些破坏公物的人把火车上的坐垫给划破了。
    • ☆ 直接源自古法语的choper;最初源自通俗拉丁语的cuppare,意为砍头。
    The tree is so big, you'll have to chopback some of the branches.(这棵树太大了,你得砍掉一些枝条。)
    The crop is the hottest thing in hair right now as Rosie Huntington-Whitley, Lily Collins and Scarlett Johansson all go for the chop.(随着罗茜·汉丁顿-惠特莉、莉莉·柯林斯和斯嘉丽·约翰逊纷纷选择剪短发,短发成为当下最热门的发型。)
    The whole department has been given the chop.(整个部门的员工都已被解雇。)
    Musk's imagined machine, at least someone to chopthe carrots, wash the car and mow the lawn.(马斯克设想的机器,至少是切胡萝卜、洗车和修剪草坪的帮手。)
    After enlightenment; chopwood, carry water.(开悟之后,砍柴,挑水。)
    Use this knife to chop, slice and mince; the side of the blade can be used for crushing garlic and some spices.(用这刀剁碎、切片或切碎物体;刀片侧面可以用于压碎大蒜和一些香料。)
    To lure him away from the stove, I piled up parsley for him to chopor cheese for him to grate at the other end of the kitchen island.(为了诱惑他离开炉子,在岛式厨房操作台的另一端,我堆了欧芹让他切或者干酪让他磨碎。)
    Chop some wood for the fire.(给炉子劈点木柴来。)
    At least a pork chopwould feed you.(猪排至少能让你填饱肚子。)
    They were helping to chopwood to feed the red maw of the stove.(他们在帮助劈木头,然后丢进炉子那火红的大嘴里。)
    chop是什么意思 chop在线翻译 chop什么意思 chop的意思 chop的翻译 chop的解释 chop的发音 chop的同义词