


      英 [kənˈtrəʊl]

      美 [kənˈtroʊl]



      形容词: controllable 名词: controllability 过去式: controlled 过去分词: controlled 现在分词: controlling 第三人称单数: controls



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  •       控制
  •       操纵装置
  •       支配
  •       统制
  •       管理,监督,管制
  •       抑制(力),压制
  •       调节
  •       对照物,对照标准
  •       控制手段
  •       指挥部
  •       节制,约束
  •       【农】防治
  •       检查,核对
  •       控制是美国制造的扫雷舰


  •       控制
  •       支配
  •       抑制,克制,节制
  •       管理,监督,管制,领导,主宰,驾驭,操在...手里,操纵,掌管,指挥
  •       核实,核对,检验,检查,对照
  •       统制
  •       防治,阻止蔓延
  •       决定
  •       调节,操纵
  •       限制,限定


  •       vt. 控制,抑制,支配 direct; fix or limit the time, amount, degree, etc.
  •       vt. 管理,操纵 stop things or people being too wild, fast, free, etc.


  •       [U]控制,支配,管理 power or authority to direct, order or limit
  •       [U]管制 management
  •       [C]管理手段 means of limiting or regulating


      1. the activity of managing or exerting control over something

      e.g. the control of the mob by the police was admirable

      2. (physiology) regulation or maintenance of a function or action or reflex etc

      e.g. the timing and control of his movements were unimpaired
      he had lost control of his sphincters

      3. a mechanism that controls the operation of a machine

      e.g. the speed controller on his turntable was not working properly
      I turned the controls over to her

      Synonym: controller

      4. discipline in personal and social activities

      e.g. he was a model of polite restraint
      she never lost control of herself

      Synonym: restraint

      5. power to direct or determine

      e.g. under control

      6. great skillfulness and knowledge of some subject or activity

      e.g. a good command of French

      Synonym: commandmastery

      7. a standard against which other conditions can be compared in a scientific experiment

      e.g. the control condition was inappropriate for the conclusions he wished to draw

      Synonym: control condition

      8. the economic policy of controlling or limiting or curbing prices or wages etc.

      e.g. they wanted to repeal all the legislation that imposed economic controls

      9. a spiritual agency that is assumed to assist the medium during a seance

      10. a relation of constraint of one entity (thing or person or group) by another

      e.g. measures for the control of disease
      they instituted controls over drinking on campus

      11. the state that exists when one person or group has power over another

      e.g. her apparent dominance of her husband was really her attempt to make him pay attention to her

      Synonym: dominanceascendanceascendenceascendancyascendency


      1. have a firm understanding or knowledge of
      be on top of

      e.g. Do you control these data?

      Synonym: master

      2. be careful or certain to do something
      make certain of something

      e.g. He verified that the valves were closed
      See that the curtains are closed
      control the quality of the product

      Synonym: seecheckinsuresee to itensureascertainassure

      3. verify by using a duplicate register for comparison

      e.g. control an account

      4. handle and cause to function

      e.g. do not operate machinery after imbibing alcohol
      control the lever

      Synonym: operate

      5. control (others or oneself) or influence skillfully, usually to one's advantage

      e.g. She manipulates her boss
      She is a very controlling mother and doesn't let her children grow up
      The teacher knew how to keep the class in line
      she keeps in line

      Synonym: manipulatekeep in line

      6. exercise authoritative control or power over

      e.g. control the budget
      Command the military forces

      Synonym: command

      7. lessen the intensity of
      hold in restraint
      hold or keep within limits

      e.g. moderate your alcohol intake
      hold your tongue
      hold your temper
      control your anger

      Synonym: hold inholdcontaincheckcurbmoderate

      8. check or regulate (a scientific experiment) by conducting a parallel experiment or comparing with another standard

      e.g. Are you controlling for the temperature?

      Synonym: verify

      1. (对机构、地方、体系等的)控制权,支配权
      Control of an organization, place, or system is the power to make all the important decisions about the way that it is run.

      e.g. The restructuring involves Mr Ronson giving up control of the company...
      e.g. The first aim of his government would be to establish control over the republic's territory.

      2. 控制(能力);支配(能力)
      If you have control of something or someone, you are able to make them do what you want them to do.

      e.g. He lost control of his car...
      e.g. Some teachers have more control over pupils than their parents have.

      3. 克制;控制力
      If you show control, you prevent yourself behaving in an angry or emotional way.

      e.g. He had a terrible temper, and sometimes he would completely lose control...
      e.g. He was working hard to keep control of himself.

      4. 控制;掌管;管理;统治
      The people who control an organization or place have the power to take all the important decisions about the way that it is run.

      e.g. He now controls the largest retail development empire in southern California...
      e.g. Almost all of the countries in Latin America were controlled by dictators...

      AGA Gas is Swedish-controlled.
      ...the state-controlled media.

      5. 控制,操纵(设备、过程、系统等)
      To control a piece of equipment, process, or system means to make it work in the way that you want it to work.

      e.g. ...a computerised system to control the gates...
      e.g. Scientists would soon be able to manipulate human genes to control the ageing process.

-controlled traffic lights.

      6. 管制,限定,控制(价格、工资、活动等)
      When a government controls prices, wages, or the activity of a particular group, it uses its power to restrict them.


      e.g. The federal government tried to control rising health-care costs.
      e.g. ...measures to control illegal mining.

      7. 控制;自制;克制
      If you control yourself, or if you control your feelings, voice, or expression, you make yourself behave calmly even though you are feeling angry, excited, or upset.

      e.g. Jo was advised to learn to control herself...
      e.g. I just couldn't control my temper.

      Her manner was quiet and very controlled.

      8. 控制,抑制(危险)
      To control something dangerous means to prevent it from becoming worse or from spreading.


      e.g. ...the need to control environmental pollution...
      e.g. One of the biggest tasks will be to control the spread of malaria.

      9. 控制按钮;控制装置;操纵装置
      A control is a device such as a switch or lever which you use in order to operate a machine or other piece of equipment.

      e.g. I practised operating the controls.
      e.g. ...the control box.

      10. 控制措施;管制措施
      Controls are the methods that a government uses to restrict increases, for example in prices, wages, or weapons.

      e.g. Critics question whether price controls would do any good...
      e.g. Their talks are expected to focus on arms control...

      11. 检查站
      Control is used to refer to a place where your documents or luggage are officially checked when you enter a foreign country.

      e.g. He went straight through Passport Control without incident.
      e.g. agreement to abolish border controls.

      12. see also: air traffic control;birth control;quality control;remote control;stock control

      You do not use control as a verb to talk about inspecting documents. The verb you use is check. Police were searching cars and checking identity documents. However, at an airport or port, the place where passports are checked is called passport control
      表示检查证件时,动词不能用 control,而用 check: Police were searching cars and checking identity documents (警察在搜查车辆并检查身份证件)。但是,在机场或港口,检查护照的地方叫做 passport control。

      13. 失去控制;不受控制
      If something is out of control, no-one has any power over it.

      e.g. The fire is burning out of control...
      e.g. I'm dealing with customers all the time who have let their debts get out of control.

      14. 被控制住;得到控制
      If something harmful is under control, it is being dealt with successfully and is unlikely to cause any more harm.

      e.g. The situation is under control...
      e.g. If the current violence is to be brought under control, the government needs to act.

      1. 对照:实验步骤 实验前首先对被试者进行训练,使被试者对试验环境及以上测试方法项目达到要求的熟悉程度,能够正确理解指导语,熟练操作. 被试者还进行艾森克人格个性(EPQ)及Weinstein主观噪声敏感度[4]测定. 指标(indices) 对照(control)(min) 90 dB(A)30min 90 dB(A)2 h

      2. control

      2. 控制器:本系列介绍GEF中的几个基本概念,包括如下部分:GEF概述 模型(Model) 视图(View) 控制器(Control) 请求和编辑策略(Request and EditPolicies) 命令(commands) 模型同步 选项板(PaletteRoot) 1.GEF概述 GEF最早是Eclipse的一个内部项目,

      3. control:cont; 控制

      4. control在线翻译

      4. control:cntrl; 控制

  •       情景对话

  •       常用短语

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文

      Car Crash-(车祸)


      A:That looks like a bad accident.

      B:Yeah, should we get out and help?

      A:No, there’s a police car behind us. He’ll stop.

      B:Looks like the one guy lost control in all this rain, and the other one hit him.

      A:Yeah. It’s pretty bad, that car looks like a coke can.

      B:These accidents always cause traffic jams on rainy days.

      A:Yeah, it looks like we’re in for a long drive.


      B:Ah, well. Put on the news. I got up late and missed it.

      A:All right.


    无法控制 bearing no power to affect it or change it


  •       He tried to control me.
  •       How could the ordinary rules of life be expected to control him?
  •       I couldn't control myself, and I hit him.
  •       He was pleading with her to control herself until he could explain.
  •       At that time the Romans controlled a vast empire.
  •       The Australian administration at that time controlled the island.
  •       The driver could not control the car.
  •       His family had controlled The Times for more than a century.
  •       A reactionary government is able to suppress the press, but not able to control public opinion.
  •       Please control your dog!
  •       A captain controls his ship and its crew.
  •       This committee controlled some of the public money.
  •       Her responsibility is to control the final accounts.
  • 1
  •       The pressure of steam in the engine is controlled by this button.
  •       The steam supply to the engine is controlled by the governor.
  •       The accounts of the whole company are controlled in this department.


  •       Can you control to be here early?
  •       He controls to live on a small income.
  •       He controls to stay here with her.
  •       I control to annoy him, but he always laughs.

      用作动词 (v.)


      用作名词 (n.)

  •       Any Act transferring the theatres to the control of a licensing authority.

    出自:G. B. Shaw
  •       The cart..swayed behind the ass, which Keyes..lost all control of.

    出自:Day Lewis
  •       This process of imagination is outside our control.

    出自:M. Tippett
  •       He shalbe sure seldome to meete any whom hys tale might be controlled.

    出自:Sir T. More
  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解

  •       常见错误

  •       词源解说


  •       control的基本意思有二:一是“控制”,指被控制者对控制者意志的绝对服从,也指控制自己的情绪。二是“管理”,指用才能、权威或其他力量去管理、引导,使之在准确性、效能性、纪律性、相宜性等方面保持在所要求的范围之内。
  •       control的主语主要是具有生命且能表达意志的人,而其宾语则是一切能被人所控制的人、物、事。具有某种功能的仪器装置只能控制“物”,而不能控制人,也不能控制局势、秩序等。
  •       control多用作及物动词,后接名词或代词作宾语。control在作“控制情绪”解时,须接反身代词作宾语。
  •       control偶尔可接动词不定式作宾语,意思是“尽力〔设法〕(做)…”。
  •       control的过去式、过去分词、现在分词在英式英语中都要双写“l”,即controlled, controlled, controlling,在美式英语中不双写。


  •       control用作名词的意思是“控制,管理”,可指控制或管理的行为,也可指对某人或某物拥有支配、管理的权力; 还可指对某人或某物的管理方式,具体的管理手段。
  •       control多用作不可数名词,作“限制或管理的手段”解时,可用作可数名词,可用于复数形式。
  •       control前即使有形容词也不可加不定冠词a。
  •       control的复数形式controls有时可表示“控制系统,控制措施”。


control, check
  •       这两个词都有“控制,克制”的意思。其区别是:
  •       check指“止住”; 而control指“控制”在一定程度,而不一定“止住”。试比较:
  •       He checked himself.
  •       他忍住不说了。
  •       He controlled himself.
  •       他控制住自己。 (仍然可以较和缓地回答)
  •       n.(名词)

    control, govern, rule
  •       这三个词都有“管理”“支配”“控制”的意思。其区别在于:
  •       1.control指一般人对一般事物的一般控制与约束; govern指靠权力、专制或按宪法来系统地“管理”“统治”国家、城市、机构等; rule是一个正式的、庄重的用语,常用于贬义,比govern更专权地“管理”“统治”。例如:
  •       The processes are all electronically controlled.各道程序都用电脑控制。
  •       Canada is governed by a prime minister and his cabinet.加拿大是由总理及内阁来管理的。
  •       A long time ago, the tiny country of Switzerland was ruled by Austria.很久以前,瑞士这个小国被奥地利统治。
  •       2.control含有强制使其服从的意味; 而govern含有需要知识和判断能力来治理和管理的意味; rule则含有专制的或独裁的意味。例如:
  •       All our calculations and experiments are carefully controlled.我们的一切计算和实验都受到严格控制。
  •       In a democracy, an administration governs with the consent of the majority.在一个民主的国家里,行政部门是按绝大多数人的意志去进行管理的。
  •       He was ruled by his wife.他受他妻子控制。
  •       v.(动词)


            误 His wife controls the household very well.

            正 His wife manages the household very well.

            析 control即使在表示“管理”时,也含有原来的“制约”“操纵”的意思。


            误 I could hardly hold in my feelings.

            正 I could hardly control my feelings.

            正 I could hardly hold back my feelings.

            析 “控制感情”可以用control one's feelings,也可以说hold back one's feelings。



            误 The fire was soon in control.

            正 The fire was soon under control.

            析 in control是“控制(某人或某物)”; under control才是“被控制”的意思。

    •       ☆ 14世纪初期进入英语,直接源自殖英诺曼底语的contreroller,意为施加权力;最初源自中世纪拉丁语的contreroller,意为柜台,登记。
    •       中考真题例句

    •       高考真题例句

    •       考研真题例句

          中考真题例句OG 1.control

          They believe they can control the future by doing so.



          中考真题例句OG 2.control

          The artists control puppets (木偶) behind the screen and tell stories to the music.



          中考真题例句OG 3.control

          Merida wants to take control of her own life.



          中考真题例句OG 1.control

          The Chinese government has done a lot to control plastic pollution (污染) in big cities.



          中考真题例句OG 2.control

          For one thing, they help control the rat and mouse population.



          中考真题例句OG 3.control

          Although the outbreak of COVID-19 is a terrible blow to the country, the government is trying hard to bring the situation under control.



          中考真题例句OG 1.control

          By high school, Lonnie built a remote-control robot from some waste things.



          中考真题例句OG 2.control

          Alibaba opened a hotel in which a series of tasks such as check-in, light control and room service can be done by AI and robots.



          中考真题例句OG 3.control

          The strong energy can stop the satellite systems that control our computers, telecom networks and so on.



          中考真题例句OG 1.control

          I couldn't control my feelings anymore and began to cry loudly.



          中考真题例句OG 2.control

          The officer, almost unable to control his chuckle, explained to her that “22” was the route number, not the speed limit.



          中考真题例句OG 3.control

          After posting the photos onto the Internet, one will be unable to control himself and check his mobile phone many times.



          高考真题例句OG 1.control

          They hoped that wolves would be able to control the elk and coyote problems.



          高考真题例句OG 2.control

          The mirrors are controlled by a computer that directs them to turn along with the sun throughout the day and to close during windy weather.

          这些镜子由一台电脑控制, 它可以引导它们全天跟随太阳转动, 并在有风的天气里关闭。


          考研真题例句OG 1.control

          Then you are inadvertently modeling a lack of emotional control for your kids.



          考研真题例句OG 2.control

          Costs are well controlled.



          考研真题例句OG 3.control

          The better you understand the cultural context, the more control you can have over your impact.



    •       近义词

    •       临近词




          The city is under enemy control.(那座城市现处于敌人的控制之下。)

          He struggled to retain control of the situation.(他曾努力保持对局势的控制。)

          Jo was advised to learn to control herself.(人们建议乔要学会控制自己的情绪。)

          The minute you do this, you'll lose control.(你一干这个,就会失去控制。)

          The driver lost control when a tire burst.(一只轮胎爆裂时司机失去了控制。)

          Troops have regained control of the city.(军队已重新获得对那座城市的控制。)

          All the newspapers are under government control.(所有的报纸都处在政府控制之下。)

          The plane was spinning out of control.(飞机失去控制,不停地旋转。)

          Forest fires were raging out of control.(森林大火迅速蔓延,失去了控制。)

          He lost control of his car.(他失去了对他的车的控制。)

          control是什么意思 control在线翻译 control什么意思 control的意思 control的翻译 control的解释 control的发音 control的同义词
