


      英 [reɪˈʒi:m]

      美 [reˈʒim, rɪ-]






  •       详情解释

  •       双解释义

  •       英英释义

  •       词典解释


  •       政权,政体
  •       社会制度
  •       制度,体制
  •       饮食起居制度,生活规则
  •       社会组织
  •       【医】食物疗法,养生法
  •       统治(时期)
  •       管理,管理体制
  •       方法, 统治手段
  •       状态
  •       系统
  •       组织方法
  •       训练规则
  •       课程


  •       [C]政治制度,政权,政体 a particular system of government


      1. (medicine) a systematic plan for therapy (often including diet)

      Synonym: regimen

      2. the organization that is the governing authority of a political unit

      e.g. the government reduced taxes
      the matter was referred to higher authorities

      Synonym: governmentauthorities

      1. 政权,政体(指非民主且统治手段不被认可的政府或政权体系)
      If you refer to a government or system of running a country as a regime, you are critical of it because you think it is not democratic and uses unacceptable methods.

      e.g. ...the collapse of the Fascist regime at the end of the war...
      e.g. Pujol was imprisoned and tortured under the Franco regime.

      2. (机构、公司、经济等的)管理制度,组织方法
      A regime is the way that something such as an institution, company, or economy is run, especially when it involves tough or severe action.

      e.g. The authorities moved him to the less rigid regime of an open prison.
      e.g. ...a drastic regime of economic reform and financial discipline.

      3. 养生法
      A regime is a set of rules about food, exercise, or beauty that some people follow in order to stay healthy or attractive.

      e.g. He has a new fitness regime to strengthen his back.

  •       常用例句

  •       经典引文


  •       The regime collapsed into total ruin.
  •       The reactionary regime was thrown down by an armed uprising.
  •       A patient..accepts..the strict regime required for a cure.

    出自:G. Greene
  •       词源解说

  •       ☆ 1792年进入英语,直接源自法语的rgime;最初源自古典拉丁语的regimen,意为规则,指导,政府。
  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      Our tax regime is one of the most favourable in Europe.(我们的税收管理体制是欧洲最受欢迎的税收体制之一。)

      The iniquities of the regime are incarnated in one man.(该体制的种种劣迹集中体现于一人。)

      The Little Ice Age has given way to a new climatic regime, marked by prolonged and steady warming.(小冰河时代已让位于以持续稳定变暖为特征的新气候体制。)

      regime是什么意思 regime在线翻译 regime什么意思 regime的意思 regime的翻译 regime的解释 regime的发音 regime的同义词
