


      英 [rəʊt]

      美 [roʊt]



      日语:丸暗記法语:par cœur德语:rot韩语:기계적 기억俄语:rutina


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  •       英英释义

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  •       生搬硬套
  •       机械的做法
  •       死记硬背
  •       死记
  •       死背
  •       机械方法
  •       刻板办法
  •       固定程序
  •       程序和方法
  •       生硬的方法
  •       机械性的背诵
  •       反复
  •       刻板的程序
  •       老一套
  •       浪涛拍打海岸的声音
  •       罗塔琴


  •       死记硬背的
  •       机械的


      1. memorization by repetition

      Synonym: rote learning

      1. 死记硬背
      Rote learning or learning by rote is learning things by repeating them without thinking about them or trying to understand them.

      e.g. He is very sceptical about the value of rote learning...
      e.g. You are merely reciting facts that you have learned by rote.

      1. 死记硬背:学生能够不死记硬背(rote)吗?建构主义学习理论认为学生学习的过程,实际上是学生从外界获取信息并入行意义建构,最后形成自身的知识结构的过程. 它强调以学生为中心,认为学生是认知的主体,是意义建构的主动者,教师只起帮助、引导和促进作用.

      2. rote什么意思

      2. 反复:rotatory 回转的 | rote 反复 | rotgut 劣质的酒

      3. 机械方法:rhythm 节奏 | rote 机械方法 | satellite 卫星

      4. 死记硬背;机械的方法:demote 降级,降职 | rote 死记硬背;机械的方法 | baste 倒脂油于(烤肉上,以防烤干)

      5. rote:range optical tracking equipment; 射程光学跟踪系统

  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      We should admit that rote learning has a number of limitations. Think about this situation.(死记硬背有很多的局限性,这一点我们必须承认。)

      This list represents activities that are rote and passive.(这个列表代表机械而死板的活动。)

      The strategy of rapid learners is different. Instead of memorizing by rote, rapid learners store information by linking ideas together.(快速学习者的方法是不同的,他们利用连接来记忆信息,而不是去一味的重复,他们总在寻找事物之间的联系。)

      You talk a little bit about educational policies and rote memorization and those sorts of things. What are we doing wrong?(你在书中谈到教育理念,死记硬背以及类似的东西,我们在哪些方面的做法是错误的?)

      But the Difference Engine could only do rote calculations and was incapable of checking its results to alter course.(但是这种差分机只能做机械运算,而且不能检查结果以修改过程。)

      This activity is designed to help you understand what is personally novel and complex for you, versus what is rote and passive.(这个活动旨在帮助你了解对你个人来说什么是新奇而复杂的,与什么是机械而死板的相对比。)

      They say, oh, this is rote learning.(他们说,哦,这是死记硬背啊。)

      He is very sceptical about the value of rote learning.(他十分怀疑死记硬背学习的价值。)

      A curriculum designed on traditional rote-learning methods.(基于传统死记硬背学习方法制定的课程。)

      Some children learn best by rote, in structured environments with high certainty and strict discipline.(在非常稳定和严格的纪律构成的环境里,有的孩子是靠死记硬背学习的。)

      rote是什么意思 rote在线翻译 rote什么意思 rote的意思 rote的翻译 rote的解释 rote的发音 rote的同义词
