


      英 [spɜ:t]

      美 [spɜ:rt]



      过去式: spurted 过去分词: spurted 现在分词: spurting 第三人称单数: spurts

      日语:スパート法语:gicler德语:Spurt韩语:스퍼트俄语:esfuerzo supremo


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      1. the occurrence of a sudden discharge (as of liquid)

      Synonym: jetsquirtspirt


      1. move or act with a sudden increase in speed or energy

      Synonym: forgespirt

      2. gush forth in a sudden stream or jet

      e.g. water gushed forth

      Synonym: spirtgushspout

      1. (使)喷射;(使)喷发
      When liquid or fire spurts from somewhere, or when something spurts liquid or fire, it comes out quickly in a thin, powerful stream.


      e.g. They spurted blood all over me. I nearly passed out...
      e.g. He hit her on the head, causing her too to spurt blood.

      2. (喷射出的)一股
      A spurt of liquid is a stream of it which comes out of something very forcefully.

      e.g. A spurt of diesel came from one valve and none from the other.

      3. (行动、努力、感情的)迸发
      A spurt of activity, effort, or emotion is a sudden, brief period of intense activity, effort, or emotion.

      e.g. At adolescence, muscles go through a growth spurt...
      e.g. I flushed bright red as a spurt of anger flashed through me...

      4. 突然加速前进;冲刺
      If someone or something spurts somewhere, they suddenly increase their speed for a short while in order to get there.

      e.g. The back wheels spun and the van spurted up the last few feet.

      5. 时有时无;一阵一阵地
      If something happens in spurts, there are periods of activity followed by periods in which it does not happen.

      e.g. The deals came in spurts: three in 1977, none in 1978, three more in 1979.
      交易时有时无:1977 年有 3 笔,1978 年没有,1979 年又有 3 笔。

      1. 喷出,喷射:spurious 假的,伪造的 | spurt 喷出,喷射 | sputum 痰

      2. 喷射:spurt out 喷出 | spurt 喷射 | sputa 口水

      3. spurt

      3. 奋进:spurious signal 伪信号 | spurt 奋进 | spurt 喷射


      4. 喷出:spurt test 超负荷试验 | spurt 喷出 | squad boss 作业班班长

  •       经典引文

  •       He put on a spurt and he's nearly as tall as Henry.

    出自:A. T. Ellis
  •       Freud continued to work in spurts upon the text.

    出自:J. N. Isbister
  •       The jet of water spurted out at them.

    出自:E. Blyton
  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      Unsure whether I have been understood, I put in a brisk spurt to the nunnery.(不知道他是否明白我的意思,我快步冲刺般地朝尼姑庵跑去。)

      Put on a spurt, or you'll fall behind.(加把劲,不然你要落后了。)

      The economy's greater flexibility may indeed provide a shock-absorber, a spurt in productivity has also boosted growth.(也许,经济上更具灵活性真正起到了减震的作用,生产率骤然提高也推动了经济增长。)

      For those of you who love a tall tale, the list of genetic variations that determine human height has just experienced a growth spurt.(对那些喜欢以高个子为主角的奇谈故事的人来说,决定人类身高的基因变异种类突然井喷般增加了很多。)

      The average boy of 14 years old is only beginning his adolescent growth spurt.(一般14岁的男孩才刚刚开始他青春期的的迅猛发育。)

      He hit her on the head, causing her to spurt blood.(他击中了她的头部,使她血流如注。)

      A coal slipped, the fire crackled and sent up a spurt of flame, and he woke with a start.(一块煤滑了下来,火噼啪作响,喷出一股火焰,把他吓醒了。)

      I put on a spurt and soon caught them up.(我一猛劲儿,很快就追上了他们。)

      Although unusual for the past decade, the late-season growth spurt probably doesn't indicate a return to normal sea ice conditions.(虽然这一情况在过去10年并不寻常,但是这种晚季的增长可能也并不意味着北极的海冰范围会回到正常的情况。)

      "Spurt" is the word used to describe a short burst of activity, something that happens in a hurry.(这个词用来形容一种爆发式的增长,一些急速发生的事情。)

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