

      英 ['zɒstə]

      美 ['zɒstə]




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      1. eruptions along a nerve path often accompanied by severe neuralgia

      Synonym: herpes zostershingles

      1. 带状疱疹:VZV感染人有两种类型,即原发感染水痘(varicella)和复发感染带状疱疹(zoster). 水痘是具有高度传染性的儿童常见疾病,好发于2~6岁,传染源主要是患者,患者急性期水痘内容物及呼吸道分泌物内均含有病毒. 病毒经呼吸道粘膜或结膜(conjunctiva)进入机体,

      2. 带:Zoroastrianism 索罗亚斯德教 | zoster 带 | Zouave 轻步兵

      3. zoster的意思

      3. 带状疹子:zoroaster 古波斯 | zoster 带状疹子 | zosterops 绣眼科之鸟

      4. zoster的意思

      4. 佐斯泰尔:Zone 佐涅 | Zopyrus 佐披洛司 | Zoster 佐斯泰尔

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      Objective to construct the eukaryotic expression vector of varicella-zoster virus (VZV) glycoprotein e.(目的构建水痘-带状疱疹病毒(VZV)糖蛋白e的真核表达载体。)

      Herpes zoster ophthalmicus presents with an erythematous, macular rash around the eye of the affected dermatome and does not cross midline.(带状疱疹性眼病表现为眼周受累皮肤的红色斑疹,且病灶不跨过正中线。)

      Objective: To study the treatment effect on herpes zoster with He-Ne laser.(前言:目的:研究氦氖激光在带状疱疹中的辅助治疗效果。)

      Objective To observe the analgesic effects of intradermal injection on the cervical-shoulder lesion areas caused by herpes zoster.(目的观察在颈肩部带状疱疹皮损区周围行皮内注射的止痛效果及对愈后的影响。)

      Method: 23 cases of herpes zoster were treated with MEBO (MEBO group ) and 22 cases were treated with conventional method (control group).(方法:治疗组23例局部采用MEBO暴露或包扎疗法,对照组22例采用传统疗法。)

      Objective To Discussing comprehensive treatment for surface jaw herpes zoster clinical curative effect.(目的探讨综合性治疗面颌部带状疱疹的临床疗效。)

      Objective: To analys the features and effects of acupuncture therapy of herpes zoster.(目的:分析针灸治疗带状疱疹疗法特点及作用。)

      Objective To observe the analgesic effect of nerve block with methylene blue on herpes zoster neuralgia.(目的观察带状疱疹急性期疼痛采用亚甲蓝复合液施行神经阻滞的镇痛效果。)

      Viral diseases such as those caused by cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex and herpes zoster virus.(病毒性疾病,如由巨细胞病毒、单纯疱疹病毒和带状疱疹病毒所引发的疾病。)

      Objective To explore effective methods for treatment of herpes zoster in the plateau area.(目的:探讨在高原地区治疗带状疱疹的有效方法。)