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您的位置:首页数据库类MySQL→ Mysql 安装问题。提示MySQL Server 5.1 -- Error 1335.

Mysql 安装问题。提示MySQL Server 5.1 -- Error 1335.

我要评论2010/01/04 15:05:34 来源:绿色资源网编辑:绿色资源站 评论:0点击:7242次

这2天安装Mysql 既然提示 MySQL Server 5.1 -- Error 1335.The cabinet file 'product.cab' requi


Product: MySQL Server 5.1 -- Error 1335.The cabinet file 'product.cab' required for this installation is corrupt and cannot be used. This could indicate a network error, an error reading from the CD-ROM, or a problem with this package.

错误。。。 百度了半天。。。愁。。貌似很多人没解决这问题。。最后还是寻求老外的


[19 Jun 2007 11:44] [ name withheld ]

Installing any package give me an error
1335: cabinet file 'product.cab' required for this installation is corrupted and cannot be
used. this could indicate a network error, an error reading form the CDROM, or a problem
with the package
I also get this error installing the Tools 5.0 and all the odbc driver.
How to repeat:
install the packages

[19 Jun 2007 11:54] Sveta Smirnova

Thank you for the report.
We have not problem with installation on Windows Vista in our environment.
Please indicate accurate version of each package you are trying to install.

[19 Jun 2007 12:51] [ name withheld ]

I have Vista Italian version 64 Ultimate edition ( just got the new pc ), all service pack
I finally was able to install 5.0 GA , but I'm still not able to install the ODBC driver
3.5 and 5.0 (3.5 install fine but I don't see the driver loaded when I tri to create the
odbc connection from the control panel, 5.0 give the error and don't install )and the
tools 5.0 .

[19 Jun 2007 13:52] Miguel Solorzano

Thank you for the bug report. I was not able to repeat this issue on
Windows Vista Ultimate X64.

[19 Jun 2007 14:27] [ name withheld ]

I will try with a clean install :(
[19 Jun 2007 15:25] Stein Wasbø
I got exactly the same error msg when trying to install under XP (32bit).
Tried both v. 5.0, v.6.0 and the Win tools. Same error every time.
I had downloaded from the Norwegian mirror site. Then I downloaded the 6.0 version from a
UK site, and the installation went OK. Seems to be some kind of error in the install files
on some morror sites....
[19 Jun 2007 16:42] [ name withheld ]
Yes Stein is right, most mirrors have files that don't install correctly, also those files
have wrond MD5 signature, so now I'm up and running except for the ODBC wich I need
When I install ( the one I found who have the correct MD5 ) all seem OK no error but when
I go to the ODBC Manager I can see only the MSSQL driver installed !
Any suggestion, thanks a lot.
[19 Jun 2007 18:22] Bogdan Degtyariov
64-bit windows runs 64-bit ODBC Admin by default. In order to add or edit a 32-bit Data
Source Name you have to run 32-bit ODBC Administrator odbcad32.exe from WINDOWS\SYSWOW64
directory that contains 32-bit DDLs.
[20 Jun 2007 10:07] [ name withheld ]
Thanks a Lot.
All working fine ;)
[26 Jun 2007 20:55] Louis Breda van
I have exactly the same problem when trying to install:
- 5119 server and also
- odbc3.51.16
Tried this on a windowsXP 32 bit machine
Please have it fixed soon!!
Louis van Breda
[2 Jul 2007 19:30] Throstur Lastname
Download from Denmark :D
For some servers the md5 for mysql-essential-5.0.41-win32.msi is:
but supposed to be
I am sure that this issue is only corrupted MSI files on some mirrors. Heanet in Ireland
has a corrupted version if I remember correctly.
[3 Jul 2007 14:08] dmitry nesterenko
i downloaded two installation archives:
1. mysql-essential-5.0.41-win32.msi
2. mysql-noinstall-5.0.41-win32.zip
The first of them (the *.msi one) has exactly the same problem with message about
product.cab file.
The second (*.zip noinstall) report a problem in archive during it testing. Although,
during extracting files from zip archive i received two error messages:
- error unpacking mysqlcheck.exe
- error unpacking mysql-debug.pdb

My platform is win 2003 sp2 and win xp sp2
[5 Jul 2007 21:49] Ashutosh Gawande
Hi all,
it seems that the following mirror is having bad file
United Kingdom [The UK Mirror Service / Canterbury, Kent] HTTP FTP
please use other UK server.
Thanks and Regards,
[6 Jul 2007 14:23] Louis Breda van
I noticed that some people are referring to a "corrupt file / mirror". This is nonsence.
I noticed the problem on mysql5119 and odbc316. I think the problem does affect other
mysql files as wel.
So, it can not be related to a corrupt file.
[6 Jul 2007 14:23] Louis Breda van
I noticed that some people are referring to a "corrupt file / mirror". This is nonsence.
I noticed the problem on mysql5119 and odbc316. I think the problem does affect other
mysql files as wel.
So, it can not be related to a corrupt file.
[14 Jan 2008 15:12] Usama El-Mokadem
MySQL Tools: mysql-gui-tools-5.0-r12-win32.msi, Error 1335 'product.cab', Win32 XP-SP2

Attachment: mysqlTools5err1335.jpg (image/pjpeg, text), 36.43 KiB.
[27 Mar 2008 16:17] Denver Coneybeare
I had the same problem with the "corrupt product.cab" message displaying during
installation. I'm using WinXP SP2 and attempting to install MySQL GUI Tools 5.0-r12. As
suggested in a previous comment, downloading the MSI installer from the Denmark mirror
instead of my default Canada mirror fixed the problem and the installation completed
[21 Jun 2008 1:19] Hontvari Jozsef
The Hungarian mirror is also wrong. Danish mirror contains a valid file.
[16 Sep 2008 23:21] Charles Sherman
Same issue:
Running XP Pro SP2 and I tried a couple of the Canadian missors and received the error.
Downloaded from the Denmark mirror and the isntallation worked.
[11 Jun 12:40] TR Balaji
Why do we have so many mirrors having wrong version? It is better to have a 
right version even though old one.
到Mysql 官方去下载吧。。重新下载个安装包问题解决。。。
Microsoft Windows 32. (Windows Installer format) (4 Sep 2009, 104.2M)
Signature MD5: 5ba3fdb516276c382ed83c34029be88c
Microsoft Windows (Windows Installer format) (4 Sep 2009, 94.1M)
Signature MD5: f77a99fbfd0ae7e0c03e18cc7d6f9a3d



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