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Module 1 UNIT 1 She's very nice.
Module 1 UNIT 2 I'm going to help her.
Module 2 UNIT 1 It's very long.
Module 2 UNIT 2 You'll see Tower Bridge.
Module 3 UNIT 1 Maybe we'll go to the zoo.
Module 3 UNIT 2 Will you phone me?
Module 4 UNIT 1 Maybe I'll be a writer.
Module 4 UNIT 2 He'll be an astronaut.
Module 5 UNIT 1 We'll pick fruit.
Module 5 UNIT 2 There are fourteen peaches.
Module 6 UNIT 1 He works hard.
Module 6 UNIT 2 She's quite good at English.
Module 7 UNIT 1 They were very young.
Module 7 UNIT 2 He was in Hong Kong.
Module 8 UNIT 1 Were you on the second floor?
Module 8 UNIT 2 It was there.
Module 9 UNIT 1 Tomorrow is Friday.
Module 9 UNIT 2 He will sleep on Sunday.
Module 10 UNIT 1 There are fifty children in my class.
Module 10 UNIT 2 What's sixty plus thirty?
REVIEW MODULE UNIT 1 Will you go swimming?
Reading for Pleasure Jack and the Beanstalk
Reading for Pleasure My Uncle Jimmy