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剑桥小学英语 19

名称:剑桥小学英语 19
[00:00.00]Starter Unit 1.Listen and sing the song.
[00:07.39]The alphabet rock
[00:10.74]Welcome back now,everyone.
[00:26.91]Learning can be lots of fun.
[00:31.58]Enjoy your time in class again.
[00:36.44]With Toby, and his clever friends.
[00:41.48]Let's rock until the English lesson ends.
[00:47.65]One,two,three -a,b,c
[00:53.52]Sing and dance and rock with me,yeah.
[00:58.49]D,e,f,g,h,i,j,Come on ,it is a lovely day.
[01:06.25]K ,I,m,join in again, hey ,hey!
[01:12.41]N,o,p,q,r,s,t,Clap your hands and rock with me.
[01:38.69]Sing u and v and w.
[01:43.97]Touch your nose and shake your head,Turn around,shout x and y and z.
[01:58.02]Unit 1
[02:01.18]4 Listen and fill in the days Christine
[03:03.04]8.Listen to the poem.
[03:08.60]What I want to be,My teacher comes and says to me,"What do you want to be?"
[03:16.65]And then I sit and think and think and think and blink.
[03:22.71]until she says" Well,you could be a doctor,
[03:28.67]or a teacher,a pilot or a clown,shoaler or cow boy,or the boss of a big town.
[03:39.72]"But I don't want to be a doctor,or a teacher,
[03:45.67]or a pilot, or a clown,or the boss of a big town.
[03:52.44]I want to be a tiger,...I want to be,I want to be...
[04:07.59]Well,I don't really know.There is the bell,good-bye for now.I really to go.
[04:17.04]9.Read. Then Write your own texts.
[04:22.40]In my English class there are twelve pupils;eight girls and four boys.
[04:30.34]Our teacher's name is Mrs Blasco.
[04:35.20]She is a very nice teacher.English is my favourite subject.
[04:42.36]I like reading stories and listening to cassettes best.
[04:48.10]This year my favourite day at school is Thursday.
[04:53.67]We have got History,English,Maths and P.E.
[05:00.51]I like History very much.Our History teacher is very nice.
[05:07.07]In English I like singing songs and playing games best.English is great fun!
[05:15.92]Unit 2
[05:19.09]1.Listen and read.Samshaad is twelve,She lives in India.
[05:28.33]She gets up at six o'clock in the morning.
[05:33.09]Then she helps her mother in the garden behind their house.
[05:39.04]She also feeds the chickens.At eight o'clock she walks to school.
[05:47.30]In her class there are fifty-two children.Samshaad loves learning.
[05:55.24]She wants to have a good job when she is older,
[05:59.78]so school is very important for her.
[06:05.24]There is no bookshop or library near Samshaad's home,
[06:10.42]so her books are precious things.
[06:14.78]Lena is from Ghana in Africa.She is thirteen.
[06:21.34]She gets up at five o'clock.Then she starts working with her father.
[06:28.88]At half past seven Lena gets on her bike.She rides into town.
[06:37.14]She sells mangos and bananas in the streets.
[06:42.70]Sometimes older boys take her fruit and run away.
[06:48.76]Then Lena is very unhappy.Her family needs the money.
[06:55.92]Lena has a dream. One day she wants to have her own little shop.
[07:04.39]Mark is form western Australia.He is twelve.He lives on a farm.
[07:13.76]The nearest town is 400 kilometres away,so Mark cannot go to school.
[07:21.81]Every morning,he gets up at eight o'clock.
[07:27.09]His lessons on TV start at nine.
[07:32.83]Mark learns the same things as the children in town.
[07:38.40]Once a month,his teacher comes to the farm and studies with him.
[07:44.46]Mark helps his father a lot on the farm.
[07:49.71]Mark has his own horse called Sprinter.
[07:55.48]In the afternoon he often rides around the farm.
[08:00.63]He loves his horse very much.Jimmy is twelve,He is American.
[08:08.99]He lives in Honolulu,Hawaii.
[08:13.53]His parents came to Hawaii from China fourteen years ago.
[08:19.28]Jimmy was born in Hawaii.He gets up at half past seven.
[08:26.04]School starts at nine.He goes to school by bus.
[08:32.42]In the afternoon he always plays soccer.
[08:37.28]He is in the boys' team at his school.
[08:41.12]Jimmy dreams of playing in the American national team one day.
[08:47.15]His most precious thing
[08:50.70]is a football with the signature of a famous American player.
[08:56.45]3 Listen and sing the song.
[09:01.78]We're the children of this world.
[09:06.95]We're the children of this world.We're the grown-ups of tomorrow.
[09:28.42]Let's make the world a better place. Without poverty and sorrow.
[09:37.07]Why don't you stop the wars And build more schools?
[09:46.21]How can we learn To live together?
[09:53.19]We want to listen To each other.We want to live in peace forever.
[10:09.12]We're the children of this world.We're the grown -ups of tomorrow.
[10:19.39]Let's make the world a better place Without poverty and sorrow.
[10:28.45]4 Listen and read.
[12:37.32]8 Read,Then write your own texts.
[12:43.59]I'm Carlos and I live in Recife in Brazil.
[12:49.75]I get up at half past seven every day.
[12:54.90]Before I go the school,I feed my fish.
[13:00.04]My fish are beautiful.They are very precious to me.
[13:05.92]I'm Ana ,I'm from Tucuman.Argentina.
[13:11.67]I love music. I have lots of CDS.
[13:17.73]Sometimes some friends come to my place and we listen to my CDS together.
[13:24.89]That's great fun. My CD player is my most precious thing.