
查字典英语网 2020年07月27日



      Thepeoplearethecreatorsofhistory. Itistothemthatweoweallourachievements.


      译文:Thepeoplearethecreatorsofhistory. Itistothemthatweoweallourachievements. As long as we keep close ties with the people and rely on them, we can and will have boundless strength to forge ahead whatever the circumstances.


      Wearelikeexamineessittingthetestsposedbythisera, andthepeoplewillreviewourresults.


      译文:The successes of yesterday do not guarantee future successes, and the glories of the past do not guarantee glories in the future. Wearelikeexamineessittingthetestsposedbythisera, andthepeoplewillreviewourresults.



      ★ 2015年英语四级考试汉译英解题技巧点拨(1)

      ★ 考研英语翻译高分技巧

      ★ 考研英语翻译需要注意的几个句子

      ★ 2015年英语四级考试汉译英解题技巧点拨(9)

      ★ 英语四级翻译答案以及长对话原文

      ★ 六级词汇综合大盘点

      ★ 2015年英语四级考试汉译英解题技巧点拨(2)

      ★ 2015年英语四级考试汉译英解题技巧点拨(7)

      ★ 四级翻译练习汇总

      ★ 新六级考试题型和独家分析

