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(三年级起点)2012江苏译林版小学英语 五年级下册
[00:01.00]Unit 8 Birthdays第八单元 生日
[00:04.77]Story time讲故事
[00:07.54]When's your birthday, Su Hai?苏海,你的生日是什么时候?
[00:11.38]It's on the eleventh of May. 我的生日是5月11日
[00:14.81]It's also Su Yang's birthday.那天也是苏洋的生日。
[00:18.77]What do you do on your birthday?你们生日怎么过?
[00:22.65]We usually have a big dinner with our parents and grandparents.我们通常会和爸妈以及爷爷奶奶吃一顿大餐。
[00:29.27]Su Yang and I eat some noodles. 我和苏洋会吃长寿面。
[00:33.23]After that, we play with Kitty the cat. 然后,我们和凯蒂猫玩游戏。
[00:37.97]We have a great time.我们过得非常愉快。
[00:41.26]When's your birthday, Mike?麦克,你的生日是哪天?
[00:44.53]It's on the eighth of April. 我的生日是4月8日。
[00:47.53]We always have a party at home. 我们通常在家聚会。
[00:50.71]Helen, Tim and I go to buy a birthday cake in the morning. 我和海伦以及提姆会在早上买好生日蛋糕,
[00:57.01]Then, my friends come in the afternoon. 然后,朋友们在下午过来。
[01:01.17]We eat the birthday cake together and play some games.我们在一起吃生日蛋糕,玩游戏。
[01:06.07]We have a lot of fun!我们玩得非常开心。
[01:08.96]a birthday cake生日蛋糕
[01:13.28]eat noodles吃长寿面
[01:18.45]have a party聚会
[01:22.93]play games玩游戏
[01:27.70]Sound time语音学习
[02:03.54][01:54.37]This is my father. He works in the city. 这是我的爸爸。他在城里工作。
[02:08.13][01:59.13]That's my mother. She's tall and pretty.那是我的妈妈。她又高又漂亮。
[02:15.62]Culture time文化学习
[02:18.32]People in the West usually open their presents
[02:22.70]as soon as they receive them.西方国家的人在收到礼物的时候,会第一时间打开礼物。
[02:25.61]Cartoon time卡通故事
[02:28.60]Bobby is a hero in a play.波比在话剧里扮演一个英雄。
[02:32.44]Help! Help!救命啊!救命啊!
[02:35.70]How can I open the door?我怎么才能打开这扇门?
[02:39.67]Bobby sees some numbers on the door.波比看见门上有几个数字。
[02:43.91]Is this the password? 难道这是密码吗?
[02:46.36]That's easy for me. I'm good at Maths.这对我来说太容易了。我最擅长数学了。
[02:51.36]Bobby has the answers.波比有了答案。
[02:54.65]The first number is six. The second number is three. 第一个数字是6,第二个数字是3,
[03:00.22]The third number is also six. The fourth number is two.第三个数字也是6,第四个数字是2。
[03:07.71]The door opens. Bobby goes in. 门打开了。波比进了门。
[03:11.36]There is a pig in the house. 波比看见房子里有一头猪,
[03:14.21]They start fighting.他们开始战斗。
[03:16.98]The pig runs away. 猪跑开了。
[03:19.29]Then, a cat comes out from a room.接着,从屋里走来一只猫。
[03:23.39]Thank you so much!太感谢你了!
[03:26.76]Oh, what a play!噢,这是什么话剧啊!
[03:30.33]Checkout time测试
[03:33.20]Listen and choose听一听,选一选