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(三年级起点)2012江苏译林版小学英语 五年级下册
[00:01.00]Unit 7 Chinese festivals第七单元 中国节日
[00:05.66]Story time讲故事
[00:08.67]The Spring Festival is in January or February. 春节通常在1月份或2月份。
[00:13.78]People also call it Chinese New Year. 人们也称它为中国新年。
[00:18.24]At this festival, people get together with their families.在春节,人们和家人团聚在一起。
[00:23.86]Some people eat dumplings.有的人们会吃饺子。
[00:27.22]The Dragon Boat Festival is in May or June.端午节通常在5月份或6月份。
[00:31.68]There are dragon boat races in some places. 在中国的某些地方会举办龙舟大赛。
[00:35.29]People eat rice dumplings at this festival在端午节,人们会吃粽子。
[00:39.94]The Mid-Autumn Festival is in September or October. 中秋节通常在9月份或10月份。
[00:45.18]People look at the moon at night with their families. 在晚上,人们和家人在一起赏月。
[00:49.64]They eat moon cakes and fruit.在中秋节,人们会吃月饼和水果。
[00:53.43]The Double Ninth Festival is in October or November. 重阳节通常在10月份或11月份。
[00:58.74]It is a festival for old people. 重阳节是老人的节日。
[01:02.26]People visit their parents and grandparents. 人们在这天看望父母和长辈。
[01:06.37]They also climb mountains and eat rice cakes at this festival.在重阳节,他们会爬山,吃重阳糕。
[01:12.94]Double Ninth Festival重阳节
[01:19.54]Dragon Boat Festival端午节
[01:25.12]Mid-Autumn Festival中秋节
[01:30.56]Spring Festival春节
[01:35.10]a rice cake重阳糕
[01:42.86]moon cakes月饼
[01:46.72]rice dumplings粽子
[01:51.36]Sound time语音学习
[02:30.41][02:14.17]Thirty-three songbirds Sitting in the tree. 三十三只鸣鸟在书上。
[02:35.07][02:18.86]Thirty-three songbirds Singing songs to me. 三十三只鸣鸟在对我唱歌。
[02:39.60][02:23.59]Today is my birthday. 今天是我的生日。
[02:42.10][02:25.94]I'm happy as can be.我非常非常的快乐。
[02:48.38]Culture time文化学习
[02:51.14]Halloween is on the thirty-first of October.万圣节在十月份的第31天。
[02:55.51]Children usually dress up. 孩子们通常会打扮一番。
[02:57.77]They knock on people's doors 为了获得糖果,他们敲大人的门,
[03:00.27]and shout "Trick or treat?" for sweets.然后大声喊道“不给糖就捣乱”
[03:05.55]Cartoon time卡通故事
[03:08.50]It is Mother's Day today.今天是母亲节。
[03:11.78]Do you know Mother's Day, Bobby?波比,你知道什么是母亲节吗?
[03:16.14]No, I don't. What is it?我不知道。什么是母亲节?
[03:20.36]It's a day for mothers. 这是关于母亲的节日。
[03:23.54]It's on the second Sunday of May.它通常在五月的第二个星期日。
[03:28.18]Bobby likes all festivals.波比喜欢所有的节日。
[03:32.16]What do people do on Mother's Day?在母亲节这天,人们会做什么?
[03:36.22]They give their mothers presents.他们会给母亲一份礼物。
[03:40.40]Bobby and Tina talk about the present for Mum.波比和蒂娜正在讨论送给母亲的礼物。
[03:45.90]What should we give Mum?我该送什么礼物给妈妈?
[03:49.16]What about a card and some flowers?一束花和一张卡片怎么样?
[03:54.15]That's a good idea!好主意!
[03:57.59]Mum and Dad come home.爸爸和妈妈回家了。
[04:00.99]Happy Mother's Day, Mum! We love you!妈妈,母亲节快乐!我们爱你!
[04:06.57]Thank you! I love you too!谢谢你们!我也爱你们!
[04:11.05]Is there a Father's Day too?有父亲节吗?