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(三年级起点)2012江苏译林版小学英语 五年级下册
[00:01.00]Unit 2 How do you come to school?第二单元 你怎么去学校的?
[00:05.75]Story time讲故事
[00:08.56]Do you like your new home, Su Hai?苏海,你喜欢你的新家吗?
[00:12.81]Yes! It's very big. 喜欢!新家很大,
[00:15.52]I like it very much, 我非常喜欢。
[00:17.82]but it's far from school.但是,它离学校有点远。
[00:21.55]Where do you live now?你现在住在哪儿?
[00:24.50]I live on Moon Street, near City Library.我住在靠近图书城的月亮街。
[00:29.90]How do you come to school?那你是怎么来学校的?
[00:33.24]Su Yang and I come to school by bus.我和苏洋乘公交车来学校的。
[00:38.26]Where do you live, Yang Ling?杨玲,你的家在哪儿?
[00:41.12]How do you come to school?你是怎么来学校的?
[00:44.23]I live near school. 我家离学校很近。
[00:46.84]I come to school on foot.我步行就可以到学校。
[00:50.06]Where do you live?你家住在哪儿呢?
[00:52.77]I live in Sunshine Town. 我住在阳光小镇。
[00:55.96]I come to school by metro. 我乘地铁上学。
[00:59.09]What about you, Liu Tao?刘涛,你家住在哪儿呢?
[01:02.28]I live on Park Street. 我住在公园街。
[01:05.16]I come to school by taxi. 我坐出租车上学。
[01:08.17]My father is a taxi driver.我的爸爸是出租车司机。
[01:12.23]a bike一辆自行车
[01:15.93]a bus一辆公交车
[01:19.48]a plane一架飞机
[01:23.09]a ship一艘轮船
[01:26.41]a taxi一辆出租车
[01:30.07]a train一列火车
[01:37.02]Sound time语音练习
[02:10.78][02:01.62]Traffic, traffic, on the street,交通,交通,在大街上。
[02:12.90][02:03.91]Beep beep, beep beep! 哔哔,哔哔!
[02:15.41][02:06.27]Trains, trains, throught the trees,火车,火车,穿过大街。
[02:17.76][02:08.74]Choo-choo, choo-choo!呜呜,呜呜!
[02:22.77]Song time唱一唱下面这首歌
[02:25.79]The wheels on the bus汽车上的轮子
[02:34.03]The wheels on the bus go round and round, 汽车上的轮子转啊转,
[02:36.54]round and round, round and round. 转啊转,转啊转。
[02:38.82]The wheels on the bus go round and round, 汽车上的轮子转啊转,
[02:41.29]all through the town. 穿过整个城镇。
[02:48.43]The wheels on the bus go round and round,
[02:50.80]round and round, round and round. 转啊转,转啊转。
[02:53.19]The wheels on the bus go round and round, 汽车上的轮子转啊转,
[02:55.61]all through the town.穿过整个城镇。
[02:59.85]Cartoon time卡通故事
[03:02.99]Bobby has a new bike. 波比有一辆新自行车。
[03:05.89]He likes riding it in the park.他喜欢在公园里骑车。
[03:09.77]This bike is cool! I can fly now!这辆自行车太酷了!我现在会飞了!
[03:15.69]Bobby wants to show his bike to Sam.波比想把自行车给萨姆看。
[03:20.62]Dad, can I go to school by bike?爸爸,我能骑自行车上学吗?
[03:25.74]No, you can't.不行。
[03:30.74]Because you're too young.因为你还小。
[03:34.09]Bobby is not happy.波比不开心。
[03:37.71]How does Sam go to school?萨姆是怎么去学校的?
[03:41.44]He goes to school by bike.他骑自行车上学。
[03:45.20]Bobby's dad does not think so.波比的爸爸并不这么认为。
[03:52.44]Yes, but he always sits in the basket.是的,但是他总是坐在车篮里。