


      英 [dʒəˈrɑ:f]

      美 [dʒəˈræf]


      形容词: giraffish 名词复数: giraffes


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      1. tallest living quadruped
      having a spotted coat and small horns and very long neck and legs
      of savannahs of tropical Africa

      Synonym: camelopardGiraffa camelopardalis

      1. 长颈鹿
      A giraffe is a large African animal with a very long neck, long legs, and dark patches on its body.


      1. 鹿豹星座:GIR, galactic infrared radiation ==> 銀河赤外線 | Giraffe ==> 鹿豹星座 | giraffe ==> 长颈鹿=>キリン

      2. 长颈鹿/鹿豹座:gipsy /流浪/ | giraffe /长颈鹿/鹿豹座/ | girandole /装饰烛台/旋转烟火/旋转喷火/


      3. 狐狸:deer 长颈鹿 | giraffe 狐狸 | fox 鹿

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      A giraffe casts a shadow against a wall at the London Zoo.(在伦敦动物园,一只长颈鹿的影子投射在墙上。)

      Her baby giraffe!(她的小长颈鹿!)

      Alex was a giraffe who lived in a zoo with his mum, dad and other giraffe friends.(亚历克斯是一头长颈鹿,他和他的妈妈、爸爸和其他的长颈鹿朋友住在动物园里。)

      Ruthie wants to take one home with her, a baby giraffe.(露丝想买一个玩具回家,一个小长颈鹿。)

      The giraffe has a very long neck.(长颈鹿有一条很长的脖子。)

      It is time that we do something for the giraffe before it is too late.(现在是时候为长颈鹿做点什么了,否则就太晚了。)

      Alex was the only giraffe that could fit through it.(亚历克斯是唯一能穿过它的长颈鹿。)

      This girl has long neck like a giraffe.(这个女孩有个跟长颈鹿一样的长脖子。)

      The giraffe eats leaves.(长颈鹿吃树叶。)

      The meerkat stretched out a little paw and appeared to kiss the giraffe.(獴伸出一只小爪子,像是要亲吻长颈鹿。)

      giraffe是什么意思 giraffe在线翻译 giraffe什么意思 giraffe的意思 giraffe的翻译 giraffe的解释 giraffe的发音 giraffe的同义词
