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Palestinian-Israeli Conversation

​​The original article was written in Chinese and garnered over 150,000 reads on its first day. Here is the English version of the article. Enjoy reading, everyone.



Title : "We Have Lived Here for Generations, Where Are You From? A Conversation Between a Palestinian and an Israeli in China".


Part 1: The Complete, Detailed Conversation:


While I was resting in the hotel lobby, I was attending a global conference on public health. My Palestinian friend, a dentist, was also at this conference. Both of us came from Gaza to China to complete our studies, and the war had just broken out a few months ago.


We chatted for a while, and an elderly-looking professor approached us. She seemed to guess from our conversation that we were Arab students, possibly Palestinians, and wanted to talk with us.


She greeted us and asked where we were from and what our majors were. After we answered, we asked her where she was from. She replied, "I am from Israel." I felt a very strange sensation because I had never spoken to any Israeli before.


I immediately asked her, "Where are you originally from? From which country did you come to Palestine?" She smiled and said, "It doesn't matter; I am only from Israel." She looked over 65 years old, which meant she couldn't have been born in Israel but came to Palestine as an invader and colonizer.


I told her that if she didn't want to talk about her roots, I would tell her mine: I am Palestinian from the occupied city of Ashdod, which is now part of Israel. These are my roots, and I will never forget them. One day, we will return.


At this point, she tried to change the subject and began to talk about the events of October 7. She said, "That was a terrible day; it’s the reason for today's violence. Hamas is to blame. We lived in peace before October 7."


I told her, "That’s not true. If you lived in peace in Israel, we in Gaza have never had a single day of peace in our lives, neither before nor after October 7." I told her we in Gaza are blockaded by Israel and deprived of all means of living.

She again tried to change the subject, saying, "I believe the best solution is to sit down and negotiate."

I smiled, feeling suffocated inside. I immediately recalled Ghassan Kanafani's interview with an American journalist in the 1970s. You can watch part of the interview here: [Link to interview].

My friend beside me told her, "Israel killed my older sister, her three children, and her husband. My family in northern Gaza is starving." Then I told her, "Israel destroyed my home, killed my mother and brother, and left us with nothing. So what do you want us to negotiate?"


Her face turned slightly pale, unsure how to respond. She said, "Hamas took all the aid and didn’t give it to the people."


At that moment, I realized she was a supporter of Netanyahu and believed all the lies. She didn’t care if we were human or worthy of living.


I told her, "So you believe these lies! What about the 40,000 people killed by Israel? What about the genocide your government is committing!"


She stuttered again, saying, "There should be peace, a two-state solution, negotiations."


I told her, "We accepted this more than 30 years ago. What was the result? Israel occupied more land, waged five brutal wars against Gaza (2008, 2012, 2014, 2021, 2023, 2024), took new land in the West Bank every day, evicted residents, and prevented Palestinians in Jerusalem and within Israel from buying land or even renovating their existing homes."


All this happens daily, and negotiations for a two-state solution cannot resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict!


She asked me, "Why can't the conflict be resolved?"


I told her, "My grandfather was from the occupied city of Ashdod, which is not included in the two-state solution. So, even if a two-state solution were reached, it would mean I cannot return to my land but continue to be a refugee in my own country! This is the situation for 80-90% of the Palestinians expelled in 1948!"

I know Israelis always try to appear peace-loving and wanting a peaceful life, but in reality, they support genocide, cheer the killing of children and women, celebrate people’s hunger, and block aid.

She asked me, "Now, there are Jews living in your ancestors’ city. What do you want to do with them?"


I knew it was a tricky question; she wanted a specific answer, but I quickly thought of a logical response.

I said, "Suppose I came to your house today, occupied it, and drove you out. Then after 75 years of negotiations and conflict, I let you live in a small room overlooking the house! How would you feel? Would you accept that?"


She again couldn’t answer and said, "But we used to coexist peacefully."

I told her, "Yes, I agree. In the country of Palestine, there were Jews, Christians, and Muslims living peacefully together until the idea of Zionism arose, advocating killing and expulsion. Since 1948 until today, we have never enjoyed a single day of peace!"

Answering her question, I said, "Those living in our ancestors' city now, I don’t care. They should return to where they came from, whether it’s Poland, Ukraine, Russia, or anywhere else."


After that, she completely withdrew from the conversation, and that was the end of our dialogue! 👋

It was only a few minutes, but I had so much more to say.

So much anger, sadness, and hatred in my heart!



Part 2: My Mother’s Dream:


Israel killed my mother, who dreamed of one day returning to her country, Palestine. She only visited Jerusalem twice in her life, arranged through the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA). Jerusalem is only 70 kilometers from Gaza, an hour’s drive! But she told me their bus took 4-5 hours on the road and wasn’t even allowed to stop in Jerusalem!


I remember the gifts and beautiful clothes she bought me, always saying, "These are from Jerusalem; take good care of them." ☹️


I was born in Gaza in 1994, and to this day, I cannot visit any Palestinian city, whether in the West Bank or the occupied cities! Dear reader, you can easily travel and visit my country, go to Jerusalem and all the coastal cities, while I, a Palestinian, am forbidden from visiting any Palestinian city! 😔

If you look at statements from all Israeli ministers and leaders, none want a two-state solution. They don’t want any Palestinian to live a single day of peace.


Jerusalem, Capital of Palestine


​Part 3: Excerpts from Conversations with My Grandfather:


Let me tell you more about my grandfather. By the way, my Chinese name (艾德) is derived from my grandfather’s name.

My grandfather was born between 1899 and 1907; there are no official documents to confirm the exact date. But I remember he told me he was a young man conscripted into the Ottoman Empire's army during World War I.

My grandfather witnessed the entire history of Palestine, from Ottoman rule to British mandate, to Israeli occupation. He participated in the 1936 Palestinian uprising.

He always told us about the beauty of Ashdod city and our land near the beach.


In 1948, he was driven out of his country and home under bombardment and killing by Jewish gangs. He kept the house key until he passed away in 2012, while I was still in high school.

At that time, no one understood what was happening. Everyone thought it was just a matter of days before they would return home. No one imagined it would turn into 76 years, and the suffering would continue.


I loved sitting with my grandfather, listening to his stories. He died with only one dream: to return to his home and land someday.


He instilled in us a love for the land, making us dream of returning one day, no matter how long it takes.


He always told me when he passed away, "You are my favorite grandson." But we never lost the right and hope to return home.


I assure you, Grandpa, we will never forget. ❤️ May your soul rest in peace.


A photo of my grandfather, who died dreaming of returning home.

A photo of my grandfather, who died dreaming of returning home.


Part 4: The Right of Return and My Promise to My Mother, Brother, and Grandfather:

The right of return for Palestinian refugees is an internationally recognized principle based on several United Nations resolutions, most notably General Assembly Resolution 194, passed on December 11, 1948. This resolution stipulates that refugees wishing to return to their homes and live in peace with their neighbors should be allowed to do so as soon as possible and that compensation should be paid to those who choose not to return or whose property was damaged.


The United Nations has repeatedly emphasized that the right of return is a core part of a just and lasting solution to the Palestinian issue and must be respected for the refugees.

History will not be forgotten, and the right of return will not be forgotten. Grandpa, one day we will return. Mother, one day I will visit all of Palestine.

Israel not only took our land and homes but also took away all the beautiful things in our lives. They took away our loved ones.


I miss you all, Mother, Brother, Grandfather, and many of my family members killed by Israel. 💔

We will not forget, we will not forgive, and we will not reconcile. Freedom belongs to Palestine. Liberation for Palestine. 🇵🇸


Free Palestine

I wrote this article with tears, looking back at everything we have been through, but hope still exists and will be with us until the end of our lives. 🙏🏼


I value your comments and support. 

​I will read it all .

​Mo Waleed .​​​​​​​

发布于 陕西
