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基于夏普DN7C3CA002及arduino UNO的PM2.5监测装置

ID:113207发表于 2016-4-11 01:41|只看该作者|只看大图回帖奖励

图1. 粒径切割原理图


图2. 接线原理图


图3. 采样脉冲

图4. 采样时间


图5. 输出电压与质量浓度关系



图6. 温度修正曲线


为了能够根据实时温度修正Vs基准电压,使用sht10获取温度和湿度数据。同时使用lcd1602作为显示输出,基于Arduino UNO组成主控电路。

图7. 装置运行

图8. 内部结构

程序代码在arduino IDE 0023上通过: pmkit.rar(1.47 KB, 下载次数: 9),需要sht1x库的支持。
  1. #include
  2. #include

  3. #define LCD_led 9
  4. #define clockPin A0
  5. #define dataPin  A1
  6. #define DUSTOUTpin A2       //read dust value from this pin
  7. #define DUSTLEDpin A3     //control dust led through this pin

  8. LiquidCrystal lcd(2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8);
  9. SHT1x sht1x(dataPin, clockPin);

  10. const int delayTime=280;
  11. const int delayTime2=40;
  12. const float offTime=9680;

  13. float temp_c=0.0;
  14. float humidity=0.0;
  15. double dustVal=0.0;
  16. double voteChange = 5000.0 /1024.0;   //mV
  17. #define FREEPMVALUE 3
  18. #define FREEPMTEMP 31.0
  19. #define BASERATIO40 6   //mV
  20. #define BASERATIO60 1.5   //mV
  21. #define PMFIX 0 // 25 ug/m3
  22. #define PMRATIO 0.6
  23. #define DOBASEFIX false

  24. #define NSAMPLES 100
  25. uint8_t sampleCount = 0;
  26. int sampleSumPm = 0;
  27. int dustLevel=0;

  28. //moving average filter
  29. #define NULLVALUE -1.0
  30. #define MOVINGAVERAGECOUT 10
  31. double pm2_5[MOVINGAVERAGECOUT];
  32. uint8_t arrNewPoint = 0;

  33. static void initFilterArray()
  34. {
  35.   for(int i=0;i<movingaveragecout;i++)
  36.   {
  37.    pm2_5[i]=NULLVALUE;
  38.   }
  39. }

  40. int readPM(){
  41.   // ledPower is any digital pin on the arduino connected to Pin 3 on the sensor
  42.   digitalWrite(DUSTLEDpin,LOW);// power on the LED
  43.   delayMicroseconds(delayTime);
  44.   int Val = analogRead(DUSTOUTpin); // read the dust value via pin 5 on the sensor
  45.   delayMicroseconds(delayTime2);
  46.   digitalWrite(DUSTLEDpin,HIGH); // turn the LED off
  47.   delayMicroseconds(offTime);  
  48.   return Val;
  49. }

  50. void setup() {
  51.   pinMode(LCD_led, OUTPUT);
  52.   digitalWrite(LCD_led, HIGH);

  53.   pinMode(DUSTLEDpin,OUTPUT);
  54.   digitalWrite(DUSTLEDpin,HIGH);// turn the LED off

  55.   initFilterArray();

  56.   lcd.begin(16, 2);

  57.   lcd.print("System Warming!");
  58.   //Serial.begin(9600);
  59.   delay(5000);
  60.   lcd.clear();
  61.   lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
  62.   lcd.print("PM2.5:");
  63.   lcd.setCursor(11, 0);
  64.   lcd.print("ug/m3");

  65.   lcd.setCursor(5, 1);
  66.   lcd.print("C");
  67.   lcd.setCursor(15, 1);
  68.   lcd.print("%");
  69. }

  70. void loop() {
  71.   dustLevel =readPM();
  72.   sampleCount++;
  73.   sampleSumPm = sampleSumPm + dustLevel;
  74.   if(sampleCount==NSAMPLES)
  75.   {
  76.    showTempHumiData();

  77.    getPMdata(sampleSumPm / sampleCount);

  78.    sampleCount=0;
  79.    sampleSumPm=0;
  80.   }
  81. }

  82. void getPMdata(int avgPm) {
  83.   double dustVolt = avgPm * voteChange;  //mV

  84.   if(DOBASEFIX)
  85.   {
  86.    double baseVot = FREEPMVALUE * voteChange; //mV
  87.    double baseChg = 0.0;
  88.    if(temp_c< = 40.0&& temp_c>= -10.0)
  89.    {
  90.      baseChg=BASERATIO40;
  91.    }
  92.    else if(temp_c > 40.0&& temp_c< = 60.0)
  93.    {
  94.      baseChg=BASERATIO60;
  95.    }
  96.    baseVot=baseVot + baseChg*(temp_c - FREEPMTEMP);
  97.    dustVolt=dustVolt-baseVot;
  98.    if(dustVolt<0)
  99.    {
  100.      dustVolt=0;
  101.    }
  102.   }

  103.   dustVal = dustVolt * PMRATIO;
  104.   dustVal = dustVal + PMFIX;

  105.   // moving average
  106.   getMovingAverage(pm2_5,&dustVal);

  107.   lcd.setCursor(6, 0);
  108.   lcd.print("     ");
  109.   lcd.setCursor(6, 0);
  110.   lcd.print(dustVal,0);
  111. }

  112. void showTempHumiData() {
  113.   temp_c = sht1x.readTemperatureC();
  114.   humidity = sht1x.readHumidity();

  115.   lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
  116.   lcd.print("     ");
  117.   lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
  118.   lcd.print(temp_c,1);

  119.   lcd.setCursor(12, 1);
  120.   lcd.print("   ");
  121.   lcd.setCursor(12, 1);
  122.   lcd.print(humidity,0);
  123. }

  124. static float getAverage(double vals[])
  125. {
  126.   double sum=0.0;
  127.   uint8_t cout=0;
  128.   for(int i=0;i<movingaveragecout;i++)
  129.   {
  130.    if(vals[i] != NULLVALUE)
  131.    {
  132.      sum=sum+vals[i];
  133.      cout++;
  134.    }
  135.   }
  136.   if(cout>0)
  137.   {
  138.    return sum/cout;
  139.   }
  140.   else
  141.   {
  142.    return 0.0;
  143.   }
  144. }

  145. static void getMovingAverage(double pms[],double* pm)
  146. {
  147.   pms[arrNewPoint] = *pm;

  148.   arrNewPoint++;
  149.   if(arrNewPoint>=MOVINGAVERAGECOUT)
  150.   {
  151.    arrNewPoint=0;
  152.   }
  153.   *pm=getAverage(pms);
  154. }


< /movingaveragecout;i++)
< /movingaveragecout;i++)
ID:111876发表于 2016-6-17 10:22|只看该作者
ID:119421发表于 2017-4-12 13:56|只看该作者


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